
Understand the Causes for Data Loss With Preventative Action


Data is important to everyone, whether it’s a normal individual, a small business, or a large corporation. Loss of data is inevitable and unavoidable when running a business of any type. Hence, employing services for data recovery in Singapore becomes necessary. 

The sources of information loss can be diverse; however, putting in place the security mechanisms and precautions can help avoid it. 

To do so, you must first identify signs and the primary causes of losing data. When you learn more about the loss of data, you’ll want to look into the strategies and prevention measures you can take to eliminate it in the future.

So, we’ve compiled a list of factors and corrective steps for you to read and enforce so that you’re aware of potential problems and can put precautions to avoid security breaches.

Realizing the Enormous Data Loss Causes

User Glitches Like Accidental Deletions

We execute daily tasks such as updating files, creating new directories, deleting non-essential data, as we are intertwined with the modern environment and reliant on digital devices. 

Yes, we humans make mistakes on days, and one of them is thoughtlessly deleting and overwriting important data.

Although the Recycle Bin is still on the lookout for unintentionally deleted files, it does not always come to the rescue in particular data loss situations. Such scenarios may involve:

  • Deletion of files from the drive that are only accessible on a specific network
  • Files permanently lost by using the combination of Shift+Delete

Besides this, removing programs and files necessary for the system’s effective functioning is another error caused by human negligence. All in all, always have a backup to all your device data to avoid such accidental mishaps.

System Theft

System theft has become a widespread and frequent occurrence that no one can physically prevent or resolve. Often, if companies believe they are exempt from device theft, they are mistaken.

This happens when there is no security in place at a business and the systems are open to the public. Losing valuable and professional data could probably be disastrous.  

Thus, never leave the device unsecured and keep an eye on your premises even while you’re away. Additionally, storing files on hard drives or in the cloud can be effective in preventing data breaches and unauthorized access.

A full backup is often essential, as it always is, to protect yourself from losing data. 

Malware or Virus Attacks

The most common reasons for losing data these days is failing hard drives. Hard drives often come with fragile and small storage spaces that could easily tear down when the system fails, 

Several viruses and infections occur every day placing the informative data at risks. In addition, when data is lost due to viruses, the recovery cost can be high. 

Some common mediums to virus entrance in systems or electronic gadgets such as smartphones could be emails, span calls, phishing, and so on. These are responsible for stealing, destroying or data encrypting. Furthermore, in some scenarios, the hardware or whole network gets corrupted.

Previously, viruses like crypto-ransomware existed, allowing hackers to make large sums of money. As a result, many businesses and organizations began paying ransoms to secure their data. 

Here, if the people had a contingency plan in place, the attackers would be unable to return with a different virus form. 

So, getting a backup in place is important to quickly recover files from backup if your device is infected with malware or viruses. Hard drive recovery services are often needed if a virus enters the drive and completely corrupts the data.

Natural Disaster

Natural disasters such as hurricanes, rainstorms, and earthquakes can be destructive to computers in a variety of ways, erasing all business records. When such problems arise, there will be no other option for data recovery, so having the data on a remote server will only be beneficial if implemented on time.

Failing Hard Drives

As discussed before too, enormous reasons lead to hard drive failures. Some fail due to technical issues, while others are the consequence of misconduct.

Since the hard drive contains movable components, it is more vulnerable to damage. Other external damages comprise:

  • Fire damage and overheating
  • Power surges
  • Magnetic field exposures

Furthermore, these factors lead to:

  • Corrupt software
  • Human flaws like removing critical files or installing the harmful software
  • Information corruption
  • Instability of hard drive

How to examine signals for hard drive:

  • High device temperatures
  • Crashing of hard drive repeatedly
  • Disappearing of corrupted folders
  • Disturbing noises from the device
  • Problems with booting

You need not wait for realizing the signs and then taking some actions. Altogether, you should invest in backup software to avoid these warning signs and hassles, as well as to plan for any disasters.

Power Outage

Electrical storms and power outages are harmful to the device and records. While several companies believe that power outages aren’t a big deal, they can be a lot worse than you expect.  

When the power goes out, the machine is forced to shut down, affecting many components in the process.

While all operating systems appear delicate and complex, they must be handled in such a way that they perform properly and cause minimal harm.

Hence, power loss can wreak havoc on the system’s operation in enormous ways.

For example, if the hard drive is in writing mode and the power goes out, the process would be hampered. Fortunately, you would only lose a portion of the file; but, if the writing was done on the machine at the time, the data loss may be tragic and unbearable. Additionally, the system’s rebooting would be hampered which is not good for the business information. 

For instance, when it comes to the booting phase, power outages obstruct it once again, reducing the storage drive’s lifetime. Furthermore, the device hardware is vulnerable to failure, which can result in permanent data corruption.

Data Loss Prevention Steps and Measures

  1. Save the device from dust, spills, water, and clean it regularly
  2. Implement surge protector
  3. Use remote servers or the cloud for backing up information
  4. Prevent system from heating up and get it clean
  5. Incorporate updated anti-virus into the system
  6. Use passwords and device authentication to avoid easy and public access
  7. Avoid attachments and emails that seem suspicious
  8. Avoid deleting data that is unrecognizable

Wrapping Up

Learning and exploring the tips and tricks, then putting them into practice if a problem arises, is the first step in preventing the company from losing data. If you’ve ever had a data loss situation, you may require a plan in place for storing information and tips to get the records back. 

Data recovery software or solutions enables businesses to create copies of their informational data to the external storage media, and be ready for the occurrence of such data loss hassles. 

Therefore, the shared resources, tips, and tools are essential to implement for saving as you can’t leave the information and crucial data unattended, especially when operating a venture. Hope you find this write up helpful in recognizing the reasons for losing data and how you can avoid these. 

Please share your thoughts and experiences with the various forms of data loss, as well as the steps you took to recover the data or avoid the signs of data loss. Thanks for reading!!

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