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Working Bariatric Food into Your Diet

Those who have undergone bariatric surgery, whether it is bariatric sleeve surgery or a gastric bypass, will have to accommodate a new diet as they recover from the surgery in the months and years afterward. Although the diet will at first be extremely regimented and stringent, over time, the patients will be able to expand into other solid foods that they used to eat before the surgery.

However, there are many foods that are not really practical to work into a bariatric diet, and there are some foods that bariatric patients should avoid altogether for the rest of their lives. For that reason, you may hear terms like bariatric food being used as you do research into what is and is not acceptable.

There’s bariatric food as it relates to the different stages of a post-op diet, and then there are foods that will be acceptable (on unacceptable) for you to eat in the years after surgery as you return to a new normal of living.

In the first few days and weeks after bariatric surgery, you will be taking mostly liquids such as water and protein shakes, as well as pureed foods and supplements. Once you pass the first few stages of the diet, you may begin to proliferate into certain soft foods, after which point you will be able to take certain solid foods again.

In the soft phase of the post-op diet, you’ll only be able to eat certain soft foods that are easy to chew and digest. These foods will be low in fat and low in sugar and carbs as well. Foods like yogurt and some soft cheese will be on this list, along with fruits and vegetables like bananas, soft canned fruits like peaches, and soft-cooked carrots. You may also be able to take foods like eggs and ground beef once you reach the soft food portion of the diet.

When you successfully navigate the first few portions of this diet, you can make a return to solid foods. In general, you will still need to avoid large portions and you will still need to eat slowly. All of the foods described above will still be on the list of acceptable foods. Although you will be able to start taking solid foods again, there are some things you will want to avoid.

For one, you will want to avoid foods that are high in fat, carbs, and sugars. You will also need to avoid vegetables that are heavily fibrous and tough to digest such as corn on the cob or dried fruits, as these will tax your stomach.

All of this might have you thinking that you will need to live the rest of your life eating unpleasant foods, but if you know where to shop, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Bariatric Eating, which specializes in providing bariatric food to bariatric patients, has had many proprietary recipes developed exclusively for them that are not only delicious but satisfying and filling.

At, you can find protein shakes, snacks, and even desserts along with whole meals and supplements that have been created with the needs of bariatric patients in mind. Check out their website to learn more about how they made it possible to make bariatric eating so delectable, and contact them if you have further questions.

For more information about Pouch Reset Diet and Inspire Diet Please visit : Bariatric Eating

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