

movers nyc

Anyone who has lived or is currently living in New York will tell you it is the greatest city in the whole world. From bustling night life to non-stop entertainment to great food. Well, everything is great in this city. It however takes some getting used to and finding your way can be a pain if you are not used to the city. Moving to New York City is even more stressful than visiting if you do not have basic knowledge about the city. It is like jumping unto a moving train; one wrong move and you could lose your footing.

To avoid the hassle and stress that comes with moving into a big city like New York, we have compiled some important tips to make your move enjoyable. Read on to find out what they are.

  • Do your research

To everything in life, planning and research cannot be overemphasized and the same goes for moving to nice. Do research on the types of apartments you are looking to rent before moving day. Look online for listings and call companies about any issues you may have. Figure out what qualities you admire in a house or neighborhood and do a more thorough research on houses or neighborhoods that matches your taste. Consider your family and budget while looking at listings. If possible, let every member of the family if you have one, determine what they like and dislike about each apartment and neighborhood.

Look at houses a little over and under your budget to help you determine if you are paying a good price for the houses you have found. Discuss which qualities about a house are top priority and which ones are not. When you find an apartment to your liking, make sure you visit the house in person and do not only rely on photos. Only when you have visited the house and neighborhood would you be able to determine if it’s the right place for you and your family.

  • Make sure all your documents are ready ahead of time.

Apartment hunting in New York City can be very tricky due to the way a listing can disappear even within a few hours. Houses and apartments are usually on a first come first serve basis and while you are still waiting to get all your documents ready, someone else may take the house.

The necessary documents you need include your passport photograph, employment letter with a letterhead, banks statements dating back 3 months etc. you can also include a credit history although the realtor will most likely run a credit check on you.

Another important thing is the rent. Have the money ready or at least be able to get it at a moment’s notice. Most apartments will require a security deposit the moment you show interest and they will give the property to someone else if you are unable to meet up with payment.

  • Hire experienced movers

One big mistake you can make during your move is to hire movers nyc that are not familiar with the city.  Seasoned movers nice should understand the business of the city, the peak times and will be able to advice you on when it is best to move. Also, due to the large amount of people and activities going on all at once in the big apple, moving can be tedious and accidents may happen. Therefore, hire experienced and professional movers only.

Prior to moving day, ensure that all your belongings are packed so that you do not start to scramble around when movers come knocking. Movers will not help you finish up with packing unless you are paying for their packing services, therefore get everything sorted out before moving day to avoid loss, damage or breakages of items.

  • Move sentimental or delicate items ahead of moving day

If there are items that hold sentimental value or are delicate and you fear they might be damaged in the move, you may decide to move them separately ahead of moving day. Valuables such as jewelry, expensive electronics, and antique glassware can be moved safely to your new home asides from the rest of your items. This will ensure that the valuable items do not go missing or damaged in transit.

  • Consider the weather

Winter in NYC can be harsh, therefore, if you do not absolutely have to move during the winter, then it’s best to postpone until the weather is more favorable. You absolutely do not want to move on days when the snow is 5 inches thick and your movers cannot easily navigate the road.

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