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What are the best recruitment strategies in 2022 to attract the best talent?


Are you posting job ads and hoping that the right candidate will apply to your position? Many recruitment strategies exist, but post and pray are by far the most ineffective. Can you think of any better strategies?

We examine 11 of the best recruiting strategies for 2022 in this article. We’ll show you how to fill more positions, get better quality candidates, and reduce your hiring time!

Make your employer brand stand out

To begin with, let’s tackle the most challenging one. In order to attract, hire, and retain great talent, employer branding is perhaps the most important factor. Recruitment leaders agree that it contributes significantly to hiring success.

What is the reason for this? Simply put, your company’s employer brand determines whether people want to work for you and with you. Apple, Nike, and Netflix, for example, have strong employer brands. The company has a clear mission, identity, and tone of voice that sets them apart from its competitors.

You won’t be able to build a killer brand by yourself. To build a brand that candidates want to work for, recruiters need to interact with other departments such as marketing and communications.

We promise that attracting top candidates becomes a whole lot easier when you create a desirable employer brand!

Establish a referral program for employees

Getting employee referral programs right is still a challenge in 2022, but it isn’t new news. Getting exceptional talent is as easy as asking your employees for referrals from their networks. One of the best ways to recruit employees is through employee referrals since:

When it comes to referral programs, a balance must be struck between incentives and quality. Employees should actively refer people from their networks, but not from their low-quality connections.

Fortunately, it is easy, affordable, and results-oriented to build employee referral programs.

Analyze data and make decisions based on it

If you want to hire great candidates, you have to be data-driven regardless of whether you’re using an applicant tracking system. It’s impossible to manage what you can’t measure, and there’s a lot to measure in recruiting!

Our recruitment strategies include collecting, reporting, and analyzing data that will help you measure your success over time. İstanbul evden eve nakliyat

You should track the following metrics:

You can identify which recruitment strategies work well for your department based on data analysis. If you’ve had trouble capturing data in the past, try using remote hiring tools to make your process more digital.

Create an innovative recruitment process

Many companies receive hundreds of applications per job opening. There are a lot of candidates, way more than one recruiter can handle on their own.

A traditional recruitment process is ineffective at these volumes. Innovation is needed.

Attract passive candidates by becoming visible

The following statistic is discouraging: top talent disappears from the job market in fewer than ten days. This means you have to hire quickly, make an offer quickly, and hire at the right time.

But there is good news – passive candidates aren’t in short supply. Globally, talent sits passively in the market, just waiting for better opportunities to be made known.

You won’t engage with passive candidates on job boards since they aren’t actively seeking employment. Rather, you should adopt a long-term talent acquisition strategy.

The goal of talent acquisition is to raise your organization’s visibility, awareness, and appeal in the long run. Your objective is to build up all of these factors to make sure that passive talent knows about you before they search for a new job. You’ll be on their minds when they are finally for sale!

Niche job boards are a great resource

Where the fish are, you have to fish. You need to go to the right places in recruitment if you want to find your ideal candidates.

Job boards that specialize in one sector, field, or skill set are known as niche job boards. The websites see less traffic than big websites such as Indeed and LinkedIn, but you can fish for exactly what you want.

There’s no excuse for you not to change up your job boards since this is one of the easiest recruitment strategies for you to implement.

Interviews need a makeover

The interview is one of the most important stages of the recruitment process. In addition to requiring a lot of time investment, they offer an opportunity to observe how candidates perform face-to-face and how they match your organizational culture.

Despite this, interviewing can be a pretty negative experience for candidates and employers. Candidates are 39% less likely to take a job if they have a negative interview experience; recruiters can take up to 27.5 days to complete the interview process.

Establish a talent pool

Recruiting great candidates with the skills and experience you need is the hardest part of the process. Building up a high-quality talent pool is the best way to ensure you have vetted candidates on hand.

There is a common misconception that talent pools consist solely of names and numbers. The following information should be included in a talent pool:

You don’t need just a list of names and numbers to build a great pool of talent. An appropriately curated talent pool includes rich information about potential candidates, including: 

We recommend building a talent pool as one of the best long-term recruitment strategies. In addition to speeding up the hiring process, you’ll also reduce costs and keep candidates interested.

Former employees should be nurtured

In addition to leveraging your talent pool well, one of the most overlooked recruitment strategies is to tap into the pool of former employees.

At first, glance, hiring someone who used to work for you might not sound like the best idea, but hear us out. You may be able to rehire the employee if they left on good terms, or you may be able to assign them a different role within your organization.

Employees from previous organizations have the perfect combination of familiarity with your organization and new skills, knowledge, and experiences. As a result, you’ll spend less time onboarding and the time it takes to hire will be reduced significantly.

Event-hosting for the industry

Start planning ways to raise your profile within your industry with your company’s events team. Instead of making these events recruitment-focused, focus on promoting your business as an exciting and innovative place to work.

You could participate in a hackathon if you’re in tech. You could host an exhibition if you’re in the arts industry. If you’re in marketing, you could attend a conference. You may even be able to host a webinar on a hot topic in your industry.

Recruitment-wise, it’s a great way to complement several other recruiting strategies. You can raise your employer brand, reach passive candidates, and build a talent pool through events.

The Short Version

It does not appear that the recruitment process will ease up in 2022, as it was fiercely competitive in 2021. Here are 11 recruitment strategies that will help you fill more positions, get better candidates, and reduce time to hire.

It is recommended that you test them in your business to see which works best for your candidate base and industry. With Toggl Hire’s skills testing, we’re passionate about creating an easy and efficient hiring process.


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