The cavity closer is built into the cavity wall with doors and windows. For many reasons, door closers must be used in the building to prevent the building from being affected by various factors such as water ingress, moisture, heat dissipation, and condensation.
If you have a solid wall, this isn’t an option, but for those who don’t have a solid wall, it’s a very rewarding and affordable option. The insulation layer of the cavity wall makes your home feel warmer and offers further advantages.
Insulation cavity closers have a similar purpose as most cavity closers. This means that there is a moisture barrier that prevents moisture from entering (which can lead to moisture and condensation problems), as well as PVC extrusion and flexible sealing.
Structure of the cavity wall
Usually, the cavity wall does not require a stand and only needs to provide a solid concrete foundation to construct the cavity wall in the middle. The structure of the two sheets resembles ordinary masonry, but there must be a minimum distance between them.
Advantages of the cavity wall
- Cavity walls have better thermal insulation than solid walls. This is because the space provided between the two blades of the cavity wall is filled with air and the heat transfer from the outside to the building is reduced.
- Economically, they are cheaper than solid walls.
- Due to the gap between the leaves, no moisture should get into the atmosphere. Therefore, they can also prevent moisture.
- They can also be used as good soundproofing materials.
- Due to the small thickness, they also reduce the basis weight.
The wall thermal insulation panel should be attached to the inner blade with a suitable wall anchor, and a narrow, unventilated air space should remain between the thermal insulation panel and the outer blade. Wall anchors can have a significant impact on the overall U-value of the wall. It is therefore important to choose cable ties that minimize heat loss. The use of a wall insulation material that partially fills the cavity can leave a gap of 50 mm between the insulation layer and the outer blades of the wall.
PIR insulation board or EPS insulation board can be used to insulate the solid floor under the floor pressure concrete slab. EPS can be used as an inexpensive alternative to PIR for floor insulation, and the same heat output can be achieved by increasing the thickness.
How to install the partially filled cavity insulation material
- The insulation layer of the cavity wall is held in place by the wall anchor, which connects the inner and outer masonry skins of the wall with each other. When designing the inner blades, wall anchors should be installed and the walls constructed in sections. Attach the wall anchor at a suitable distance to the inner blade, which depends on the width of the cavity.
When installing wall straps, make sure they fall off the inner knife to drain water into the cavity. For the ground floor, the first row of retaining wall anchors should be attached to at least one floor below the moisture barrier.
- After each row of wall straps has been attached, continue to build internal blades to secure the straps and continue building in each section
- During construction, ensure that the surface of the masonry remains clean and remove excess mortar or drops of water to ensure that the wall insulation material can be installed correctly.
- The wall insulation material must protrude 150 mm below the top edge of the floor insulation material to prevent the formation of thermal bridges on the floor circumference. If the cavity contains a gas barrier, the first batch of panels should be supported on the cavity shell.
- The wall insulation board should be close to the inside of the masonry and secured with a wall binding clip or collar. Ensure that the insulation boards are firmly connected at all horizontal and vertical seams to form a continuous layer of insulation and cut them clean so that they fit on the frame, the windowsill, the door closed and the back of the door. Each insulating plate should be attached to at least three points to ensure adequate fixability.
- When lifting the outer sheets, make sure that there is a 50 mm cavity between the wall insulation and the outer masonry sheets. Use a wooden cavity panel to protect the cavity from the falling mortar. The outer side should be built up on the insulating layer.