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Which homeopathic remedies come in front to treat wheat allergy?

wheat allergy treatment

Wheat allergy added its name to the list of top food allergies worldwide and is common to see among children. These allergies can occur when you eat wheat chapatis or other wheat-made food items, take a breath in the wheat flour, and when your skin comes in contact with wheat flour. You may feel unsatisfied after eating food if you suffer from a wheat allergy. You may have to go to the toilet after eating your meal, or your stomach may begin aching. If something similar happens with you, immediately opt for the Wheat Allergy Treatment in Punjab.


Adults and children may attain wheat allergy signs after a few minutes or hours of eating the food. You may feel:

  • Itchiness or rashes in your body.

  • Stomach ache.

  • Hives and other skin allergies.

  • Swelling on lips or angioedema (tongue).

  • Gastrointestinal problems (vomiting, loose motions).

  • Tummy cramps.

  • Breathing issues.

  • Nasal congestion.

  • Anaphylaxis.

Is wheat allergy similar to celiac disease?

Wheat allergy often misleads people about celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Wheat allergy is based on the IgE-mediated allergy that occurs when the human body starts producing antibodies to proteins in wheat. Under the influence of celiac disease, the human body’s immune system starts eating gluten (a wheat protein) and destroys the lining of the small intestine due to the lack of nutrients. This disease is enhanced with the passing time, or you may experience problems like diarrhea, short height, anemia, poor weight, etc. You must visit the best homeopathic clinic in Delhi if you struggle with food allergies.

How to verify wheat allergy?

Generally, we can not reach any decision before taking the Skin Prick Test. The skin Prick Test is designed to quickly and reliably recognize any food allergy. This test is inexpensive, and you can easily have it at any nearest hospital. Additionally, allergy experts use the ImmunoCap method to perform blood allergy tests to recognize wheat allergy.

In addition, the best homeopathic doctor in Mumbai states that there are sixty to seventy percent chances that some children may automatically get rid of wheat allergies with their growing age. However, in some masses, it will continue to develop with their rising age factor.

How to avoid wheat allergy with homeopathy?

First, a patient must stop consuming wheat and wheat-made food items (such as chapatis, bread, biscuits, etcetera). There is no doubt that wheat is a staple food item of an individual’s diet (especially in North India), but they have to avoid it to make themselves healthy and fit. In various food items such as soy sauce, ice cream, etc., wheat is present as hidden content. Thus, people must check food labels while eating anything outside of their homes, such as in restaurants, daycare, school etcetera. Apart from this, you can take the following homeopathic remedies:

  • Bryonia.

  • Natrum Mur.

  • Colocynth.

If your child has allergy symptoms to wheat-containing products, you must consult the pediatric allergist at the Afecto Homeopathy Clinic for definitive diagnosis and treatment.

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