
Comprehensive Guide To Types Of Companies In Singapore


A lot of companies find Singapore to be one of Asia’s most appealing places to set up shop.(types of companies in singapore)

Reasons for its widespread acceptance include its liberal economic policies and clear rules of governance.

On top of all that, Lion City has a low tax rate and a business-friendly atmosphere, making it a fantastic area to launch a company.

It is crucial to understand the various company structures available in Singapore before launching a business there.

In this article, we’ll discuss the many kinds of Singaporean businesses, along with their advantages and disadvantages. In order to have a good beginning!

1. Typical Singaporean Business Structures – Essential Information(types of companies in singapore)

Limited Liability Company, Partnership, and Sole Proprietorship are the three most frequent business structures in Singapore.

Here, I’d want to delve into the finer points of each classification.

Company That Is Limited In Liability(types of companies in singapore)

A Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a business structure that you have probably heard of before.

It’s a common type of company in Singapore, and it can be set up in either the public or private sector.

Exempt private firm and private limited by shares both fall under the private sector’s purview.

Corporation limited by shares and/or guarantee; public sector; public company

Advantages(types of companies in singapore)

Confining Responsibility

The liability of a Singapore Limited Liability Company member is limited to the amount of the member’s contributions to the company in the form of shares.

Autonomous jurisdiction

Your limited liability company (LLC) exists independently from you. That way, it can do business, buy and own property, file for and defend against legal action, and so on, all in its own name.

Financial benefit

The tax rate for your LLC is 17% of its net earnings.

In addition, the government will grant you several breaks and exemptions.

It’s possible that doing so will drastically lower your taxable income.

Disadvantages(types of companies in singapore)

The documentation associated with running an LLC is your responsibility.

However, private limited companies have fewer reporting requirements than public ones.

The following are some of the specific regulations that must be met by your Singapore LLC:

  • Using Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) in Tax Returns
  • Declaration of income to ACRA
  • Conducting Annual General Meetings (Annual General Meeting)
  • Providing Financial Statements

A variety of such responsibilities as may be required by appropriate authorities

Learn all about the benefits of forming a Limited Liability Company in Singapore with our comprehensive guide.

Partnership 1.2(types of companies in singapore)

Having just one other person on board isn’t enough to call yourselves a partnership.

A partnership typically lacks its own distinct legal identity. Unless you are a limited partner, you and your business partner will each bear equal responsibility for the company’s debts.

In a nutshell, the three primary types of partnerships in Singapore are:

  • Alliance in general (GP)
  • Joint venture with restrictions (LP)
  • LLP stands for limited liability partnership (LLP)
  • Definitions of General Partner, Limited Partnership, and Limited Liability Partnership

Status in law(types of companies in singapore)

The GP and LP are not considered legal entities on their own, but the LLP is.

Accountability of Partners

Limited liability partnerships (LLPs) allow investors to take on either a limited or general partner role.

A limited partner’s exposure is capped at the amount invested. A general partner, on the other hand, is responsible for anything that goes wrong.

The partners’ liability for the issues and losses of the company would be unlimited for both GP and LP.

Relationships with several partners

There must be at least two people in a Singapore general partnership and no more than twenty.

The LP and LLP structures do not have a maximum number of partners.

Funding Assessments

Individuals in an LLP will be subject to either their own taxation on their personal earnings or the business’s own taxation on its business earnings (for corporations).

In comparison to an LLC, a Singapore partnership provides fewer options for tax benefits.

Prerequisites for conformity

If you’re looking to set up a business in Singapore, a partnership is a far easier and less complicated option than an LLC.

Learn the complete rules for setting up a Limited Liability Partnership in Singapore right now, and you’ll be ahead of the game in no time.

1.3 Sole Proprietorship

To establish a sole proprietorship in Singapore, registration is simple. However, it can be difficult to keep under control.

One-man shows are another name for solitary proprietorships. What this means is that you are the sole decision-maker for the company and will be held personally liable for any debts or damages incurred.


Prerequisites for conformity

The regulatory load on a Singaporean sole proprietorship is lowest.

Business renewal and filing tax returns with IRAS are two of your primary responsibilities.

Value for money

When operating as a sole proprietor, you’re exclusively responsible for paying your own taxes and company license expenses. The startup costs for a sole proprietorship are typically low, though this might vary from country to country.


Status in law

For a sole proprietorship, there is no “legal person” to hold their business’s legal rights and responsibilities.

Infinite Responsibility

If you run your firm as a sole proprietor, you are individually responsible for paying any and all debts, liabilities, and losses that may occur.


If you make enough money, the government will demand a portion of your paycheck as tax. Residents of Singapore can expect a rate anything from 0% to 22%. The standard rate for non-residents is between 15% and 22%.

Optional offshore company registration in Singapore

There are a number of different paths available to overseas businesses looking to develop into Singapore.

Let’s learn about the three most prevalent sorts of foreign corporations in the next part.

The 2.1 Definition of a Subsidiary

When you establish a subsidiary, you are essentially taking on the role of a shareholder in the parent firm located abroad.

Create a private limited company in Singapore to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary.

Your subsidiary may be subject to the same benefits and responsibilities as a private limited company registered in Singapore.

2.2. Representational Office

Let’s say you’re interested in expanding your business to Singapore but, before diving in headfirst, you want to learn more about the local market.

It could seem like too much of an undertaking to establish an LLC or a subsidiary at this time. A representative office (RO) in Singapore is an alternative.

Typically, this kind of organization is employed in the pursuit of commercial goals including testing the waters, raising brand awareness, and collecting statistical data.

A RO lacks the separate legal status of a subsidiary. All office losses will be covered by your foreign parent firm.

In addition, your RO is prohibited from engaging in any activity in Singapore that would result in a profit to the RO.

2.3: Offshoot

A branch is a subsidiary of an overseas parent firm.

You can engage in business operations as a branch. There is still no defined legal category for this kind of business. This means that the parent business will be responsible for covering any debts incurred by the subsidiary.

More importantly, from a tax perspective, your Singaporean subsidiary does not qualify as a resident of that country. Therefore, no tax cuts or breaks would be provided.

However, if you want to take advantage of the tax benefits the government offers, you might choose to organize your branch as a private limited company.

Do you need help deciding which method of entrance is ideal for your business plan? Looking for information on how foreign companies can register in Singapore? Check out our post on the subject!

Company Structure in Singapore: What to Look for

If you want to ensure your future prosperity, it’s like constructing a sturdy fountain: choose the correct kind of business.

Each building, though, has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. That being said, think carefully about your choices and make the one that serves you best.

Prior to choosing a choice, there are other considerations you should give some thought to. Such as property rights, investment funds, tax breaks, and regulatory oversight.

One size does not fit all when it comes to business. You can’t expect to be the sole shareholder and boss of a newly formed private firm. Start an LLC yet file your taxes as a lone proprietor.

All you need to get going is a firm grasp on what it is you need to do as a business, and a well-defined strategy for getting there.

Our Singapore company formation service is here for you whenever you’re ready to launch your preferred business structure after reading this text.

Source: types of companies in singapore , nature of business list singapore

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