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Visual Designer vs Graphic Designer- Differences You Should Know

Graphic Designer

Visual designing and graphic designing may sound like the same thing, but they are not. Sometimes, they might be used in the same context, but they are two different forms of design. 

Yes, there are lots of similarities between visual designing and graphic designing companies. The things they do might sound similar but there are also some very sharp differences.

In this blog, we’ll be discussing some of them! Let’s get started 

Job Role

  • Visual Designing 

A visual designer’s job includes graphic design, graphic art, and/or the UI or the user interface design. 

Visual designers apply their expertise and concepts to make sure that the users or the audiences get the most out of the client’s website or online game. 

As a result, some of the tools that the visual designers use might be similar to the tools of the graphic designers. But visual designers need a lot of knowledge and expertise. These will help the designers successfully clear the concept and build a unique, unforgettable digital experience.  

  • Graphic Designing

Graphic designing companies use graphic designers. Such professionals are different from visual designers. Graphic designers have their style, look, principles, and rules. 

Graphic designing is an older concept than visual designing. However, graphic design always comes in handy when someone wants to design visually attractive advertisements, brand logos, and new products. 

The primary job of graphic designers, or rather graphic designing companies, is to get their message across. Therefore, they have to be much more careful about what they say or how they say it. 

Why Does A Company Need To Know These Differences? 

A company needs to know the differences between these two to choose the designer according to its needs. The process and the domains of these two designs are very different. So, when a company needs a designer, it should understand what type of designer will be suitable for the job- visual or graphic. 

Differences between Visual Designers and Graphic Designers:- 

  • Primary Concern: 

Visual designers mainly concern themselves with animations and cartoons, and other similar things. On the other hand, graphic designers concern themselves with advertisements, logo design, commercial posters, magazine layouts, etc. Graphic designing companies also design brochures, pamphlets, packaging designs, and other similar things.  

  • Better Skill Sets:

Visual designing needs a higher skill set than graphic designing. This is probably the reason why there is a huge salary difference between these two. 

Unlike a graphic designer, a visual designer is less interested in getting their message across. This is another striking difference between these two. 

  • Advance Knowledge Of Tools: 

Unlike visual designing companies, graphic designing companies insist that their designers know all the design software, like Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc. 

On the other hand, unlike graphic designers, visual designers need to have a clear concept about branding, identity designing, visual communication, and visual messaging. These are necessary for visual designers to explain their work fully. 

Now You Know!

Yes, both of these focus on the look, style, and attractiveness. But they are not as confused as one. The differences between these two lines of work might not be a lot, but these differences are very prominent.

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