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Christianity-What Is It? By Jeff Van Beaver


Christianity is built on God and Jesus Christ, His son Jesus Christ, and the Bible that is the word of God according to Jeff Van Beaver.  Christianity-What Is It? A Christian is someone who believes the Bible and follows the principles taught by Jesus Christ. This way of life provides peace and happiness on earth, and also prepares for a place in heaven.

God the Father

The Bible affirms the existence of only one God that has been always and will remain. God is all-knowing in His infinite wisdom. His knowledge are infinite. The Bible declares  “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” He is everywhere and gives all of his attention to anyone around the globe all at once. Prayer can be offered to God anywhere and at any moment. God listens to our prayers and will respond in the way He thinks best. God is the only God and Yet He is revealed in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son God the Son, as well as God The Holy Spirit. Each of them is distinct and yet they work harmoniously because they are all one.

The Creation and the Fall of Mankind

God created the universe and all things that is in it. In the span of five weeks God made the sun moon, the stars and earth. He also created birds, water, and fish. In the 6th day God created all the animals of the earth and then God created man in His likeness. Man is God’s crown and a reflection of His love for us. God created Adam as the first human being clean and unblemished. God intended for man to follow God by his own choice. The Lord offered Adam and the wife of his Eve one simple commandment but they opted to not obey. Due to their deeds, they were cut off from God. The consequences of their disobedience saw everyone be cursed by death and sin. God is the sole one to save mankind. Because of His love “He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”

God the Son

The complete text of Christianity: What Is It?

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was the baby from a virgin through the grace from God’s Holy Spirit. Jesus lived the everyday life of a man. He was beset by his Devil through many means like us, but did not commit sin. Jesus did good work by healing people of their illnesses. He taught his followers on salvation as well as the unconditional love God the Father. The reason Jesus came to earth was to offer Himself to be a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. When Jesus was preaching against selfishness and sin The religious leaders were furious with Him. They took Him to authorities of the government who executed Him. Following Jesus’ death, his followers laid His body in the tomb. The third day after His death through the power from God, Jesus arose from the dead. When He returned to heaven, He instructed his followers to build the Kingdom of God.

God the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person in the godhead. If you believe in Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ as their Lord Jesus Christ, God gives the blessing from Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit. He acts as a counselor through every challenge of life and a calming presence in every trial. He is adamant about the sins of men by guiding them towards the truth.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s Word, and His message to us. It’s not a made-by-man book, but rather was written by the holy men of old who were inspired through The Holy Spirit. The Bible documents the beginning of the universe and man. It states that everyone has sinned, and that sin has separated man from God. It outlines the process of redemption which is able to liberate anyone from the burden of sin. The Bible provides us with the means lead a holy and godly life and also how to prepare for the final days of our lives.

Christianity is built on God and Jesus Christ, His son Jesus Christ, and the Bible that is the word of God according to Jeff Van Beaver.  A Christian is someone who believes the Bible and follows the principles taught by Jesus Christ. This way of life provides peace and happiness on earth, and also prepares for a place in heaven.

God the Father

The Bible affirms the existence of only one God that has been always and will remain. God is all-knowing in His infinite wisdom. His knowledge are infinite. The Bible declares In , “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” He is everywhere and gives all of his attention to anyone around the globe all at once. Prayer can be offered to God anywhere and at any moment. God listens to our prayers and will respond in the way He thinks best. God is the only God and Yet He is revealed in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son God the Son, as well as God The Holy Spirit. Each of them is distinct and yet they work harmoniously because they are all one.

The Creation and the Fall of Mankind

God created the universe and all things that is in it. In the span of five weeks God made the sun moon, the stars and earth. He also created birds, water, and fish. In the 6th day God created all the animals of the earth and then God created man in His likeness. Man is God’s crown and a reflection of His love for us. God created Adam as the first human being clean and unblemished. God intended for man to follow God by his own choice. The Lord offered Adam and the wife of his Eve one simple commandment but they opted to not obey. Due to their deeds, they were cut off from God. The consequences of their disobedience saw everyone be cursed by death and sin. God is the sole one to save mankind. Because of His love “He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”

God the Son

The complete text of Christianity: What Is It?

