
How To Get Help from Your Friends on social media

social media guide

It’s a bit of a wild west out there. When it comes to the internet and social media, we’re all very lonely creatures. In fact, one study suggests that those who spend more time on social media have lower levels of social support.

However, these same people are able to build friendships with others on social media in a new way: they can use these tools as an extension of their day-to-day interactions.

So how do you get your friends and families help when you need it? Follow these tips to help make your online relationships work for you.

How to get help from friends on WhatsApp

If your friends and family members are on WhatsApp, you can send them a message with the word “help” in it.

This will allow them to see that you’re struggling and want their help. From there, you can ask them for specific suggestions on what to do next or just vent about whatever is going wrong.

If they cannot help, they’ll simply send a message back telling you that they cannot help right now.

Additionally, if you’re having trouble with one person in particular who is not so supportive of you, stop sending messages to that person.

It’s important to cut off the negative relationships so that you can focus your energy on those who are more supportive of your cause.

Tips for making your online relationships work for you

1. Talk about what’s happening in your life

If your friend is on social media, ask them how they’re doing and then discuss the events of the day with them. This will help you build a more personal connection with them.

2. Get to know each other in person

It’s best to actually get to know your friends in person because that way, you’ll be able to have a more meaningful interaction with them. If you can’t make it happen, though, using social media as an extension of your relationship is a step in the right direction.

3. Communicate honestly

Be honest with yourself and your friends when communicating online–if something frustrates you or makes you anxious, let them know! Friends can support you through these difficult moments and ensure that they don’t seem like “judgement calls”

4. Be positive about social media

Social media isn’t always great for our mental health–sometimes it can feel isolating and discouraging–but taking the time out of our day to enjoy some social media posts from friends can help us avoid this frustration. Social media is meant to be fun so resist the urge to get too caught up in negative thoughts and turn on some tunes!

The importance of establishing healthy relationships

One of the biggest benefits of social media is that you can reach out to friends and family in a way that previously wasn’t possible.

However, it’s important not to forget about the importance of establishing healthy relationships offline.

It’s really easy for people to feel like they’re being pulled in all directions by their digital relationships, but it’s important not to replace or neglect your real-life ones.

If you’re struggling with how effectively your online relationships are working for you, try setting aside some time each day where you’re only speaking digitally so that you’re forced to prioritize and focus on these relationships in a more productive way.

If you have trouble crafting your words when talking face-to-face, try practicing what you’ll say in advance and make sure it doesn’t come across as creepy or impersonal.

Do any work ahead of time so that if something goes wrong or someone gets offended at online interactions, there will be no hard feelings on either side.

How to get help from your friends

First, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. You may feel like you are but your friends and family are always there for you.

Second, check in with your friends and family on a regular basis to see how they’re doing. If someone is going through something difficult, they will let you know that they need your support.

Third, think about the type of help that your friends can offer.

Are they good at helping you brainstorm ideas? Do they have connections in the industry that might be able to help? Or do they just want to hear about what’s going on with you? In what ways do your friends know how to help?

Fourth, decide whether or not it makes sense for them to offer this type of help before asking them for it. If you don’t think this is an appropriate time for them to offer their services then don’t ask them for any help.

Understanding your online relationships

Understanding the relationship you have with people on social media is critical to figuring out how to get help from your friends and family.

First, know that online relationships are a lot like real relationships. You might go on a date with someone or meet someone in real life, but they still might not be worth spending time with.

Similarly, people who aren’t worth your time offline might be able to help you online. This means that if you’re looking for support, it’s best to find out what kind of person you’re trying to get help from before reaching out.

Second, understand what kind of support people are willing to offer.

This can mean anything from hearing your problems through the grapevine about your current situation to helping by sharing your own experiences and advice or even donating money or buying something for you as a way of giving back.

Third, remember that there are no guarantees in life and some people may be worse than others at offering support online.

It’s important not to take everything these people say at face value because they’ll often say things they don’t mean in order to get what they want from you (like money).

Understand social media’s role in our lives

Social media has become part of our lives. It’s a true representation of who we are, what we like, and what we care about.

We’re always connected to friends and family; if they’re online, they’re probably on social media.

If you want your friends and families’ help, then you have to understand the role that social media plays in our everyday lives.

However, if you do things the other way around and ask for their help without talking about the importance of social media in your life, then it’s going to be difficult for them to jump in with both feet.

How do you get help on WhatsApp?

Getting help on WhatsApp is easy if you have a few tricks up your sleeve.

First, make sure your contact list is well organized. If you want to get in touch with someone regularly, you should consider adding them to your contacts.

If you want to add multiple people, pick their first name and then paste their last name into the “friends” field in the “Add contact” section of your settings.

Next, create a group chat so that you can share information or coordinate plans with them.

Group chats are also helpful for those times when you need to get something off your chest and don’t know who else to talk to about it.

If there’s a certain person you always seem to butt heads with on WhatsApp, create a custom group chat specifically for messaging this person and then alert everyone else in the group so they’re all aware of what’s happening before it gets out hand.

Tips for Building a Stronger Relationship with Friends and Family

  • Use the “Who” function in WhatsApp to see who’s online
  • Be specific about what you need help with and when
  • Set time limits so that you can take breaks from using social media
  • Keep communication quick, simple, and brief
  • Know that sometimes people get overwhelmed on social media
  • Consider whether or not you should use WhatsApp as a tool to communicate with friends and family


If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask your friends on WhatsApp. They are there for you. They want to help.

Every day, we are more connected with our online friends than ever before. It’s easier to share our thoughts, feelings, and ideas with our online friends than it is with our real-life friends.

It’s easy to lose touch with people from your life that you might not be in direct contact with but you can still ask for help from your friends on WhatsApp.

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