
4 Steps to Making Your Indies Successful


An indie comic book is a comic that was created by an independent creator, often with very little commercial backing. The reason behind the lack of commercial backing is usually due to the quality of the work, not because the creator didn’t think it would be a moneymaker. It is a niche market that can offer readers a quality product at a reasonable cost. If you want to be one of the lucky few to own one of these comics, there are some tips you should follow to ensure your success.

One important factor in learning how to sell an indie comic book is to create a solid marketing plan. This will include everything from website design to advertising to sending out physical copies of the comic book. There are plenty of successful indie comic book publishers out there who do not use any kind of traditional marketing scheme, and you can take advantage of their success by following their lead. These publishers usually provide high quality merchandise, low shipping costs, and excellent customer indie comic review.

Once you have started selling your comic books, the next step will be learning how to sell them. To sell comic books, you will have to determine which format will be best for your particular comic. Currently, the most popular form is the trade paperback. This is because they can fit anywhere, can easily be stacked, and most people store comics in a single place. This makes them easy to find and easier to sell.

Paperbacks, on the other hand, are a bit more difficult to market than paperback. People tend to give up after just one or two copies, so the cost per unit is higher. However, if you take the time to learn how to market them properly, you can command a decent profit.

Another important factor to selling your first few issues of indie comics is to get your books reviewed by professionals. There are a few places online where you can submit your work for free. Amazon is one of them, as is eBay. Reviewing your comic book before publishing it ensures that potential readers will want to buy it, and that any problems or misprints will be immediately noted and dealt with before your book sells.

Once you have a few issues under your belt, it is time to start looking at conventions. There are always new comic conventions popping up, and they are an excellent opportunity to make connections and sell some comic books. Even if you aren’t interested in promoting your book there, you might be able to meet people who are. As a matter of fact, many successful independent writers began their careers at comic conventions. You never know who you might meet.

Finally, the best way to sell your comics is to use the power of the internet. The world is quickly becoming a digital platform, which allows you to reach people from all over the world. By utilizing sites such as MySpace and Twitter, as well as sites such as Facebook and Flickr, you can easily market your comic and sell it to people in your area.

Selling your comics online is just as important as having a presence at conventions. A blog, newsfeed and Twitter account are very important aspects of your online presence. Having a website is a great idea, but it really isn’t necessary. Remember, the internet is a marketplace full of buyers and sellers of all types of media. By using social networking, creating a Facebook Fan Page and other platforms that connect you to potential buyers, you will see success in no time at all. Just remember that the most successful indie comic book sellers didn’t get to where they are overnight.

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