Health & Fitness

Wisdom Teeth Holes – Will They Ever Heal?


The very word wisdom implies that once our wisdom teeth are removed we no longer need to worry about dental issues. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Approximately 1 out of 10 people who have had their wisdom teeth holes heal end up with some type of issue with the empty hole left behind where the tooth was once located in their jawbone.


Wisdom teeth holes will close in time

While wisdom teeth holes may look deep and cavernous, they will close in time. The first few years, you’ll notice that some food gets stuck in them, as your body tries to pack them full of healthy bacteria to help speed up their healing process. The bigger they get, however, the more difficult it will be for food to stick in them. Once they are fully healed—which could take anywhere from two years to 15 years—you won’t notice any problems with eating or drinking through those three holes. As long as your wisdom teeth remain out of your mouth (unless you decide to get them removed), your wisdom teeth holes heal themselves just fine!


Wisdom teeth are a genetic condition

According to a study published in 1997, your odds of getting impacted wisdom teeth increase if your parents had them. The more closely related you are to someone who has an issue with their wisdom teeth, they higher your chances will be of having them as well. That’s because problems are often genetic, which means that if mom and dad had problems with their wisdom teeth, there’s a good chance you will too. Additionally, these genes can be passed on from one generation to another, even before you’re born. In fact, several physicians believe that 90 percent of people who have impacted wisdom teeth got them genetically from their parents. So what does all of that mean for you?


How old are your wisdom teeth?

On average, wisdom teeth typically erupt in your 20s or 30s. However, it’s quite common for them to not show up until much later. And if they’re impacted, they may never come in at all! If you have any questions about your wisdom teeth holes heal, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with a dentist near you. Your health is their top priority and will always be taken care of!


Surgery could be your only option

Wisdom teeth are really useful for eating and speaking, but unfortunately, about 40% of wisdom teeth don’t get pushed out of place properly. Instead, they become impacted and remain where they were born. Even worse, sometimes there’s no room left in your mouth to push them out at all! Without proper removal, these wisdom teeth holes will heal back up with a permanent scar. But how long does it take for a hole to heal naturally? Read on to find out. (more) You may be able to save money: wisdom teeth holes heal that don’t erupt often lead to crowding, which can result in shifting teeth or open cavities.

If you can prevent surgery by closing your wisdom tooth hole naturally, you could save thousands of dollars. For example, some dentists charge upwards of $1,000 per wisdom tooth extraction; that adds up quickly if you have four impacted molars! While home remedies like flossing won’t fix an unerupted front tooth filling permanently, they could help relieve some pressure while keeping costs down.


Natural remedies to heal the hole

The only thing worse than having a wisdom tooth pulled is finding out your dentist left you with a hole that never healed. An infection in that open wound, called an alveolar osteitis, causes irritation and pain in almost 80 percent of patients who have had their wisdom teeth holes heal, according to researchers at Baylor College of Dentistry. Unfortunately, there’s no way to predict which patients will suffer from an alveolar osteitis. The best way to prevent an infection is to use a dental prosthesis immediately after having your wisdom teeth pulled. This barrier can help fight infection and keep germs from seeping into your gums and surrounding tissue.

If you didn’t get a prosthesis, ask your dentist about getting one now. You might also try taking some natural remedies to heal the hole in your mouth. These home remedies are easy to make and work well for most people: • Aloe vera gel: Apply aloe vera gel directly onto your wisdom tooth holes three times per day until they close up completely. Aloe vera works as an antibacterial agent that speeds healing time and reduces inflammation. • Oregano oil: Swish two drops of oregano oil around each wisdom tooth hole every night before bedtime for three weeks straight. Oregano oil has powerful antibacterial properties that may help kill off any lingering bacteria or infections inside those holes.


Wisdom teeth extraction can cause infection

Wisdom teeth extraction can result in a hole (or holes) in your gums that never heal. It happens because when your wisdom teeth are removed, there’s an open space behind them. As it heals, your gum tissue can pull away from your jawbone, leaving an empty gap. Over time, food and bacteria can get stuck in that space and cause infection and swelling. There’s no way to tell if you have wisdom teeth holes until they begin to become infected or inflamed. One way to check is by having x-rays done regularly after wisdom tooth removal surgery; doctors will then be able to spot empty gaps early on before they become problems. .

In some cases, a dentist may recommend treatment right away. For example, if you notice pain or swelling around one of your wisdom teeth holes after surgery, it could mean an infection has already started. Your dentist might fill in that hole with a small amount of bone grafting material (either taken from another part of your mouth or obtained through synthetic means). If left untreated for too long, infections around wisdom teeth holes can spread into nearby muscles and bones as well as travel up into your sinuses and even down into your neck.


Healing your hole without surgery

Wisdom teeth are so named because they tend to appear around age 17, at which point our mouths and wisdom teeth holes (called alveoli) have grown enough for them to fit. Once wisdom teeth have made their appearance, your alveoli are now filled with bone, making it hard for them to heal on their own—which is why so many people end up getting surgery after a serious incident like an accident or sports injury. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take preventative measures against problems in your mouth before they arise; after all, you wouldn’t treat a cut without cleaning it first—so follow these steps to clean out your wisdom tooth hole.


How do you keep your hole clean while it heals?

You want to make sure your mouth is as clean as possible while your wisdom teeth hole heals. Brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and an ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste will help reduce plaque and maintain good oral hygiene. In addition, you should floss regularly to clear away food debris that can enter through gum tissue. Try flossing at night when your mouth is less likely to be dry. You’ll have more success in removing plaque if your gums are moist. Also remember to spit out any excess dental floss after each use; don’t wrap it around a toothpick or put it back into its container.


How long does it take for a wisdom tooth hole to heal naturally?

If you’ve just had a wisdom tooth removed, you may be wondering how long. It will take for your wisdom teeth hole to heal. How fast does a wisdom tooth hole heal up after being surgically removed?  which means they don’t grow in normally and become stuck beneath other teeth. Even when not impacted, they can still cause problems because their position makes them vulnerable to cavities or gum disease. It also makes them difficult or impossible to clean properly. Bacteria from food particles can accumulate around your wisdom teeth. And even invade surrounding tissues through cracks or holes.

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Laticia Gibson
Most of the top dentists suggest that you should visit a dentist every six months for regular dental checkups. Or you can ask your dentist about the time period in which you need to visit them. A dentist can also be proven helpful to address some serious oral and dental issues or can suggest effective and best-suited treatment to improve your oral health and dental implants. At Urbn Dental Clinic, our professional dentist will check for almost every kind of dental problem that can cause some serious dental problems. Aside from regular dental checkups, here at Urbn Dental Clinic, we also offer some additional dental services such as diagnostic and prevention, cosmetic dentistry, tooth extraction , periodontics and many other services. Urbn Dental Clinic is a modern dental clinic located at two very convenient locations 3510 Main St. Ste E, Houston, TX 77002 and 2400 Mid Ln. 350, Houston, TX 77027. You can visit any of the dental offices to ensure the highest quality of dentistry to patients of all ages. To book an appointment with us either you can visit our website or call us at (713) 322-8442 or (281) 783-3227.