
Pro Tips to Optimize Your Architecture with Laravel And AWS

SaaS Laravel

Laravel is one of the popular PHP frameworks and is also known as a ‘full-stack’ framework. It handles edge-to-edge everything from web administrations to HTML generation. This overall enhances the experience of the developers. Laravel also offers some really useful commands which are necessary for development of web applications and also generates the framework code along with managing the database. But if the company is planning to take their PHP Laravel to next level and modernize them further then the Hire Laravel Developers India can definitely help them.

The Amazon Web Services or AWS offers various features which helps the companies. The scale up which ultimately supports millions of their users. By using high quality code-base Laravel services, the companies can enjoy the upscaling of Laravel development in a more economic way by scaling the overall transformation or developing the websites. This is the reason many companies hire AWS developers to have proper assistance in this transformation.

Now, it is an art to architect your SaaS Laravel App with high level scalability on AWS which helps one to understand the need and accordingly discuss the actions requir for defining the business value. The reason why AWS is preferr by most of the Laravel users is because it is consider as one of the most mature IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) which helps to develop innovative things in an easier manner.


Cloud is a very important factor in upscaling the Laravel SaaS apps. When one associates with Amazon Web Services then they get many facilities by default like availability of pre-configur services for lower downtime and faster implementations, requirement of least IT labor force as the overall environment is flexible as well as repeatable.

This flexibility actually helps to decouple the overall architecture into different pieces like auto-scaling, cloud storage, cloud- native apps, integration of different SaaS platform AWS components. Also, they got a very detail procedure in the AWS migration checklist which easily guides one before going ahead on this interesting journey.


Below mention are some of the best practices which the developer or the programmer should follow in order to smoothly scale up the SaaS Laravel application on AWS. These practices help one to resolve the issues immediately relat to architecting and scaling the Laravel application. So, let’s get into the details of all the practices:

A) AWS load balancing

Auto-scaling is one of the best features of Amazon Web Services and this feature alone brought a paradigm shift in the scalability process of SaaS enabled apps. But this feature is not the same as load balancer which people usually think of. So, if one wants to scale up their app then Auto-scaling will definitely help by making the scaling happen in a dynamic manner, but it will be behind the load balancer which is a Laravel app itself on load balancing. All the details are to be mentioned clearly with the respective threshold limits. Now, in order to deploy the hire aws developers auto-scaling one should follow the below given steps:

  • Firstly, set up a AWS Application Load Balancer
  • Then, define a threshold limit for triggering the autoscaling event on AWS CloudWatch
  • Finally, determine a minimum/maximum amount of servers
  • Now, set an AWS Auto Scaling group, AWS Auto Scaling launch configuration pre-configure O.S. with an Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

B) Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is the second most advantageous feature in Amazon Web Services. Actually, all kinds of static content, like HTML, videos, and all the videos (based on HyperText Markup Language, Angular and React!) to be hosted on cloud storage of AWS and Amazon S3 offers storage along with infinite elasticity. It also supports high availability and durability. Amazon S3 is not just easily scalable but is also highly reliable and secure where no actual configuration is requir. Let’s look into the step wise process now:

1) Firstly, separate all the static contents which includes images, videos, documents, media etc. This allows to distribute the request of the applications parallelly.

2) The content which is dynamic is server by the EC2 instance (web server) and balance one is with Amazon S3. All the static content on the Laravel project is made available at the endpoint of the Amazon S3.

Amazon S3 is serverless as well as redundant. So, if one thinks technically then one should transfer all their content into the Amazon S3 category.

C) AWS RDS Aurora

AWS RDS Aurora is basically a database management system which is self-maintain and is very compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and several others.  Also, it has several patches, pre-configur databases, software updates and different backups which are automat. The database data should be stor on RDS or AWS Aurora, as well. The AWS ElastiCache for session management and user data caching. The AWS components are scalable and elastic, allowing you to create a well-architect AWS architecture. The highest level of resilience and error-tolerance.

For sessioning the board and storing client information. These AWS elements are adaptable and versatile. which helps to structure the AWS Well-Architecte system. The best non-critical failure and strength adaption.

D) CloudFront CDN

When Amazon S3 is already running in your system. then you must definitely be introduce to CloudFront CDN and accordingly save the bandwidth. It is another superb component of AWS which has numerous features to talk about. CDN basically stands for Content Delivery Network which is design to serve the video content. The cache content, distribute the requests and other important features. Main features of CloudFront are given below:

1) CDN is distributed globally and thus the traffic is also routed to the nearest edge location which helps to improve the speed as well as user’s experience.

2) Overall, it improves the speed of the application by caching the dynamic as well as static comment which comes from EC2 or Amazon S3.

3) It ensures all the security measures and certificates.

4) For Video and Media streaming, it is used as a video hosting solution.

5) It not just improves the scalability but also boosts up the performance of the application.

6) It takes care of the back-end instances and filters the common DDoS/botnets attacks.

Overall, it helps to distribute the contents across all the edge locations where ultimately the end-user gets cache.

E) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)

When you are having the virtual networking atmosphere and you need. Have control over it then Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) is the key to it. So, the user gets freedom to choose the IP address range, design of the subnet, and also arrange. The rout tables along with network getaways as per the requirement. Also, it offers a great layer of security which includes network ACLs, route tables, network gateways and network firefalls etc.


AWS already has a good customer base and has millions of users all across the world. You practice the above-mention steps then you will definitely be able to churn more profitably. The mention pro practices are applicable for all the web applications. The once you start your journey with Amazon Web Services, just be assure to have an enhanced experience.

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