
What Are Core Web Vitals & How Will They Impact Your SEO?

SEO Dubai
SEO Dubai

Are you busy creating great content for your off-page SEO? Are you focusing on building high-quality backlinks? To improve your SEO performance, you can keep working to meet the most important ranking factors, but don’t let the Core Web Vitals slip your mind. Wait, what? Is this your first time reading about them? Don’t be anxious because we are going to discuss all of it in this blog. So, Google has recently notified that it is going to launch the Core Web Vitals to improve the on-page experience for the users in May 2021. And as you can already guess, this is going to create a deep impact on your SEO in Dubai. If you ignored HTTPS, a safe browsing experience, and the mobile-friendliness of your website all this while, it is high time that put your foot down. Wondering how to make the best utilisation of time left in your hands? Keep reading and you will find the solutions.

Understanding the Signals and Specifics of Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals cover three main metrics against which your website’s performance is going to be evaluated. At one glance, these terms may look extremely technical and boring, but you should not skip them at any costs. To reduce your confusions, we will discuss them below easily and lucidly.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – This is an easy concept, to begin with. So, LCP asks how fast a page can load. If you want to secure a top ranking on Google’s search engine, you will have to meet the general benchmark of 2.5 seconds. This means your website has to open and display the overall content within that bandwidth. So, test the loading speed of your website and find out the current status. Does your website take more than 3 seconds to load? Well, you need to get your website on the right track.

First Input Delay (FID) – Now, this metric is going to decide how fast your website interacts with the users. In simpler words, it will test how fast the website can show results when a user presses a button or initiates an action. Whether they are requesting information or filling up a form on the website, your users will not like delayed interactions. Will they? If your website takes forever to respond to the users’ actions, then you should be quick to plan something.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – Does your website offer visual stability? Can’t figure out what it is? Have you ever visited a website and wanted to click a particular button but end up tapping another button because the layout changes so fast? Or when you are going through the content it gets bumped with ads, buttons, and videos thereby distracting you from your action? To reduce the impact of such intrusive elements, Google has come with this particular metric to analyse the on-page experience as apart of ranking factors.

Modifying Your Strategy as Per Core Web Vitals

To deal with the core web vitals, you will now have to do the needful and upgrade your strategy. Since Google has already replaced the speed test with Core Web Vitals in the Search Console, you can get into the process without wasting time and effort in finding an analytical tool for getting around the task. But if you want to carry on with your exploration, you may want to discover a host of online tools to boost your online business, say like health business. Let us go back to our discussion for now

Assess URL quality – According to the digital marketing agency Dubai, poor URL construction can slow down action processes, lead to inconsistent display, and hamper the overall SEO experience. This means you will have to improve your URLs to meet the three metrics we discussed above. Make sure URLs are short, crisp, within the character length, and devoid of unnecessary characters or words.

Optimise JavaScript – To improve the website speed, you may want to review and consolidate the JS scripts. But, since this aspect tilts towards the technical side, you should seek assistance from a web development company that can optimise both CSS and JavaScript for streamlining your web design and improving the speed of your site.

Optimise Images – From the SEO perspective, image optimisation can help improve Core Web Vitals for your website. To reduce the size of background images will automatically boost the website loading speed and prevent distracting the visitors from performing an action. Also, smaller image file sizes can prevent unexpected layout shifts and offer visual stability.

Adjust Fonts & Icons – They may seem like trivial detail work, but optimising the fonts and icons can help improve the on-page experience to a great extent. You should ask your expert to choose the fonts very carefully, as you would not want fonts or icons to hamper the layout, and disturb the user interactions on your website.

We have mentioned only the most important tips and fixes here, and to discover more of such strategies, you may consult with a digital agency offering all-round business services.

Closing Thoughts – Google has been generous enough in giving us six months to update our core web vitals and improve the on-page experience on our websites. As a result, you should not waste any more time and contact a digital cum branding agency for engaging professional services. With the experts helping you out with every technical detail, you can maintain or in fact improve your ranking on the search engine. Hope your website shines online!

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Maya Ghannam
As one of the owners of a top digital agency based in Dubai, Maya Ghannam keeps herself up-to-date with the latest trends emerging in the world of digital technologies. Her in-depth knowledge finds an expression through informative blogs and articles. She is an avid learner who likes to delve into a range of subjects and share her insights with her readers.