


The Passport Bros Phenomenon is a movement that started last year and it’s been increasing in popularity as we speak.

If you haven’t heard about this, then perhaps it’s time you do.

The Passport Bros are men, usually from Western countries such as the US, UK, Canada, Australia and Europe that simply had enough of the dating scene in their own country. They find the dating extremely tough, disappointing and they are looking for something new and for different options for themselves. They decide to grab their passports and to go travel overseas to find their match. The most popular destinations for the Passport Bros are The Philippines or Thailand.

How is this working from them? After interviewing some of them, we found out that many of them are very happy with their choice. They found their significant others and brought them back with them to their country of origin.

Many Passport Bros decided to settle in Asia and are working remotely or opened a business there which are usually small bars, restaurants or travel agencies.

Women in Asia absolutely love foreign men. Not only because of a different looks, but they have these perceptions of white men as being more wealthy and having higher status; no thanks to the media portraying them more favorably, might I add. It has created a perfect environment for romantic unions of convenience, where the desires for economic power and stability intersect with the allure of a submissive and marriage-oriented partner.

Therefore we can safely say that this is a win-win situation. Western men find a much better companion compared to the US, Europe and Australia. And Asian women find for themselves a foreign man that is different than what they are used to.

Traveling overseas is not a luxury anymore and it’s pretty much affordable to anyone. Cheap tickets and accommodation can be found online, especially for Passport Bros planning this adventure 2-3 months ahead of time.

Passport Bros should however watch out for themselves as well. Western men enter relationships with seemingly innocent-looking local women, only to be duped out of their hard-earned money.

I have seen foreigners lose their life savings, get cheated on, and get scammed, all because they falsely believed non western women were these perfect angelic beings who live only to please their man.

Women in Asia are great, but there’s always a small percentage of them, looking to use a foreign man for their own benefit.

This shouldn’t be a major issue for concern, as the majority of women are very genuine and very easy going.

So if you are a Passport Bro or want to become one, don’t let this stop you. Be smart with your choice and with what you do and you’ll be fine. Trust me.

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