
Dispatcher Salary: How Much a Truck Dispatcher Makes

online dispatch training

The logistics business is a lucrative one for a large number of people. It’s vital, steady and lucrative if you have the right education and take the right route and online dispatch training. We’ve discussed logistics jobs before , by delving into the job of a fleet supervisor and even comparing salaries of logistics managers all over the world. Today, we’ll be looking at dispatchers, and specifically truck dispatchers.

What are the skills you require in order to be dispatcher? Do you require a degree? Where can you look for jobs as a dispatcher and, more importantly, what’s your salary that you can anticipate? Continue reading to find out more about the job of a truck driver.

How do you get a job as a truck driver

It’s the first step – what do you need to know about becoming an official truck driver? Let’s find out what qualifications and education you require to be able to secure the position.

1.Get your high school diploma

The minimum education requirement to be a truck dispatcher is graduation certificate from a high school or GED. Although these requirements may differ between countries but the High School diploma or GED is essential to begin.

2.Explore the dispatching course and free resources

Dispatching courses are a resource that you can access online you are at school or at other jobs. Finding useful, free classes can be a bit of a challenge however, if you have the money to pay for courses , you can always go to a website such as Udemy and LearnDispatch.

If spending money on the delivery of courses isn’t something you are able to pay for right now You can look into blogs and free tutorials that are related to the logistics sector in general.

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3.Consider getting a Bachelor’s degree

Although it’s not an absolute requirement, having an undergraduate degree in supply chain management can be an immense benefit. A degree from a relevant area can help you make the most of your job and salary as well as increase chances to advance.

4.Apply your skills

Any experience with dispatching or other related positions will certainly give you an advantage. Most of the time you will find that any experience with corporate environments and using office software will help. Try to find the opportunity to work with local delivery companies since they are easy to locate.

As you gain experience in deliveries, you’ll be able to advance to more extensive transportation services and be able to take on tasks that are specifically related to dispatching and trucking.

Truck dispatcher job description

The next thing to consider are the real obligations of dispatchers for trucks. What do they have to do on a regular basis, and over the long run? Let’s look at it more closely.

Tuck dispatcher responsibilities

A typical day of life for truck dispatchers’ career could look as follows.

Route planning & optimization

Route planning and optimization are two essential aspects that truck dispatchers must manage. This planning like the name suggests is the process of determining which routes every truck driver has to take on a particular day. Depending on the type of business drivers might have to travel on multiple routes during the day. It’s the responsibility of the dispatchers to ensure that the routes run smoothly.

Optimizing routes requires a lot of insider information about the drivers and fleet and also the service area to ensure that drivers use trucks effectively and every detail is taken care of. To identify the most effective routes for all trucks , based on their capacities and limitations dispatchers utilize the designated routing software.

Scheduling truck drivers

To plan and schedule routes, dispatchers must control the drivers of trucks. Freight deliveries are made according to the shipping schedules and truckers’ schedules as well. In this scenario the success of delivery is contingent on the ability of truck dispatchers to handle scheduling matrix.

The most effective way to manage truck drivers is scheduling deliveries of freight with the aid of courier dispatch software such as Track-POD. This kind of software takes into account each driver’s schedule for the day and provides reports on their the overall and individual performance to help dispatchers stay well-organized.

Customer communication

Communication with customers is an essential obligation for every dispatcher. To keep customers updated and in their designated delivery points, dispatchers might require calls and write emails or make other communications depending on the method that the business prefers.

Naturally, this could be automated as well. Companies using last-mile delivery tools can streamline every communication with customers using the aid of email, SMS, and chats between customers and drivers. Customers get notification about their delivery according to the schedule set from the dispatcher. This kind of tool will save dispatchers a lot of time.

Maintenance & repairs

Commercial truck maintenance is comprised of proactive maintenance as well as the reactive type of maintenance i.e. repairs. The role that a dispatcher has is enhance preventive maintenance programs to ensure that trucks are in good condition and to minimize the time it takes to repair and downtime.

Every business needs to keep its fleet in top shape to ensure that freight is delivered in accordance with the schedule and keep its customers and suppliers satisfied. Through a vehicle inspection application like Track-POD, dispatchers as well as fleet managers can manage the condition of their vehicles and driver assistance by making vehicle inspections an essential element of any route.

Freight documentation

Maintaining the proper documentation for freight is vital to the efficiency of any transport process. Truck dispatchers play their part by ensuring that freight bills and invoices, proof of Delivery, and all pertinent reports are in order and accessible to the bigger company in one central location.

