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Speed up your website in 2021



If you think that the speed of a website doesn’t affect your website then you’re wrong. The website speed has a huge impact on UX, UI, SEO, and conversion rates as well. Website performance is directly related to website speed. It affects website traffic as well as website engagement.

A few seconds delay in your website can massively decrease your website traffic. So, speed of a website is an important factor in Google ranking as well as visitor engagement.

In old times, website creation is a very difficult task. Either you should have web design programming knowledge or else you have to hire a ui ux development services for creating websites. It’s a very costly and time-consuming process.

But now these days, making a website is quite an easy task because of the presence of website builders. Website builders help to create a website whether you have any programming knowledge or not. They offer various layouts, templates, and themes for different types of categories.

By using the drag and drag feature you can easily create and publish the website in a very short interval of time.

How to check website speed?

Website speed tests help you to check your website performance. For regular improvements do website tests regularly. Website speed tests help to see that which areas in your website need improvement for better speed.
There are many high-quality speed tests, mostly free. allows you to do free speed tests and give a detailed report about your website performance. Another one is Google’s PageSpeed Insights which helps to generate detailed reports about your website performance and also give suggestion how to improve them.

Website speed affects visibility

You should optimize your website speed for desktop as well as mobile devices. Google considers the user experience of the website in a mobile device while ranking a website. You have to provide a better and faster user experience than your competitors on any browser or screen resolution.

Your website load time can affect your visibility in Google search results. Maintaining page speed on any device is important.

Good page load time

According to Google, the best website speed time should be three seconds but most of the sites are unable to achieve that. According to a research done by Google, most of the website takes seven seconds to load a website. The probability of bounce in 1 sec to 10 seconds increased by 123%. While improving your website speed you can use google’s rules and recommendations for better performance.

Tips to speed up your website in 2021:-

1. Minimize the number of HTTP requests by removing unnecessary files will speed up your website.

2. Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files and combine them. It involves removing unnecessary code comments, formatting, and whitespace.

3. Asynchronously loading of files can increase your website speed.

4. Minimize server response time.

5. Update your hosting options according to your needs.

6. File compression should be enabled. Compressing files will speed up your website.

7. Enable browser caching so that when a user visits your website next time it will load faster.

8. Upload compressed or small-size images.

9. Don’t use unnecessary redirects.

10. Reduce external scripts like Gravatar or Twitter which add unnecessary HTTP requests which make your website slow.

A good web design of a website is responsible for the success or failure of a website. Whenever a user visits your website, the user experience should be good if you want that users revisit your website regularly. You need to match user expectations for better results and better reach.

We need to understand some rules and guidelines while designing a website. If you miss anything then it’ll make a bad impact on your website. We need to think about how users will see when they visit your website.

How do users see your website?

User’s visit your website is like when we visit a shopping mall physically. Users quickly scan your web pages and maybe click on some different web pages. Users click on the first link they find interesting or for which they are looking for. Most of the time users don’t read or scan the whole page or text of your websites.

Most of the users looking for things they find interesting or they need some information from it. If they find something interesting then they click on that link otherwise continue their search. Users want quality content. User prefers quality content websites to sites showing irrelevant ads.

Content of the website should be appealing so that whenever a user scans the website key points should be clearly visible.

If a website is unable to meet user’s expectations then they will lose their traffic as well as revenue and users move to another site for better quality. Optimization of a website is hard and it takes a lot of time but it’ll be very beneficial for your website.

Some points you should remember while designing a website:-

1. Web pages should be very obvious whenever any user visits your website. Web design should be simple and intuitive so that anyone can understand it very easily. Navigation within the website should be very easy and simple.

2. If you are offering any kind of service or tool and you want to collect details of users then user forms should be very precise, short, and easy to fill. The longer it takes to fill the form, the lesser user will be interested in that service.

3. More focus on things that are appealing or eye-catching to users like images, gifs, videos, etc. Also, the word “free” is an eye-catching word that can attract more visitors. You can use that in free services or free trials.

4. Visual appearance of a website should be simple and user-friendly. Features and functions of a web design should be clearly visible to users. Take advantage of conventional design.

5. Use short and concise phrases for titles or services offered by the website. Key elements and layouts of the website should be clearly visible and easy to understand.

6. User needs simple web design with great content quality and minimum advertisements. Content on the screen should be very well organized for everyone.

7. Observe user’s expectations and give them what exactly they want from your website. Match the expectations of users with your website features and elements.

8. Primary goal of a website is to make a simple and user-friendly web design. Complex web designs are often disliked by users whenever they visit a website.


Speeding up your website or web pages will help your website ranking. Most of the top ui ux design company uses these tips for better website speed. It is not necessary to use all these tips and tricks.

Check your website speed and performance and see the improvements suggested by them. Do analysis and take necessary steps accordingly. Some of the improvements are easy and can be done by you but some tips require the help of developers. If you want that your website speed doesn’t impact your traffic and revenue then you should speed up your website.

The conclusion is that you should learn from your mistakes. Observe your website carefully and find areas that need improvement. Any top ui ux design company can tell you that there are some basic points or rules everyone should consider while designing a website.

Better user experience leads to more traffic and more revenue. Try to make a user-friendly website as much as possible. Monitor your website regularly and optimization should be done regularly.

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