
Wind Farms Impact Property Values Lawsuit Settled

wind farms impact property values

A 2012 agreement filed by 20 Ubly Michigan residents against major wind companies is private and secret. Nevertheless, this case paved the way for homeowners facing damages by nearby wind developments. That may no longer be the case ten times since the agreement. Wind farms in your vicinity are getting commonplace. 

Wind farm installations in rural regions have become routine. The original shock of the land-use change, which occurred over a decade ago, is no longer a top priority. So instead, we will look at several recent studies and publications that indicate a shift in allowing the influence of wind farms on property prices. 

Wind Power In Michigan

Wind energy is a growing sector in Michigan. The state’s industrial basis from the automobile sector has resulted in various enterprises producing wind turbine parts. However, the state’s wind farm development has lagged. In January 2021, the state had 1,481 wind turbines with a total capacity of 2,549 MW. When Pine River became live in March 2019, the nameplate total surpassed 2,000 MW. In 2016, wind contributed 4.2 percent of the state’s power.

Since the state established this law in 2008, Michigan’s demand for 10% renewable energy by 2015 has resulted in more significant development. In 2012, a ballot initiative requiring 25% by 2025 failed.

Wind Farms Near Ubly Michigan

Michigan Wind I is the principal wind development impacting Ubly. Michigan Wind I, owned and operated by John Deere Renewables, LLC, began operations in December 2008. Consumers Energy purchases the farm’s power, located near Ubly in Michigan’s Thumb area. The Michigan Wind I farm features 46 turbines, generating 1.5 megawatts of power. The wind turbines are dispersed across 6,000 acres owned by 100 different property owners.

Thumb Wind Park in Minden is the second wind farm near Ubly. Minden is one of DTE Energy’s first wholly-owned and built wind farms, operational on December 21, 2012.
The complex spans 15,000 acres in Huron and Sanilac Counties in Michigan. The wind farm covers approximately 600 square miles. The complete generation facility consists of 69 wind turbines, three electrical substations, and an electricity-gathering system. The park generates 110 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy to power 25,000 Michigan households.

The Ubly Michigan Wind Farm Lawsuit 

The case, filed in Huron County, Michigan on May 11, 2010, said that the complainants were seeking further than$ in damages as well as injunctive relief directing the pots to halt and cease their operations. 

The case was brought by 20 people who claimed that the wind ranch’s construction and operation caused them to suffer from severe health consequences, the internal anguish, and economic damages. The defendants are listed as John Deere Renewables, Deere & Co., Noble Environmental Power LLC, Michigan Wind 1 LLC, and RMT Inc. in court records attained from the Huron County Clerk’s office. 

Evidence presented by the complainants indicated a loss of property value was significant. It was this factor that may have led to the agreement. The wind companies failed in their attempt to remove the complainants’ property assessment expert, L. Mark St. Clair of Vasser, who visited the complainants’ parcels. In his judgment, there has been a total drop of$ in property value from January 1, 2009. According to St. Clair’s website, he offers assessments for Commercial-Agricultural-Industrial action in the counties of Bay, Huron, Lapeer, Midland, Saginaw, Sanilac, and Tuscola.  

Judge M. Richard Knoblock dismissed the complainants’ solicitation to exclude St. Clair’s commentary. 

Property Value and Land Use Enterprises Addressed 

The construction of a new wind power station may raise the alarm among near coproprietors who sweat that the design would dwindle the value of their property. Still, the exploration examines substantiation that demonstrates that the growth of wind energy has had no impact on comparable property values. 

Residents may be concerned that a proposed wind energy design may intrude with farming, ranching, or recreational conditioning.” Land-Grounded Wind Energy Siting “provides the environment to assuage their enterprises. In addition, thanks to rules requiring sufficient distances between wind turbines and between turbines and geography features, 95 – 99 percent of the land can still be used for other purposes.

Wind Farms Impact Property Values 

In 2021, the United States Department of Energy commissioned a report named “Land-Grounded Wind Energy Siting A Foundational and Technical Resource.” This study was created for original governments considering a wind design in their area. Wind energy systems generally take three to four times to complete. This study provides an overview of the wind energy design process and how communities maximize its benefits. 

Berkeley Lab performed in-depth studies on the goods of wind energy on property prices in 2009 and 2013. The 2009 exploration looked at single-family home sales. In addition, they reviewed deals within ten miles of 24 current wind energy installations in nine different countries. 

 Several studies were conducted to probe the influence of wind granges on property values. 

Wind systems were within ten country miles of the parcels, with deals within one afar and 331 deals within half an afar. This study also used data from before the published design, throughout the post-announcement, pre-construction period, and during the design’s eventual operation.

Their analyses indicated that if there was property value impact, it was too small or occasional to have a statistically identifiable effect. Still, the court couldn’t rule out the possibility that individual places or small groups of parcels had been or may have been harmed. 

The 2013 exploration looked at nearly house deals near 67 wind energy installations in 27 counties across nine countries and planted no influence on conterminous domestic property values. 

It’s formerly public knowledge that the wind ranch defendants in the 2012 Ubly case tried unsuccessfully to block the opinion of an original property assessment business from demonstrating that the complainants endured a loss in property value. 

Wind Farms Affected Property Value in Europe and America’s 

In an English case from 2008, a homeowner won an action against her original authority. Jane Davis failed to suit, claiming a nearby wind turbine had rendered her property useless. 

Donald Trump, the real estate mogul, isn’t vulnerable to the dangerous impact of wind granges. Trump is planning to make a golf and hostel complex in Scotland. Trump claims that plans to create 11 turbines near the resort on the coast will spoil the view. “With the reckless installation of these monsters, you’ll single-handedly have done more damage to Scotland than nearly any event in Scottish history.” 

The exploration plant has no suggestion of an influence on home values in the area of wind turbines. The University of Rhode Island and Connecticut also performed analogous exploration. They work with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to back up their results. 

While settling the Ubly action in 2010 may open up the proverbial can of worms. Especially if neighbors of current and planned wind farms try to sell their homes or family farms. 

Review of Over 1 Million Real Estate Deals 

In a study from 2019, “If wind farms impact property values, it appears to be positive.” It discovered that wind farms increase property prices. According to this exploration, the substantiation for property value impacts is weak, but the data on “lack of damage” is vital. 

The study does not correlate current wind farms and deals prices despite ongoing assessments of property prices. 

Related Reading

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Paul Austin
Paul makes his summer home on a Lake Huron beach. He spends his early morning hours studying history and writing. He has published over 600 articles in various print and online media. Paul contributes to Thumbwind Publications.