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was the baby from a virgin through the grace from God’s Holy Spirit. Jesus lived the everyday life of a man. He was beset by his Devil through many means like us, but did not commit sin. Jesus did good work by healing people of their illnesses. He taught his followers on salvation as well as the unconditional love God the Father. The reason Jesus came to earth was to offer Himself to be a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. When Jesus was preaching against selfishness and sin The religious leaders were furious with Him. They took Him to authorities of the government who executed Him. Following Jesus’ death, his followers laid His body in the tomb. The third day after His death through the power from God, Jesus arose from the dead. When He returned to heaven, He instructed his followers to build the Kingdom of God.

God the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person in the godhead.  If you believe in Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ as their Lord Jesus Christ, God gives the blessing from Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit. He acts as a counselor through every challenge of life and a calming presence in every trial. He is adamant about the sins of men by guiding them towards the truth.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s Word, and His message to us. It’s not a made-by-man book, but rather was written by the holy men of old who were inspired through The Holy Spirit. The Bible documents the beginning of the universe and man. It states that everyone has sinned, and that sin has separated man from God. It outlines the process of redemption which is able to liberate anyone from the burden of sin. The Bible provides us with the means lead a holy and godly life and also how to prepare for the final days of our lives.

Living a Christian Life

To be a Christian we must acknowledge our sinful state. We must admit our sin and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. If we are willing to surrender our lives to God He fills our lives with Holy Spirit. This power from the Spirit that dwells within us allows us to forgive and love others. A Christian strives to keep integrity in his life and will be honest and honest. If we fall short in this, we are accountable to God. Bible says “If we confess our sins, He [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”

After Life

The Bible informs us about the two eternal fates of the soul: either heaven or hell. After death, the soul goes and awaits God’s final judgement. When the time comes for the judgement, the saved will be admitted to heaven. The ones who have refused to accept God are sent to the hell. Hell is a hell that is terrifying. It is a hell that is a burning pit specifically for Devil as well as his angels. Everyone who did not listen to the commands of Jesus and knowingly committed sin, will be burned in eternal flames without any hope.

Heaven is God’s home. This is an extremely stunning location of complete tranquility and peace that has been prepared by God. There will be no more pain or pain, there will be no sickness or hunger. It’s the place for those who have renounced the sin of their past and accept Jesus for their Saviour according to Jeff Van Beaver.  The saved will sing and sing praise to God for eternity.


Living a Christian Life

To be a Christian we must acknowledge our sinful state. We must admit our sin and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. If we are willing to surrender our lives to God He fills our lives with Holy Spirit. This power from the Spirit that dwells within us allows us to forgive and love others. A Christian strives to keep integrity in his life and will be honest and honest. If we fall short in this, we are accountable to God. Bible says “If we confess our sins, He [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”

Heaven is God’s home. This is an extremely stunning location of complete tranquility and peace that has been prepared by God. There will be no more pain or pain, there will be no sickness or hunger. It’s the place for those who have renounced the sin of their past

After Life

The Bible informs us about the two eternal fates of the soul: either heaven or hell. After death, the soul goes and awaits God’s final judgement. When the time comes for the judgement, the saved will be admitted to heaven. The ones who have refused to accept God are sent to the hell. Hell is a hell that is terrifying. It is a hell that is a burning pit specifically for Devil as well as his angels. Everyone who did not listen to the commands of Jesus and knowingly committed sin, will be burned in eternal flames without any hope.

Heaven is God’s home. This is an extremely stunning location of complete tranquility and peace that has been prepared by God. There will be no more pain or pain, there will be no sickness or hunger. It’s the place for those who have renounced the sin of their past and accept Jesus for their Saviour according to Jeff Van Beaver.  The saved will sing and sing praise to God for eternity.


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