
The Top Benefits of Getting a State Nomination via Skilled Nominated Subclass 190

Skilled Nominated Subclass 190

Skilled Nominated Subclass 190
Skilled Nominated Visa Subclass 190 is a point-tested permanent residency Visa that allows you to live, and work anywhere in Australia, however, at first you need to live in the nominated state for a period of 2 years. Well, the one thing that separates this visa from the Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189 is that in order to apply for the 190 Visa, you need to get a nomination from an Australian state or territory.

The different state and territories of the Kangaroo Land i.e. South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, New South wales, Queensland, ACT etc nominate the skilled and the talented professionals from all across the globe. Moreover, in order to get a nomination from a state, you need to meet the requirements set by the state. These states have their own occupation lists. All you need to do is choose an occupation that’s listed in the STSOL and matches your skills and years of expertise.

Let Us First Understand what is State Nomination

Well, state nomination helps you to get skilled migration visa from the Government of Australia. Moreover, the nomination certificate is given to those candidates who’ve the dream to reside in the beautiful world of Kangaroos and Koalas on a permanent visa.

To receive the nomination from an Australian state, you must have a pure intention of living in that particular state or territory. Also, you must select the occupation mentioned in the Skilled Occupation List of Australia and should meet all the state and federal government eligibility criteria.

So, if interested in getting the nomination from the state and avail the benefits, apply under the visa subclass 190 or 491, so that you can accomplish your dream of getting the Australian PR without any hitch.

Now, Let’s Take a Sneak Peek into What is State Nomination

Well, prior to applying for the visa subclass 190, have a look at the top perks of getting nominated by a state.

  • If you’re applying for the state nomination, then your visa gets processed on priority by the Department of Home affairs.
  • You can earn 5 points for the skilled nominated visa subclass 190, if you get the state nomination.
  • You can earn 15 more points if you apply under the visa subclass 491 i.e. Regional work (provisional) Visa.
  • By getting a state nomination, you can get a great access to a more advanced occupation list.
  • After getting the nomination from a state, you’ll get a golden opportunity to live and work in the most liveable city of the Kangaroo Land.
  • Easy for you to get Employment in the state from which you’ve received the nomination certificate.
  • Freedom to sponsor your eligible relatives for Permanent Residence.
  • After living in the Australian state for 3 years, you’re allowed to apply for the Australian Citizenship.
  • Post getting the state nomination, your children will get the citizenship automatically.

Final Words

Dreaming of getting a state nomination in 2020? Well, all you can do is apply for the subclass 190 visa and 491, so that you can fly to the Kangaroo land without any hitch.

Moreover, if you don’t know from where to start, all you can do is avail the services from the best immigration experts, and get assured that you’ll receive the Australian PR without any hassle. Good Luck!

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