
The fastest caricaturist lives in Poland


In the last 10 years, he has created over 50,000 witty portraits. 100 cartoons in 4 hours? Only one caricaturist in Poland can do that. Meet Szczepan Sadurski.

There are few people in the world who know what the profession of an event caricaturist is all about. He’s not an artist creating street portraits. The event caricaturist commutes to work – where his talent is needed. And it is to create as many witty likenesses of people who participate in the event as possible.

Sadurski – a well-known press cartoonist

Sadurski – this is a surname and also a well-known brand in Poland. Not only when it comes to caricatures and cheerful drawings, but also humor, jokes and satire. In his youth, he drew cheerful comics. Fairy tales, horror, science fiction. They were always humorous. When he was in elementary school, his drawings began to be printed by the press. On his 18th birthday, the famous Polish satirical magazine Szpilki printed his debut humorous cartoon. A few years later, he was the most frequently printed cartoonist of this press title.

When in Poland someone printed in Szpilki – it was known that he was an excellent artist. Sadurski began to receive proposals for cooperation from the editorial offices of the most famous newspapers. Up to 100 of his drawings were printed a month. Some joked that soon his drawings would be popping out of the fridge for everyone.

Joke magazines

He could have become the most famous satirical cartoonist in Poland, but he chose a different path. At the age of 25, he realized a youthful dream. He founded a publishing house and soon started publishing a small newspaper with jokes and cheerful drawings. Dobry Humor monthly has been a national title from the very beginning and has been loved by readers from all over Poland. 20,000, 50, 70, 100,000. A few years later, the magazine’s circulation exceeded 200,000.

It is worth noting that two years after the debut of Dobry Humor, a second magazine was added to the press outlets, and then another. In 1999, 5 newspapers were published simultaneously, edited by a well-known satirist. A small publishing empire with humor was formed.

Caricatures at events

Soon, people from the event industry started asking about Sadurski’s drawings. Since she has been creating happy drawings for so many years, maybe she will also draw happy portraits or caricatures? Invitations to events began to appear more and more often. Sadurski became an event caricaturist and traveled professionally all over Poland. Soon, he also began to receive invitations from other countries. Europe, USA, Australia.

Everywhere Sadurski appears, a smile appears on people’s faces. And it will always be so as long as it creates.

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