Real Estate

Top tips for apartment hunting in Toronto


Is it time to move to a new apartment and you have chosen Toronto as your new home? How to move where to move, and of course, how to find your dream home? If you are apartment hunting in Toronto, research the market and its neighborhoods. Also, know how to transport all your household items to a new home safely and fast. Toronto has a population of almost 3 million people. It is a vibrant place full of different and interesting people.

Pros of living in Toronto

Before you start apartment hunting in Toronto, know what this city has to offer you and what are the benefits of living here. There are plenty of things to do in Toronto and it is a vibrant city. If you are not from Toronto and you want to move there, explore this city and know what to expect after moving.

  • It is a multicultural city and people from all around the world are coming here to live and work. It is because Canada is open to foreigners. Diversity is high which can be pretty cool. You can try food from different parts of the world and meet other cultures and languages.
  • The job market is strong, and most people are moving to Toronto because of job opportunities. Also, the unemployment rate is low and average salaries are high. Many big companies are located here. It is a business and economic center of Canada.
  • Basic healthcare is free and Canada has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, so you don’t have to worry about your well-being and your health.
  • A lot of exciting things to do all year round.
  • The weather is nice because Toronto is located in the southern part of Canada which is not cold all of the time.
  • Toronto is a big city, but the crime rates are very low. Nevertheless, it is one of the safest big cities in the world. That is why many families with kids are moving to Toronto. The economy is great and it is a safe place.
  • It is easy to get around the city because the public transportation is well developed.

Best places in Toronto to live

Toronto is one of the biggest cities in Canada and it is the capital of Ontario. Therefore, it has plenty of neighborhoods. Some of them are good for young professionals, some of them are great for raising kids, or retirees. Options are endless.

Toronto at night.
Toronto is a beautiful city that has a lot to offer.

Choosing the right location is one of the first things to consider. A younger adult looking for more entertainment options nearby will search for different things from people that have kids, for example.

Criteria to choose the best neighborhood

They depend on your lifestyle and priorities. But, some of the universal – safety, schools, parks, commuting, and shops. Some of the best neighborhoods in Toronto that have all those criteria are:

  • Kensington Market
  • West Queen West
  • East Chinatown
  • Roncesvalles
  • The Junction
  • Scarborough

Each neighborhood is different and has different amenities. The best is to visit a neighborhood before deciding to move there.

To buy or rent an apartment in Toronto?

Another decision to make is to choose will you buy or rent an apartment. Finances are not the only factor in this case. Both options have pros and cons you should consider before apartment hunting in Toronto. The average rent per month is around $1,900 and the value of homes depends on the area and size.

A contract for buying a home.
Decide if buying is better for you.

By answering a couple of questions you will be able to choose the right options for you. 3 main questions are:

  1. Can I afford to purchase a home in Toronto? Before you buy a home, go to the bank to analyze the credit score and mortgage rate. Money for a down payment is the biggest issue for homebuyers, not a mortgage.
  2. How long will I live in Toronto? If you are planning to stay in Toronto for a long time (for example more than 6 years), buying may be a good option to consider. If you are not sure will you be in Toronto for 3 years from now, renting is a better option.
  3. How much will an apartment appreciate in the future? Maybe for 10 years, you will want to sell your home, and selling it for a lower price will make you lose money. You cannot predict the future but look at the statistic. In most cases, home prices in Toronto are rising, in almost every neighborhood.

Tips for apartment hunting in Toronto are a lifesaver

How to make apartment hunting in Toronto easier? Now when you know do you want to buy or rent a home, it is time to start researching, Some of the tips can be very helpful, especially if you are home-hunting for the first time. Toronto has plenty of housing options and a wide range of prices as well. Follow these steps and you may find your dream apartment faster.

  • Set your budget. If you are buying an apartment, then set a budget for buying. Or if you are renting, then know how much money you can spend monthly on rent. Average prices are different in different neighborhoods in Toronto.
  • Hire a real estate agent from Toronto because they know this market the best. This way, you will find an apartment faster and easier. Also, a realtor will find a place in your price range.
  • Set your 3 priorities. What do you need and want in your new home? For example, an apartment near work with 1 bedroom and with a view.
  • Measure your furniture such as bed, sofas, dining table, and everything big. When looking for an apartment, measure rooms and door and you will know can your furniture fit or not. If you are having trouble with moving your furniture, let skilled people jump in and help you pack and move.
  • You should see 3 or 4 apartments before making the final decision and if you like one apartment, visit it 2 times, at different times of the day. In the morning and the evening as well.
  • Focus on a couple of neighborhoods in Toronto, and search for homes in the same area. Pick a few neighborhoods you like the most and stick to them. Make a list and then visit those places.
  • Pay attention to details in the apartment such as floors, windows, and closets. If you are buying an apartment, inspect a home before buying it and hire a professional to do it better.

How to move items to your new apartment in Toronto

After finding a home in Toronto, it is time to think about moving all your belongings safely and efficiently. Organize upcoming relocation on time and get all information on and don’t waste your time.

Furniture in a living room after apartment hunting in Toronto
To put all your furniture in your new apartment, hire movers.

Prepare for the move on time

Packing takes most of the time when moving, In some cases, it may take months. Make sure to hire a reliable company. That means that the company must be licensed and insured, also, it should have positive feedback from past clients. You can read them online on social media, or websites, or find other resources to get more information about the moving company when apartment hunting in Toronto.

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