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Yoga Poses That Helps To Reduce Belly Fat & Flatten Your Stomach



Today, belly fat is a major concern. People today want to look great, but it can be difficult to find a partner. Is there a solution? There is an answer and it’s worth it. Although there are many yoga poses that can help reduce belly fat and flatten your stomach, the main thing is to practice it consistently. All the poses listed today are part of the yoga school in Rishikesh. They are practiced by all the professionals.

These poses can be practiced, but it is important to also control your diet. It is possible to control your diet and food habits but it is not possible. You don’t have to adhere to a strict or difficult diet, but you do need to control your food habits. These poses, or asanas, are very basic and can be practiced at any time. It can be practiced any day, but I suggest that you do it in the morning as it is most effective when done empty- stomach. Warm lemon water is recommended to get the best results. These are just a few of the many ways you can get better results.



Dhanurasana/Bow Pose-

This pose is very similar to a bow, and you must achieve it. You must shape your body into a bow. This pose shapes your belly and affects your entire body. This yoga pose also has a direct impact on your back and limbs. Although the pose may seem difficult at first, it will become easier with time. You will also see a change in your abs. With consistent practice, the bow pose can become an absolute bow. When it is perfected, it will be very accurate. It is important to maintain the pose with a healthy diet. A diet is essential if you are to achieve an effective result.

How do you do it?

These are some of the many ways to achieve this amazing pose. You can be slow but effective at starting. Do not let your discouragement get you down. It is possible to be slow but effective.



Naukasana/Boat Pose-

This pose directly affects the belly and puts pressure on it. The shape of the “V” will be similar to a boat and the hope must look like a boat. Apart from decreasing belly fat, this pose also affects your knees as well as your back. The arms will also be stronger. Your stomach muscles will also be strong. Although the pose is not easy, it can be done with enough practice. This is one of the most popular asanas and can be done by anyone. Warm water with honey or lemon should be taken in the morning to perform this pose. This will show its effects in a few days if you keep practicing and eat a healthy diet.

How do you do it?

This is one of the easiest poses. It can be done in the beginning. If you have difficulty, keep at it. You will eventually master the pose if you keep practicing each day. Although Asanas and yoga pose take time, they will eventually come. Trust yourself and continue to try.



Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasanaa/ One-legged downward-facing dog pose-

This position makes your hands and limbs strong and straight. This pose is also used by the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. It is one of the easiest poses that can help reduce belly fat. This pose is easy to do and very simple. This pose will strengthen your hands and abs. You must hold the pose for at least 60 seconds before you can straighten it. Your body must be balanced and you need to focus. Balance in the body is the main goal. This directs attention to the abs, making them strong and hard.

 How do you do it?

There may be some difficulties with the pose. Sometimes people fall. Keep practicing and trying to balance. You can get help from an outside source like a wall, but you must keep at it. You can also learn this in-depth in advanced courses like 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.



Bhujangasana/Cobra Pose –

The first time you do this pose, it will help to relax your back and work your abdominal muscles. This pose will give your back a lot of relief. This asana can be practiced in the evening, but it is best to eat empty stomach. Asana builds strength in the arms. The lower portion of the asana will directly affect your stomach, and this will allow you to lose belly fat. This will make it slimmer and more positioned. It is easy to perform the asana and it will be easier if you do a few practice sessions. The effect will depend on how much you practice and how much fat you are trying to lose. You will see results if you persevere.

How do you do it?

Slowly release the pose. Be attentive as you realize it. Many people experience a severe back injury when they release the pose. Go Deep with this yoga pose in the 500 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.



Kumbhakasana/The plank

This simple pose is very popular and it has a fast result. This strengthens your legs and hands and also checks your abdominal muscles. This will help to reduce belly fat and make the belly appear slimmer and more toned. This can be done on an empty stomach. It also reduces muscle mass very quickly.

How do you do it?

You should slowly release this pose. It is common to see that accidents occur during this time. During this pose, you should continue to breathe slowly and steadily.


Conclusion –

These are the Asanas that can be practiced to lose belly fat and flatten your stomach. We can all do our best to achieve the best of all things. The key is to stay consistent and not miss a single day. A light practice is also possible if you don’t have the time or motivation to do a full-on practice. Perhaps a run, or a walk. However, any form of exercise or workout is a must.

These poses are more effective than gyms. The answer is simple: anyone can do them, and without external assistance. These poses and Asanas require no investment. These poses and Asanas can be easily done, so you can achieve whatever you want. Although it won’t happen overnight, these poses and some diet control can be very effective. We are hopeful that you will see a slimmer body soon. This article has been very helpful.

Related Blog: Seven Qualities Of An Excellent Yoga Teacher

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