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Why car impound insurance is important for your business?

impound insurance

When you insure your car, you might think that you don’t have to do anything else. The extensive majority of the time, this is right. However, if your car is impounded by the police and placed into the police pound, the situation becomes even more crucial. If you have an impounded car, you will need to get a special impounded car insurance policy to release it without much difficulty.

Why does a car get impounded by the police?

There can be many reasons that your car gets impounded by the police. Usually, they tend to be related to insurance. You need to have insurance to drive a car in the UK. Not being able to have valid insurance can result in the police impounding your car but invalidating it without knowing.

Vehicles can also be impounded by the police if you are driving your vehicle without a valid driving license. It could be if you are driving on a provisional license without supervision. It could also be if you have previously had your license disproved and you are still driving.

What is the purpose of impound insurance?

If the police do impound your car, your standard car insurance will not work. You generally cannot drive your car out of the police pound on a regular car insurance policy. This is where impounded car insurance steps in. Impound insurance covers you for the time of getting your impounded car released, and for up to 30 days while you place a long-term insurance policy.

Why standard insurance will not be enough?

Why do you need impound insurance if you have insurance in place already? It may be simple to assume that if your vehicle is insured, you will be released after paying the police charges. However, under many standard car insurance policies, as early as a car is impounded that insurance policy will quickly become invalid. It is because impounded cars are generally excluded from the policy documentation.

What should you do?

Our experienced team can provide you insurance quote and cover the same day. Our impound policies are generally valid for 30 days. It is the minimum term accepted by the authorities. It is because it helps assure them that you will be driving legally in the foreseen.

Once you have an insurance policy in place, you have to take the documents to the police pound to prove you have the right cover in place. The police will then either call the insurance provider to validate your coverage. Once they are satisfied with what is in place, and you have paid their charges, they will allow you to release the car.

Impound insurance from Release my vehicle makes sure that you can get your car back from the police pound and get back on the road as early as possible.

What happens after the policy expires?

Once the insurance policy expired, we can assist you to get a yearly policy. It is perhaps that the reason your car was impounded will impact your insurance, for example, if you now have points for speeding or other driving offenses. We are experts in convicted policies so can help you get a reasonable price.

The risks of cheap impounded car insurance

When your car is impounded, it can be tough. For some, it is something entirely new, and the process you go through can be quite difficult. On top of this, some insurance policies can be costly. But what are the risks of cheap impounded car insurance?

Using just online insurance providers

Trying to get the cheapest impounded car insurance can end up costing you even more. One way this can happen is by using an insurance provider that is only available online.

These insurance policies tend to work out cheaper than from an insurance broker. But, when you take your documents to the pound to release your impounded car, the pound staff will likely want to contact the insurance broker. It is to confirm the cover is correct and that they know about any pending conviction.

These online insurance providers something do not provide a contact. That is why the police will not be able to confirm the cover is right. As a result, they will refuse to release your car and you may have to take out another insurance policy with another company.

One Day Insurance

Another way people love to get cheap impounded car insurance is to purchase cover for 1-day only. From our experience point of view, the police will unlikely be happy with 1 day’s cover only. It is because you are at a greater risk of being not insured if you cannot sort insurance out. As a result, they may decline to release your car. Again this will mean that you will have to take out another insurance policy costing you even more overall.

The policy will tell you how many days minimum they need for you to release your car. It may depend on the police at the police pound, but it is generally 28 or 30 days covered.

Providing the incorrect information

When taking out impounded insurance, some try to provide wrong information to help lower the cost of insurance premiums. This can include wrong statements about who was driving or any previous driving convictions.

When the police confirm coverage they will review any information they have and ensure it matches what the insurance broker knows. If it does not match, you may be liable to pay out even more money. It is because when the insurance is quoted again with valid information the insurance premium will likely rise. 

Due to the nature of impounded car insurance, many insurance providers don’t offer any kind of refund once the policy is set up. We must have all the right information at the start. This is to ensure the policy will be able to release the impounded car.

Documents needed to release impounded vehicles

When you are in the procedure of getting your impounded car retrieved, there are a set of requirements to follow. At Release my vehicle, we are experts in helping people release their impounded cars released every day. Below we have laid out all the important documents needed to release impounded vehicles. If you need any kind of help, contact our team right now.

Impounded car insurance documents

The authorities will want these to prove you have taken out impounded car insurance that covers you for a specific amount of time.

Driving license

You need a valid driving license to release your impounded car

Proof of ownership

You need this to prove to the authorities that you are the registered keeper of the vehicle in the police pound.

A valid MOT

A valid MOT is required to release the vehicle.

You need this to prove to the authorities that you are the registered keeper of the vehicle in the police pound.

Release my vehicle has been working in the UK for many years and helping drivers whose vehicles are in the police pound. We have got UK-based call centers that are open to help you in such an emergency. Our UK insurance providers are always on hand to cover you in crucial situations. So, contact us right now and we will try to help your vehicle get out of impound.

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