
Tips to get more subscribers on YouTube – 2022

get more subscribers on YouTube

Do you want to find out how to gain your first 100 YouTube subscribers? Most likely, you’ve launched a brand-new YouTube channel and are eagerly awaiting the onslaught of subscribers to watch your videos.

But by simply waiting, that seems unlikely to occur, right?

By visiting this article and attempting to understand how to get more subscriber on  YouTube, you’ve taken a step closer to achieving your YouTube objectives. Let’s get your channel more subscribers!

Learn how to gain your first 100 YouTube subscribers for nothing by following this advice. Additionally, if you already have more than 100 subscribers, you can use our advice to attract more.

get more subscriber on YouTube

1. Find Your Niche

Many aspiring makers are attempting to produce unfocused, erratic videos. You can’t, however, win over everyone. People want to know what they are getting when they subscribe and what to anticipate. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider your audience when producing content. SPECIFY WHO YOU ARE SPEAKING TO.

Make sure your topic is carefully thought out before you create any videos in front of the camera. Look into the hottest content categories.

There are a lot of YouTube channel types out there that you can choose from, including:

  • Beauty and fashion
  • Cooking
  • Gaming
  • Lifestyle
  • Tech
  • Comedy
  • Travel

Don’t forget to conduct keyword research after choosing a channel type. You can learn what the viewers are looking for in this method. You won’t be taking a shot while wearing a blindfold this way. You’ll be aware of your audience’s needs and what they’re looking for so you can satisfy them, that is how you will get more subscribers on YouTube.

2. Create a Trailer for Your Channel

Do you want to know how to earn your first 100 YouTube subscribers? Before you start uploading thousands of movies, start with the basics. Make sure your YouTube channel has a trailer.

You are undoubtedly well aware of how effective channel trailers are in converting viewers into subscribers. Trailers can aid viewers in understanding what your channel is all about when done well.

Publish a channel trailer on YouTube. In the case of viewers who haven’t subscribed yet, it will play immediately.

Here are the three best tactics that will convert:

  • Keep your trailer short. (Under 60 seconds or less)
  • Start your trailer with your channel’s tagline. (Check out technique #15 from this post)
  • Promote your best content

3. Write a Compelling “About” Section

The “About” part of your YouTube channel has a huge influence, especially in terms of video SEO, so keep that in mind if you want to increase your subscriber count.

It is the description of your channel. It should give readers a brief description of you and your material and encourage them to click the “subscribe” button.

For instance, channels that have a “about page” containing the word “pilates” appear when we search for that term.

An optimal channel description should:

  • Tell what the channel is about
  • Provide necessary information about the channel (i.e., upload schedule)
  • Include a strong call to action

Here are additional tips you can use for your channel description:

  • Sprinkle specific keywords for better ranking in YouTube
  • Write like a human
  • Add links and metadata below the fold (for example, to promote your brand or products)

4. Promote the Channel on Your Website

If your website receives regular monthly traffic, you might advertise your YouTube channel there to attract more YouTube subscribers.

Utilizing video popups is one technique to advertise your YouTube channel and grow your subscriber base. What are pop-up videos? They are little windows that appear on websites and show videos, either on autoplay or when a user clicks on them.

5. Use Keywords in Your Video Titles

The presentation is everything in YouTube video marketing. the title, thumbnail, and the actual video.

When it comes to your videos’ effectiveness and garnering subscribers, titles are effective click-drivers. Therefore, creating must-watch titles is crucial to increasing your YouTube subscriber count.

The secret is to capture your audience’s interest without utilising clickbait. How do you create YouTube titles that people will click?

You can try out some of the following best practises for YouTube titles.

Your title should contain keywords.

Include your keywords toward the beginning of your title

It is because YouTube will only show the first 45 characters of your title in the search results.

  • Capitalize the first letter of each word.
  • Use a number within your title.
  • Put one word in the UPPER case.

6. Add a Watermark to Your Videos

This is a great way to increase your YouTube subscribers. YouTube lets content producers brand videos with a watermark. Customers may subscribe to your channel inside of your video with only one click thanks to branding watermarks.

Utilizing a branding watermark that resembles a typical YouTube subscribe button in your videos is one approach to quickly increase your YouTube subscriber count.

The watermark can be readily uploaded in your channel settings.

7. Embed Videos in Blog Posts

The following item on our list of ways to earn your first 100 YouTube subscribers is: Use your blog posts to embed your videos in order to increase your subscriber count.

It’s crucial to remember that material with videos has better SEO. They have better organic traffic since they appear higher on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Videos serve as a prime source of views and subscribers, as well as increasing user engagement with your blog and lengthening user sessions on your website.

Not just any people, but users who are interested in your blog’s content are more likely to subscribe to your channel.

8. Have an Upload Schedule

You should be consistent and adhere to an upload schedule if you want to see growth in your YouTube channel.

Choose your posting schedule—weekly, biweekly, what days, etc. Consistently producing new material increases the likelihood that viewers will subscribe to a channel.

There is one additional point, though, that you should be aware of:

Focus on quality, not quantity.

You might be uploading videos daily but still not getting enough views or subscribers. This is because you should prioritize the quality of your videos and make your schedule accordingly.

9. Create Playlists

One of the most underutilised YouTube subscriber tricks is using playlists. Similar to how videos appear in search results, playlists do too. Individual videos can be combined to form a broader series.

10. Have Attention-Grabbing Thumbnails

Your YouTube thumbnails ought to be engaging if you want to gain 100 or many subscribers.

11. Ask the Viewers to Subscribe

You should ask your audience to subscribe to your channel and enjoy your video. Your CTA is a request for the audience to act.

12. Reply to Comments

Do you want to increase your YouTube subscriber count? The simplest method to accomplish this would be to respond to every comment, or as many as you can. Even YouTube discovered a link between answering comments and growing your subscriber base:

13. Publish Long Videos (10+ Minutes)

How do you earn your first 100 YouTube subscribers? You might try posting lengthy videos that are at least ten minutes long. According to a recent study, YouTube is changing its recommendation algorithm to favour long videos.

You may see that when you get a little bit longer, your organic views increase, increasing the number of times you show up in search results. Additionally, you’ll start to gain more subscribers.

14. Promote Your Videos in the End Screen

More people are likely to subscribe if they watch your videos all the way through. On the last screen of your videos, you should advertise both your channel and other videos. Your viewers will be engaged and persuaded to subscribe to your channel by the “Next Video” area on the final screen of your videos. You can include a link to a relevant video by using the End Screen editor on YouTube. Simple as that!

15. Create a Channel Tagline

Similar to slogans, taglines convey to viewers who you are and what you do. Most new producers overlook the value of taglines and lose out on the opportunity to increase their subscriber base.

To create a simple tagline:

  • Identify one thing that makes your channel unique.
  • Make sure your tagline is different from the taglines of the other channels in your niche.
  • Put your tagline in your channel art.
  • Say your tagline in your channel trailer.

16. Track Youtube Analytics

You should definitely monitor the free metrics that YouTube offers. Your audience’s preferences will be shown if you locate the audience retention graphs.

It’s best if viewers watch your videos for a while. Therefore, there must be an issue if people continually quitting your video after a few minutes or seconds.

For example:

  • Your intro may be too long,
  • Your video may be too long.

Your Turn

Okay, we’ve covered how to earn your first 100 YouTube subscribers. Now that you are aware of how to increase your YouTube subscriber count, it is up to you to put what you have learned into practise. Even while you won’t be able to gain your first 100 YouTube subscribers in a single day, if you follow these suggestions, you can eventually reach that number.

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