As more and more businesses are digitizing their processes and shifting to the paperless method of documenting their freight, documentation for freight will also be digital. Particularly, if the company makes delivery via contactless, the storage of photos evidence is done using designated proof of Delivery tools.

Requirements for Truck Dispatchers and capabilities

As you will see, dispatchers for trucks depend on different tools to monitor the dispatch process, as well as provide reports on their fleets and drivers. In general, transportation companies employ specifically-designed Transport Management Systems (TMS) which means any encounter with one is a benefit.

Below are additional qualifications and abilities required to be dispatcher (in addition to the requirements for education we mentioned above).

  • The capability to bargain.
  • Good understanding of regulations for trucking.
  • Computer skills.
  • Pay attention to the smallest of details, great reportage.
  • Communication skills.

If you’re looking to look for the job of truck dispatcher, you must make sure you’ve got the necessary education to be able to fill this job, but also have the interpersonal abilities, or soft abilities.

Truck dispatcher salary

After we’ve examined the training of truck dispatchers, their requirements and abilities Let’s look at what the typical salary for a truck dispatcher position across different companies.

According to Glassdoor The average annual salary of a truck dispatcher within the United States is $41,920. It varies between companies and can range from of $12-23 per hour. In order to determine the salary employers will look at qualifications and education of the employees as well as the years of experience within this field, as well as the certifications, if they exist.

Prior to pursuing an employment in dispatching, you should spend your time online perusing the hourly salaries of dispatchers by company to find out the companies that pay dispatchers in your local area.

The average pay of truck dispatchers within the UK according to Glassdoor the average is PS24,086 which is around $33K per year. Also, a truck dispatcher’s hourly pay will not be based solely on the average national wage in the specific location, but also on a variety of other factors, including the qualifications of the applicant and their professional background.

Pay of truck dispatchers in comparison to 911 dispatcher salary

In the dispatcher field There are many different jobs available, but not all of them are exactly the same. For instance the 911 dispatcher job working in the United States makes about $43K per year on average. A truck dispatcher’s annual earnings aren’t too different, with a median of $42K/year However, the working conditions and the job requirements differ a lot.

There are many reasons why emergency dispatchers are likely to have differing schedules and intensity levels from hour to hour. Being successful as a dispatcher in any sector or company requires commitment and years of experience , however working for a trucking firm generally means less stress.

Truck dispatcher jobs

If you’ve read at this point then you’ll be enticed to get an employment as a truck dispatcher very soon. Let’s take a look at the places that prospective truck dispatchers can look for work and see the amount they’ll earn.


Indeed is a tried-and-tested platform for job searching across all sectors. It allows you to sort the job opportunities for truck dispatchers according to the location, company, and experiences, and other criteria.

The more filtering criteria you choose to apply the more targeted your search results will be. Even if you’re not looking for jobs in the near future This research can be helpful in forming a view of the market for jobs hours, rates per hour, and other information.


LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for business communications for job searches, as well as compensation and sign-on bonuses research, too. If you do not have already created a LinkedIn profile, you can create one now and begin browsing for job openings in the trucking industry or any other sector. LinkedIn is particularly useful because it gives you full information about every company which is hiring.


You can also learn the kind of people required in the area you reside.

Wrapping up

Truck dispatchers are essential for any shipping company that deals with freight.

Track-POD, a transportation management system, are designed to help everyone’s job become easier. Dispatchers have a dashboard on the web to plan routes, optimize and fleet information, as well as documentation, and reports. Here are four of my tips that are based on nearly 10 years of online learning and teaching.

  • Assumes that everything Written can be considered to be public

While writing, you should consider your audience as the whole community. Everyone involved could at any time read the content of your essay or hear your voice recorded. Although there’s a lot of opportunities for personalized learning through technology, there is no personal communication within schools. It is possible that the extended deadline of one student could be communicated to other students. In these circumstances, think about your context and your reasons to extend the deadline.

  • Address the Class as a Group Regularly

I’m referring to memo-style agendas or even updates.

As a personal trainer, my students require daily motivation to be reminded, as well as modeling.

  • Give Feedback to Individual Students

Effective, timely feedback is crucial for student motivation and mastery of content. Don’t wait until tests that provide summative feedback. It is crucial to have guidance early during the process of learning. As with steering an enormous ship, adjustments made earlier in the process can help avoid major negative consequences. Assignments that are foundational should receive greater attention to and precise feedback than later assignments. There may be instances where later assignments require more corrections, but only when you’ve been clear about earlier work. Be aware that this doesn’t suggest that your feedback has to be long.

  • Respond to any prompts received from individual Student (Usually at least twice)

In the majority of cases you should not refer to the student’s name. And always be aware that you are an agent for the school and that any communication is public.

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