
Is it dangerous to swim in a swimming pool?

lifeguard class

What about all those chemicals? Do they pose any health risks? These questions are frequently asked. This is why we are going to explain to you in this article that your bathing is perfectly healthy and above all, beneficial with Lifeguard Class.

How do swimming pool maintenance products affect health?

A swimming pool needs maintenance. In order to maintain clear and healthy water, it is essential to control the pH value and to provide a disinfectant to fight against bacteria. As a general rule, the more frequent the quality control and adaptation, the less products you need.

In themselves, these are not dangerous for your health, as long as the dosage in the swimming pool remains correct. This is why we advise you to measure the water quality at least once a week, but preferably 2 to 3 times.

Here are the ideal values ​​to achieve:

pH level between 7.2 and 7.6
chlorine level of around 1 mg/l
Values ​​in which you can continue to bathe:

pH level between 6.5 and 7.8
the chlorine level cannot exceed 3.5 mg/l
Consequences of a bad value:

pH too high or too low: red eyes, dry skin, wear and tear on your bathing suit
too high chlorine: tingling and redness in the eyes

The further the value deviates from the ideal value, the more serious the consequences can be.

The main disinfectant is chlorine. Alternative disinfection methods such as salt electrolysis will also produce it. The ideal chlorine value for a private outdoor swimming pool is around 1 mg/l. This amount is so negligible that it has absolutely no impact on your health. Chlorine will only be bothersome if its concentration is much too high (for example, above 3.5 mg/l).

It starts with eye irritation, a well-known phenomenon (red and stinging eyes). This reaction is not due to the chlorine itself, but to the substance released when the chlorine reacts with the dirt particles present in the swimming pool (sweat, hair, impurities, etc.). This explains why we recommend showering before bathing.

Are algae harmful?

We often complain about the presence of algae in a swimming pool, mainly because they give the impression of dirt. However, they do not cause disease. If there is algae in your pool, you can continue swimming.

On the other hand, their presence implies the use of more disinfectant products. Indeed, to eliminate them, you need chlorine. If there is algae in your pool, the chlorine level will decrease more quickly. This affects the water quality. If left untreated, the water becomes cloudy and green, eventually giving off an unpleasant smell. You won’t want to set foot there again. Fortunately, we know the solution against green water in your pool!

What about urine in the pool?

Unfortunately, it happens more often than you would like that someone urinates in the water, and you never know what is happening with the hygiene of other swimmers. If you swallow a sip of water while swimming, it is not 100% pure water.

Scientists have calculated that the share of urine in this sip of water can reach about 20 nanoliters. It is very little and therefore totally negligible. Also, urine contains few elements that are harmful to the human body. We can therefore conclude that this is absolutely no problem.

The answer is a bit more complex. Urine in the pool causes a chemical reaction with chlorine, forming cyanogen chloride, a harmful substance. This can cause discomfort such as eye and skin irritation as well as nausea if 3.5 mg is taken at once.

Fortunately, the concentration in a swimming pool is significantly lower, around 2.5 picograms per litre. To be bothered by this substance, you would have to drink almost all of the water in the swimming pool. Even if the idea in itself is not very pleasant, the urine present in the swimming pool will therefore not cause any health problem.

Green hair after swimming?

Every once in a while we get a question from someone whose hair has turned green. Chlorine is often incriminated, but this coloration actually results from the presence of oxidized metals in the water.

Chlorine and colored hair, however, can enhance this process. Chlorine and some hair dyes make them brittle and porous, so they more easily absorb other chemicals that cause discoloration.

If your hair turns green after swimming, you have to tackle the metals present in the pool. You can find more information about metal fighting on this page .

However, it is possible to protect your hair when swimming. We advise you to rinse your hair with water and use a conditioner, which will hydrate it and reduce the amount of chlorine absorbed. Another easy solution is to wear a well-fitting swimming cap.

How does swimming influence your body and mind?

Fortunately, swimming has a very positive influence on your body. The most obvious impact is none other than the improvement of your physical condition in the event of regular practice.
Incorporate specific exercises for the abdominals

1. Resistance training

Keep your back straight and face forward. Start crossing the pool by walking or running. Carry a weighted ball to add difficulty. Thanks to the resistance of the water, you will have to force more to move. Raise your knees as high as you can and feel your stomach muscles tighten with effort. Tip: Water belts are great for this type of training because they keep you upright while promoting the position you would naturally assume when running on land.

2. Swim on the spot

Tired of doing laps? Stay in the deep end of the pool and swim in place. To optimize the movement, bring your knees as high as possible and contract the stomach muscles. Try to hold on for a minute without stopping.

3. Plank exercises

Take a different perspective on ab workouts: lie on your back and hold a plank at chest level. The muscles used will be those of the trunk. This will balance your whole body and keep your head above water.

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4. Grasp the edge

This exercise helps to tone the stomach even more. At the edge of the pool, lean on the edge with your elbows. Legs stretched or bent (as you wish), bring the legs gently upwards until you find yourself in a seated position. Hold the position for about 10 seconds and release. Repeat as many times as you can.

In addition, swimming also provides a feeling of relaxation, which helps you better manage the stress that is in you.

It also has an effect on your sleep. The fatigue caused by swimming and the feeling of relaxation considerably improve the quality of your nights.

Finally, if you install a swimming pool in your garden, you will also receive more frequent visits from friends and family. Indeed, everyone will want to come and take a dip in your pool. This social contact is positive for everyone and will make you feel better about yourself. Here you will find more information on the advantages of a swimming pool in your garden .

Conclusion: swimming is absolutely not harmful to your health!

A swimming pool is absolutely not a dangerous environment provided it is well maintained. It all starts with regular water quality testing. Here you will find more maintenance tips for your swimming pool .

If your swimming pool is well maintained, you fully enjoy the benefits of swimming: better physical condition, a feeling of relaxation, better sleep and more social contacts.

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