Rhinoplasty patients enjoy improved airflow after surgery to reshape nasal bone and tissue. This procedure is often combined with open and closed rhinoplasty techniques.
Learn more about the possibilities for cosmetic enhancements to your face, breast, and body by scheduling a consultation.
Enhancement of Breast Transaxillary
One cosmetic technique that can help improve breast size and form is breast augmentation surgery. Implants are a common and effective tool used in surgical procedures. Depending on the patient’s needs and preferences, they can be filled with either silicone or saline, providing a safe and reliable option for achieving desired results. This surgical procedure can address a variety of concerns, such as asymmetrical breasts or post-pregnancy changes in the breasts. Discussing your goals with a board-certified plastic surgeon before undergoing the treatment is essential. Patients will undergo anesthesia for the procedure and wake up once the effects wear off. They will be instructed to rest for a few days and avoid lifting or straining the breasts. They will also be advised to wear a supportive bra. Patients will attend regular follow-up appointments to ensure the incisions heal properly and without complications.
The transaxillary approach is less invasive than other implant placement techniques, allowing the surgeon to place the implant directly behind the muscle. It can reduce the risk of nipple disruption and damage to nerves. However, this approach can lead to longer operating times and a greater risk of infection. It is not recommended for women needing a breast lift to opt for breast augmentation.
Breast Implant Placement Options
For ladies with abundant breast tissue, the over-the-muscle location is excellent. This method reduces the possibility of visibility or rippling by allowing your natural glandular tissue to conceal the implant. Because the pectoral muscles are left intact, Bellevue plastic surgery is also less intrusive. You’ll be able to experience your benefits sooner because swelling with this treatment tends to be less significant and reduced faster.
On the other hand, this breast augmentation option may not work as well for women with little or no breast tissue. It may take longer for the implants to “drop and fluff” into their final position on the chest wall. It may also increase the likelihood of a complication known as animation.
Some surgeons now offer a dual-plane technique combining sub-glandular and under-muscle implant placement options. They use the lower portion of the pectoralis muscle to hold an implant while allowing the upper portion of the muscle to cover the implant. It can reduce the chances of a complication called capsular contracture.
Can I Get Silicone Breast Implants with a Transaxillary Incision?
The transaxillary breast augmentation technique involves an incision hidden within the armpit. It allows plastic surgeons to approach the pectoralis muscle without cutting through it, which is the case with other implant placement methods. They also use an endoscope, which gives them visuals of the anatomical structures and enables more precise implant positioning than surgeons who do not use this tool.
This method offers two different implant options: sub-glandular placement in front of the muscle and submuscular placement under the muscle. They work with patients to determine the best option based on their needs and goals.
Plastic surgeons with experience are renowned for their ability to produce outcomes that look natural with little scars. Their enthusiasm lies in employing a nuanced and accurate strategy that enhances patient security and yields remarkable outcomes.
Can I Get a Chin Implant?
Similar to breast implants, there are several risks and side effects associated with chin implants. These can include swelling, infection, a shifted implant that requires corrective surgery, complications from anesthesia, excessive bleeding, and nerve damage. To minimize these risks, patients should follow pre- and post-treatment care instructions and choose a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.
A chin implant (genioplasty) improves the size and shape of the chin to enhance facial balance. This procedure is commonly combined with nose reshaping surgery (rhinoplasty) for improved aesthetic results.
To perform a chin implant, a plastic surgeon makes a small incision inside the mouth or under the chin to create a pocket to insert the implant. Then, create a custom-shaped implant to fit the patient’s chin and jaw. The incision is closed using dissolvable stitches. The chin implant surgery takes 30 minutes to an hour to complete. Afterward, the patient experiences mild discomfort and bruising that may last up to two weeks.