
What Is The Future Of Yoga Teacher Training Programs From Corona Perspective?

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Covid-19 has brought some of the other significant changes in every sector. It had not left the world of yoga untouched. Some notable changes are coming to all yoga studios once they reopen. Whether you are looking to learn yoga or want to earn a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh certification, expect some of the significant changes. Things are not going to be the same as before.

All yoga studios are preparing for some significant changes after this Covid-19 crisis ends. Everything that a yoga student loves about yoga-like intimate classes, close-knit groups, more emphasis on breath, and dedicated attention from teachers will change because all these are highly risky in the middle of coronavirus. Respiratory droplets might spread infection when the group is doing some exhalation asanas. Then an instructor can easily pass germs from one student to another while correcting their asanas.

So, post-pandemic does in-person yoga is a no-go? No! not, as per most of the yoga teachers and the yoga studio owners. They trust that yoga is the need of the hour and all yoga studio owners are well prepared to cope with everything they have to do to keep everyone safe. However, your yoga studio might look different when they reopen after covid.

But before we go into details about the significant changes that covid will bring to yoga teacher training and yoga studios, lets us know how yoga teacher training helps and what you are left with once you are done with your training.

Good yoga teacher training helps.

  • Offering highly inspiring and authentic yoga teachings to you, no matter whatever is the practice level.
  • Encouraging you to excavate your love for yoga offers you skills and confidence for teaching yoga safely to your students.
  • Develop a positive learning environment where you, along with your like-minded teacher yogis, will live in and make long-lasting bonds.

Once you have completed the training, you will be left with

  • An extensive outlook on life with high positivity and light.
  • Best yoga knowledge in yoga postures, history, anatomy, along alignment.
  • A well-established inner teaching voice for sharing your wisdom with others.
  • Mindful practice for embracing the present moment.
  • A highly confident voice for leading and inspiring others to lead a spiritual living.
  • The experience of living with nature.

Now coming to the future of yoga teacher training from a corona perspective. Here are some of the significant changes for yoga studios after covid is gone.

  • Less crowded yoga classes: Earlier yoga studios are well-packed with learners, but now in post covid era, it is doubtful that students will tolerate these things. Yoga studios are planning to offer more space between mats when they start training. The rule for social distancing in yoga studios might vary from studio to studio until and unless health authorities provide some specific guidelines. There will be more one-to-one sessions, or even if group classes are conducted, it will be of a small group. These limitations in capacity might also extend to special events as well as outdoor yoga classes.
  • There will be fewer yoga classes: With fewer yoga classes, there will be enough time for disinfecting the studios. Students looking for a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh should expect fewer courses on their yoga studios’ schedule. Or students might see short classes to facilitate cleaning.
  • There will be no hands-on adjustments: Post covid, never expect your teacher to assist you in adjusting your triangle pose or offer you some relaxing shoulder squeeze during your savasana. This is to avoid spreading the germs in between students. Lesser the direct contact, there is less chance of germs getting spread among each other.
  • Own mat and props: If you do not have your mat when you go to a yoga studio, then it’s time to invest in one. Most of the studios will no longer lend you mate or props once they reopen studios. It should be washed in hot water and dried on some high heat for sanitizing a yoga blanket. The adding mats, straps, and blocks need the same cleaning protocols that are not practical for most yoga studios. A perfect disinfecting process needs sufficient time.
  • Yoga studios will not reopen if masks are kept mandatory: Because of the strong connection between movements and breaths, one cannot do yoga with covers on their mouth and nose. Some yoga studios might wait until mask mandates are entirely removed. Yoga is purely a depending breath practice, and it’s not possible to wear a mask at the time of physical exertion and deep breathing.
  • There will be more online classes: You might have switched to online courses to continue yoga practicing at home during the pandemic. You are not alone. Many yoga studios have seen a high rise in attendance of online classes. Some of them plan to expand their digital; offerings, even if they open brick-and-mortar studios.
  • High price: Most of the yoga studios were dealing with enhanced costs and decreased revenue opportunities when they are planning to move towards reopening. Students might be forced to pay more for membership at yoga studios to keep the businesses viable. While existing members might not suffer but new members will suffer a lot.

Yes, indeed, the cost and labor for obtaining 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh will increase, but most studio owners will not want their students and members to bear the burnt. For which they do not foresee raising of prices. There are other potential things for increasing revenue like retail sales, video on demand, online classes, etc.

Studio owners are admitting that situation is changing rapidly, and things might look different every week. One thing that might not change is a yoga studio or trainers’ dedication to offering yoga benefits to their students.


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200 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher, Vinyasa flow & Yin.