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What are the Skills needed for a React Native Developer?

React-Native development


React Native is clearly an extraordinary mobile application development system. It’s great in the event that you have picked React Native for building mobile applications, however you additionally need to enlist incredible developers to fabricate outstandingly excellent applications.

A developer with helpless abilities will deliver helpless outcomes, so you want to employ somebody who is an expert of React Native and knows the craftsmanship and study of building easy to use applications.

In any case, how might you know whether he’s a decent developer or not? What abilities would it be advisable for you to test while meeting a developer to check assuming they know the intricate details of React Native?

In this post, I’ll stop for a minute abilities you should test while recruiting a React Native developer. When you know what abilities you should test, your employing interaction will turn out to be, ideally, much more straightforward. Hire React Native Developer for consulting


JavaScript is at the core of React and React Native. This multitude of advances depend on JavaScript. So a brilliant comprehension of this coding is pivotal to work with React Native.

Assuming your up-and-comer doesn’t comprehend JavaScript well, you need to realize that he’s not ideal for your work. A decent React Native software engineer should realize the JavaScript programming ideas quite well.

ES6 and React

A React Native developer should have solid basic information on ES6 and React, so you ought to find out if he knows these advancements well overall. You can pose him a couple of specialized inquiries to test how well he knows ES6 and React.

React Native

Ask your up-and-comer how much information he has of React Native. Is it true that he is learning React Native or does he have some involvement with it? The best thing you can determine from him is whether he has chipped away at a React Native task.

Assuming he can show you a mobile application that he has created utilizing React Native, it implies he has working information on React Native. I propose you recruit somebody who has effectively fabricated React Native applications.

Backend abilities

In the event that your tasks include backend development, you should enlist somebody who has great backend abilities. Ask your competitor which backend innovation he knows about. Does he know Meteor? Has he worked with Parse Server? These are the applicable inquiries that should be posed.


While working with React Native, some information on Redux is additionally valuable. So know whether your up-and-comer has some Redux abilities. You can pose a couple of specialized inquiries identified with Redux.


Route is a significant piece of your mobile application. You ought to have an extremely easy to understand route for your application. Easy to use and smooth route can be assembled utilizing tools like React Navigation and React Native Navigation. Is your applicant acquainted with these tools?

Troubleshooting and testing

During the time spent fostering an application, blunders should be fixed and your application should be tried to check whether or not it’s working without a hitch. So troubleshooting and testing abilities are vital abilities that you should test while employing a React Native developer.

Execution improvement

Your application clients will cherish utilizing a quick application. An elite exhibition application can take your business to a higher level. No one gets a kick out of the chance to utilize a lethargic application. A sluggish application can kill your business. You want individuals who can create an application for you that is really quick and chugs along as expected.

So an ideal up-and-comer should know how to work on the presentation of a React Native application. There are numerous ways of improving application speed. You can ask them precisely how he will work on the presentation.

Your React Native developer ought to have solid relational abilities.

Relational abilities are critical. You should recruit somebody who can deliver great applications for you as well as can discuss well with individuals in your organization. You want somebody who doesn’t simply compose code yet in addition can rouse others.

A developer with extraordinary relational abilities can give you a great deal more worth than one who just knows how to code yet doesn’t have the foggiest idea how to appropriately converse with individuals. A coder with amazing relationship building abilities won’t just compose top notch code for you, he will likewise rouse others to be better at their work.

Understanding your customer’s prerequisites is significant. A coder who is great at English can without much of a stretch comprehend the customer’s prerequisites, expecting that the customer gives their necessities in English.

In the event that you need your developer to compose application documentation or a client manual for you, test whether your competitor makes them compose insight/abilities. Composing abilities are vital for composing documentation as well as for giving guidelines to junior developers or for answering to the messages of undertaking chiefs in clear English.

Dale Carnegie wrote in this renowned book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’,

“One can for instance, enlist simple specialized capacity in designing, bookkeeping, engineering or some other calling at ostensible compensations. Yet, the individual who has specialized information in addition to the capacity to communicate thoughts, to accept administration, and to stir energy among human that individual is set out toward higher acquiring power.”

What is OpenCV?

OpenCV empowers React Native developers to handle pictures on mobile gadgets (in all likelihood you might want to deal with pictures taken by your gadget’s camera).

  • The top benefits are clear:
  • Simple to execute
  • Simple to utilize
  • Heaps of instructional exercises all around the Internet and strong authority documentation of OpenCV
  • The size of your mobile application will be just twelve or so megabytes greater

Allow me to show you how I utilized the OpenCV and React Native bit by bit to deal with my pictures, yet initial a couple of expressions of presentation.

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source PC vision and AI programming library.

The library has in excess of 2500 enhanced calculations, including a complete arrangement of both work of art and cutting edge PC vision and AI calculations.

It can likewise observe comparative pictures from a picture information base, eliminate red eyes from pictures taken utilizing streak, follow eye developments, perceive view and set up markers to overlay it with expanded reality, and so forth

OpenCV has more than 47k individuals local area and an expected number of downloads surpassing 14 million. The library is utilized widely in organizations, research gatherings and by administrative bodies. OpenCV is composed natively in C++.

Beginning around 2010 OpenCV was ported to the Android climate, it permits utilizing the full force of the library in mobile applications development. In 2012 OpenCV development group effectively dealt with adding expanded help for iOS. Full joining is accessible since form 2.4.2 (2012).

React Native was first delivered in 2015 by Facebook. React Native allows you to assemble mobile applications utilizing just JavaScript. It utilizes a similar plan as React, allowing you to create a rich mobile UI from explanatory parts.


In this post, we discussed the abilities that ought to be tried while recruiting a developer. We have gained from this article that while recruiting a developer we really want to know whether our applicant has great information on JavaScript, ES6, React, React Native, and a backend innovation.

We likewise need to know whether the applicant knows the essentials of Redux and route in React Native. Information on troubleshooting, testing, and execution streamlining are additionally vital. Most importantly, your applicant should have solid relational abilities!

Contingent upon the sort of mobile application that you should be created, you might have to test different abilities too. So take as much time as is needed to ponder what different abilities your React Native developer ought to have.

Related Reads: Flutter vs. React Native – What to Choose in 2021?

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