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Simple Tips to Lose Weight Fast

tips to lose weight fast

How many calories to Lose Weight?


The formula for losing weight is not difficult, it is very simple. To lose weight, the amount of calories must be reduced according to the number of calories you want to burn, for this you need to know how many calories to burn to lose weight, everyone has an average calorie requirement, which must be met with each day.

It can vary from about 1500-1800 calories per day, when consumed on a daily basis will give you the energy to move forward in life and do daily household chores effectively. However the weight loss equation is somewhat different. If the calories needed per person is about 2,300 calories, the person’s consumption should be 2,000 calories, and this is the only way to effectively lose weight

How to do it?

Using the Internet, you have easy access to various types of calculators and apps to help calculate your calorie intake. This way, you can count calories and determine how many calories you need to burn to reach your weight loss goals. This does not mean that counting calories is a magic formula that will help you lose weight in a day or two. It takes time and effort like following a strict diet, with regular exercise, etc.

Calorie Equivalent Balance:

A calorie is defined as a unit of energy supplied by food, regardless of its source. Whether you eat carbohydrates, fats, sugars, or proteins, all of them contain calories. Calorie balance is optimal for maintaining body weight, calories consumed (from foods) must be balanced by calories used (in normal body functions, daily activities, exercise)
Food and drinks = calories burned from bodily functions and physical activity.

  • if you want to maintain your current body weight you must balance calories, if you need to gain weight or lose weight you will need to tip the balance in one direction or another to achieve your goal
    If you need to tip the balance in the direction of losing weight, for example, if you need approximately 3,500 calories and lose about 1-2 kilos per week, you have to reduce your calorie intake by 500-1000 calories Calories per day.
  • To find out how many calories you are currently eating, you can start by writing down the foods you eat and the drinks you drink each day. By writing what you eat and drink, you become more aware of everything you put in your mouth. You also start writing down the physical activity you do every day and all the time.

The best way to lose weight:


Paying attention to breakfast:

Not leaving it and making sure that it contains all the important nutrients, putting a moderate group of healthy fats in it. Reducing food in the lunch meal while containing all the necessary elements. And making dinner a light meal of vegetables, fruits, yogurt and dairy-free. The fat.


Stop drinking food drinks and all sugars completely:

The smaller package contains the equivalent of 7 tablespoons of sugar, in addition to being harmful to health.


Adding spices to food:

It increases the rate of burning fat in the body, which helps to lose weight.


Do some exercise daily:

Even if simple exercises from a quarter to half an hour at least 3 times a week


Checking the weight daily:

Knowing the weight daily helps to control the weight and keep it under control.


Eat fruits twice a day:

This should be done regularly, especially fruits rich in fiber.


Eat soup and salad first:

This will help you feel full and get the beneficial nutrients.


Using small plates for food:

This will help program the brain and stomach to eat small amounts and with time you will get used to feeling full after small amounts of food.


Avoid eating fried foods:

They contain a large percentage of harmful fats that are concentrated in the body, and replace this method of cooking with grilling, boiling and steaming.


Not eating before bed:

This should be for a period of no less than 3 hours, as at this time it is difficult for the body to burn and get rid of extra calories.

Also Read : Know more interesting Benefits of Ballerina tea for weight loss


Reasons for the failure of dieting

  • Not sleeping long enough, so the body begins to search for another way. To provide it with energy by eating more food to stay awake.. Therefore, you must sleep from seven to nine hours a day at night.
  • Lack of exercise, many believe that sports are not necessary to lose weight if they follow a certain diet. But it has been proven that exercise is necessary with the diet so that the body burns excess weight and maintains its consistent shape.
  • Looking at food as an enemy: that is why the main meals should not be abandoned because the body does not work well without energy, and therefore the process of burning fat is slow and does not lose excess weight easily.
  • Losing hope quickly or expecting the result immediately, as the body needs time to get used to the new food pattern.
  • Focusing on the scale, as many women focus on the number mentioned in the scale and do not notice that the distribution of weight on the body can be consistent, even though the scale says that they have not lost several kilograms.
  • Not eating breakfast, even though it is the most important meal during the day, because in the morning the body needs nutrients after a period of sleep about eight hours.


Tips to lose weight quickly and easily


1. Snack smart:

No one is asking you to stop eating snacks completely but instead eat smart, everyone including you knows that fast food would add to your weight a lot and at the same time you feel hungry a lot between main meals for that We recommend eating protein-rich snacks such as peanut butter, fruits and nuts.


2. Don’t eat while watching TV:

Research has proven that if you consume your dinner (or any other meal) while watching TV, you can eat up to 40% more calories than usual. That’s while eating.



3. Check your weight daily:

Keeping your weight tested on a regular basis gives you constant warning if it is increasing day by day, it will motivate you to take control of your eating and choose your food items more wisely.



4. Exercising three times a week

Exercising regularly, will help you gain muscle mass, which in turn will speed up your metabolism.



5. Busy your mind as your craving for food increases:

Research has proven that cravings for food do not last more than 5 minutes, all you need is just a little self-control, divert your mind by calling your friend, for example, to talk to him or play, forget the food!.



6. Eat what you want for breakfast:

People tend to skip their breakfast in order to lose weight, which is not suggested at all. Such people end up eating more late! LOL! Eat a sumptuous breakfast and keep the hunger pangs away from the rest of the day! Eat all meals at the right time.



7. Stop drinking alcohol:

Alcohol, regardless of its type, will add to your weight a lot. It may seem like a small thing, but it adds a lot to your body. If you give up alcohol regularly, you will see results within two weeks.


8. Eat fruits twice a day:

Eat fruits twice a day regularly to keep your stomach full and keep you away from eating junk food. Fruits are rich in fiber, and they will be good for your body.


9. Get enough sleep:

Completing your daily quota of sleep helps your body to rest, regular metabolism, and not stress that pushes you to eat sugars a lot.


10 . Visualize yourself agile:

The mind game requires that you see yourself agile, and therefore your body will seek to reach the picture drawn by your mind.

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