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Why Should Organizations with Hybrid Workforce Prioritize Investing in a Hoteling App?


Companies that implement hybrid work arrangements face challenges during the transitions. Employees and management teams have to adjust to the new work setup.

 Although hybrid work has been around for a couple of decades, it was only during the Covid-19 pandemic when many organizations realized its benefits and convenience. 


Business owners realized that excellent employees perform at the same level of productivity, if not more, working in the office and at home. This realization builds trust that their team members can be reliable even remotely. Thus, desk hoteling software becomes essential in hybrid companies. 


Here are why organizations must invest in a hoteling app for their hybrid employees:

#1. Streamline employees work schedule 

The primary function of hoteling software is to allow team members to work in unassigned desks by making ad hoc reservations as they arrive in the office. This desk hoteling system streamlines desks and workstations bookings. 


Employees can create reservations ahead of time using their mobile devices or through the web-based online booking interface. 


With the hybrid setup, offices have limited employees to enter the building. Consequently, work from home is an option. Every team member can download the app and make a reservation for the desk and rooms they will be using for a day. 


The software will automatically update the system and make space management more straightforward. Hence, it assists the facility managers in handling their resources and spaces. 

#2. Boost employees’ productivity 

Companies continuously want to motivate their employees to boost their work productivity. In response, investing in this desk management software helps employees increase their productivity by allowing them to work in office spaces suitable for their level of concentration for specified projects. 


Employees need to reserve a space, room, and desk to finish a task independently. It enables to book a specific area in advance for meetings, brainstorming, and other activities that require the whole team’s attention. 


Proper equipment and a great working environment can boost the productivity of every employee, especially today. 

#3. Practice proper space management 

Even top-performing companies want to promote the proper building space and equipment allocation to their employees. This will help them save costs for unattended rooms, desks, and other company resources. 


This office hoteling software ensures that their employees will use office spaces responsibly. Furthermore, the software aids the company in determining distances that need improvement and the not so valuable rooms. Therefore, the management can allocate a budget for the required areas to renovate while cutting off the expenses for the unattended rooms. 

#4. Helps the company to follow safety protocols 

Because of the pandemic, CDC regulated safety protocols for every company to follow. So, in response to this, an office seat reservation system would be an excellent investment for every company today. 


Moreover, scheduling software provides dynamic scheduling, desk sanitation, thermal scanner, and mask detection features beneficial for Covid health compliance. In addition, this also has a component of the touchscreen display and QR code scanners for contactless check-in and check out of reserved spaces. It will also record the log-in and out of an employee from a particular building area or floor.


These features support contactless transactions, wearing masks, and maintaining 2-meter social distancing. So, with the use of this software, companies can ensure that they comply with the CDC’s rules. It protects the community and, most significantly, every company’s employees.

#5. Aids the company for an easier contact tracing 

Ask the software providers to provide custom programming services to enable the company to specify software features suitable for their organizational needs. 


The software is integrated with Bluetooth beacons to capture users’ mobile network signals and register them in the central server. This synchronization with beacons allows movement monitoring while on the premises, which is crucial in contact tracing. 


The management could retrieve gathered data from a certain period if someone got infected from coronavirus. This software helps the company to make more convenient contact tracing. Furthermore, this also guarantees every team member a safe working environment. 

#6. Promotes a clean and safe working station

Cleaning and sanitizing are the priority thing to do today; this is to protect the people of the whole community. Hotel software companies can conduct automated desk sanitation in between reservations. Admins can set a period before the subsequent user checks in to allow the sanitation team to clean the desk or workstation.


The software is to assist the company in embracing the hybrid setup and for the convenience of their employees. The system will automatically set a time for cleaning the room and even equipment with its various features. 


This will ease any hesitations from employees who work from home to return working on site. 




Nowadays, it’s not just about the effort and productivity of the workforce that help succeed the company. Hence, it is best to invest in modern technology that gives a software solution to boost working values to every employee. 


This hoteling software can help the company manage their resources well and, at the same time, ensure the safety of their employees. In addition, this innovation also supports hybrid workplaces to function efficiently and proceed with their operational processes despite the circumstances. 

Introduction of hybrid software for a successful setup transition

Organizations must strive to build their teams for success in a hybrid environment. Research shows that hybrid teams are more agile. 70% of the hybrid team members said they would adapt the meeting structures to the intended outcome, with only 49% employees on site.

In terms of psychological safety, 66% of hybrid employees said they were comfortable taking risks in their role, compared to 47% of their on-site teammates. 67% of them also agreed that they are skilled in asynchronous work compared to 54% of their on-site colleagues. Finally, hybrid teams have more equity. 69% of Hybrid employees reported that most of their team members met their work preferences, compared to 54% of their on-site team members.

Teamwork is essential in all companies and organizations. During the pandemic, offices will need to implement a new system in order to continue to function efficiently despite the situation. Developers have also developed innovative software and systems to make flexible working easier.

Technology always makes room for comfort and efficiency. Therefore, implementing the right software for your business process makes all the difference. Team collaboration in the hybrid environment requires careful navigation. Organizations need to have improved levels of innovation when doing this on purpose.

What is hybrid software?

This software offers an intelligent way of integrating people and processes into a hybrid setup. It’s a combination of native apps and web applications that team members can use in the office or remotely. Developers developed the software to connect to the functions of the mobile platform via a browser embedded in the app.

Innovations through hybrid software development ensure a mixture of remote and on-site work. It helps developers write code for a mobile app once and accommodate multiple platforms at the same time. Its functions include:

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The ability to function even when the device is not connected to the internet.

  • It can easily integrate the file system of the mobile device
  • It can be integrated with web-based services
  • Embedded browsers to improve access to dynamic online content
  • Moving to a more flexible yet with the same efficiency is ideal for working during the pandemic. It allows companies to continue working as usual, or at least closer to them, despite the protocols recommended by the government. If you are looking for solutions to efficiently adjust your work-life balance, hybrid automation is the answer!

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