
What Countries Need International Driving Permit?


An international driving permit (IDP) is required to drive abroad. The document is issued by the same institutions that issue licenses for domestic use and it doesn’t require any additional tests. You’ll need to show the two documents to the traffic authorities once you’re stopped abroad.

These permits will allow you to drive in more than 150 countries across the world meaning that they cover the needs of most tourists. There are some countries however that have bilateral arrangements allowing you to drive with your own license.

The International Convection

There were three international conventions that govern how an IDP can be used and in which county. Over the years more countries have joined in the agreement and now it covers most countries in the world with a few notable exceptions that are mitigated by bilateral agreements.

These conventions also specify rules regarding different types of vehicles for which different types of permits are needed. For the most part, that’s based on the size and weight of the vehicle and the number of seats it has above the driver’s seat. You can only drive a vehicle with the proper category of license for it.

Inter-American Driving Permits

There is an additional arrangement between American countries including the US and the license used to cover them is known as an inter-American driving permit. Some of these countries also accept international permits.  That means that you can have any of these and still be able to drive legally.

Brazil is an interesting exception since it doesn’t accept an international driving permit and you need to have an Intra-American permit if you want to drive or rent a car while visiting. Most other countries in the region welcome tourists with either and Mexico and Canada accept US national licenses.


China doesn’t accept the IDP at all and there is no exception to this rule. It also doesn’t accept any national license from neighboring counties. The only way to drive a car in China is to have a license that’s issued by the Chinese authorities.

Some licenses are issued to tourists only. These are easier to get than the license that’s issued to citizens and they are time-limited. However, they probably cover the time that most tourists will spend in the country. China doesn’t plan to become a part of the IDP agreement any soon.

Bilateral Agreements

Numerous bilateral agreements allow you to use your national permit when entering a foreign country. The US has such agreements with many countries including Canada and Mexico where most Americans travel in their car. You’ll also be able to rent a car with your national permit.

For instance, the US has such an arrangement with Russia as well. You can drive for up to a year using a US license without having to apply for a Russia-issued license. Before taking a trip you should check if this is an option for you, or you’ll need to apply for an IDP instead.

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