
What to do if there is no cat litter at home

What to do if there is no cat litter
What to do if there is no cat litter


What to do if there is no cat litter at home, and a solution is found. Because cats who need the toilet see that there is no sand in their containers, they have to find the solution themselves.


Unfortunately, if no precautions are taken when the litter box is empty, friends with paws will mess around. The worst thing is that once they make their toilet needs in a different place, these situations continues repeatedly.

As it is not easy to remove the odor, it may be necessary to train the toilet bowl again. In addition, the use of cat litter is not easy at all. It needs to be moved into the house and cleaned daily and weekly. No matter what, you can’t avoid the sand scattered around. Regardless of whether it is short or long-term, you can get rid of many negativities by solving the problem of cat litter with our suggestions.

What To Do If There Is No Cat Litter?

Everyone can benefit from these recipes, as the materials that are very easy to find are required for making cat litter at home .

Moreover, as a result of these recipes, you can get rid of the problem of getting cat litter for two or three weeks. If you wish, you can regularly produce the cat litter yourself.

Cat litter is not an expensive product. It is produced to meet the toilet needs of cats in the most appropriate way. On the other hand, it is produced with the ease of use for cat owners in mind. But no matter what you do, cats will scratch the sand after the toilet and then bury their waste in the sand.

Therefore, sand is dispersed in the environment. Cleaning up this mess is not easy. The litter is regularly replenished daily and everything in the litter box is replenished weekly. This means constantly lifting the sandbag. If you have such complaints, you can decide which cat litter is more practical and easier to use by trying the following methods.

For me the best emergency cat litter I can use is rice, it’s cheap and I can easily found.

Newspaper Or Waste Paper

Although the use of newspapers is digital today, there are always a few pieces of newspaper in our homes. Newspapers that helped us in cleaning now exist to make the lives of our pawed friends easier. When you’re done with old newspapers, if you’ve put them aside and kept them waiting, it’s time to use them. Let’s start!

old newspaper

Dish detergent (organic)

Baking soda



a big pot


First of all, you should cut the newspapers or waste paper (they must be thick, otherwise they will dissolve in water) into thin strips with scissors.

Then put the pieces of newspaper you cut into the container.

Put on the gloves and move on to the important part of making cat litter at home.

Add enough water to completely cover the cut newspapers.

Add a very small amount of dish detergent to the water.

The inks in the newspaper will rise to the surface of the water. Therefore, pour the water after ten minutes and renew it. Add less detergent.

Repeat the process at least three times and sprinkle baking soda on the wet papers after you have completely poured out the water.


Rub the carbonated newspaper pieces well so that the ink is completely gone. Then take the newspaper paper in your palm and squeeze it.


Then place the newspaper pieces in the container in a sunny area to dry. In winter, you can dry on the honeycombs. Put the dried cat litter in the toilet bowl and introduce your cat to the litter. Let it smell.

Since it does not contain any odor that cats do not like, it will meet the toilet need without any problems. Do not use scents that cats do not like, such as vinegar or orange.


Street cats do not look for their own special cat litter. To them, toilet means land. One of the few things they have an advantage in living on the street is that they can toilet on the ground.


However, there may be a problem with odor. Because smells in nature do not bother us like they do at home. When the soil coming into the house is used as cat litter, it should be cleaned regularly.


First you have to strain the soil. There is a high probability that harmful things such as glass fragments may come out of it. If you are going to use soil to make cat litter at home, you will need methyl alcohol. You should take the soil you will use in a large container and wash it with methyl alcohol.


Then you should rinse it with water and dry it. This will prevent the cat from being harmed. Since you use methyl alcohol, you need to throw away the soil your cat uses. We do not recommend pouring the treated soil on the soil again in order not to harm the nature.


Although we do not recommend using construction sand, many people are wondering about this. Construction sands have a dusty texture. Therefore, it is harmful to cats. Which is harmful to you.


It is also very difficult to use. There’s a lot of dirt spread around and dirty construction sand smells pretty bad. It is a fact that cats on the street make their toilets on construction sand. However, it is very difficult to use at home. If you still have sand on hand and you plan to use it temporarily, let’s tell you what you need to do.


All you need is a strainer, container, sand and methylated spirits. Put on a mask over your mouth and filter the sand. By wearing gloves on your hands, you avoid the possibility of harm.


Then wash the sand with methyl alcohol. Then rinse with water and wait for it to dry. It may take 3 days for the litter to dry and it may not be easy to dry the litter when there is a cat in the house. You should put it on the balcony and close the door.


If you say what to do if there is no cat litter at home and you do not have time to make it, you can take advantage of shopping sites such as Amazon, which provides delivery during the day and whose prices are very reasonable.


It puts an end to the trouble of carrying cat litter and you don’t have to spend hours making cat litter. In addition, cats may not use the litter made. Most importantly, because they do not trap odor like cat litter, odor begins to form in the house.


If you are looking for something with pawed friends that you can do at home other than cat litter, we recommend making a cat scratching board .


Frequently Asked Questions

What Can Be Substituted For Cat Litter?

If there is no cat litter at home, the most suitable material to replace is newspapers. You have to cut the newspapers into strips, drain the ink and dry them. You should use organic dish soap and baking soda for this.


Is Cat Litter Made Of Sea Sand?

It can be cat litter from sea sand. However, you will need materials and time to make cat litter. Because you have to filter the sea sand thoroughly. It may contain a cigarette butt or a piece of glass. Then you should wash it with methyl alcohol and rinse with water. When these processes are finished, the sand should dry. This requires three days.


If you have ideas about making cat litter at home, you can contact us in the comment section.

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