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The Opencart Loyalty Points Extension by Knowband builds customer loyalty – Know more

Opencart Loyalty Points Extension by Knowband

Customers can now earn loyalty points for particular actions. For instance, shop enrollment, first orders, orders over a certain amount, specific products, and so on. Further, online users can earn reward points that are convertible into discount coupons for the next purchase. In fact, the online shop merchant can handle the Opencart Loyalty Points Extension in this manner. Additionally, without having to make any coding modifications. The marketer can simply ensure client retention and acquisition by delivering appealing rewards.

The Opencart Loyalty Store Credit extension is simple to configure and use. Hence, the Loyalty Rewards Points extension is a popular choice for your eCommerce business. With the popularity of the loyalty programs, Knowband went ahead and came up with Opencart Reward Loyalty Points extension. Furthermore, it offers an effortless way to allow the store admin to reward their customer. In fact, online shoppers can redeem these reward points in the next purchase and get a discount. Additionally, the Opencart Loyalty Store Credit extension helps the merchant. How? To retain the customer to the website. Further, because buyers come to the website for using the reward points. Therefore, the admin can keep the old customer as well as attract new shoppers to the website.

In this blog, we will focus on everything that you should know about the Reward points module. Furthermore, you will find the features, benefits, and more about the Loyalty Store Credit extension for OpenCart. Let’s take a look at some of the features that might assist eCommerce business owners.

The Opencart Loyalty Points Extension has the following features:

  1. The shop administrator can provide loyalty points to consumers. In fact, with this Opencart Loyalty Points System extension, he can do it without a difficult process.
  2. The Reward points module allows online merchants to set loyalty point terms and conditions. Further, from the admin interface of this OpenCart loyalty points system, you can apply the Cart Rule and Behavior Rule.
  3. The OpenCart loyalty reward points lets you determine the amount of each loyalty point. Moreover, the order state for which online users can earn loyalty points.
  4. From the admin interface of this Opencart Loyalty Points System extension, the online shop admin can define the point’s expiration. Further, it also offers clients an email to alert them that their loyalty points are about to expire.
  5. Admins can quickly set up Cron. Moreover, perform activities with a click of the mouse.
  6. From the admin interface, configure points, validity, loyalty point status, and customer email for the promotion. In fact, it is possible to add points by uploading a CSV file.
  7. The Loyalty Points extension for OpenCart allows the online retailer to send emails to consumers. Further, alerting them of their loyalty points.
  8. Any customer’s loyalty points balance are available for the eCommerce store administrator. Further, he can easily check them in the backend of the Opencart Loyalty Points Extension.
  9. From the Loyalty Rewards Points extension’s admin interface, you can modify the status of loyalty points.
  10. The Opencart Reward Loyalty Points extension lets you set and send email notifications to clients. Furthermore, based on their loyalty point status.

Other features 

The benefit of the OpenCart loyalty reward points for the Admin

As a result, the OpenCart loyalty reward points is the finest option for your eCommerce business. Further, don’t let your eCommerce store’s low sales determine its fate. Moreover, use these helpful features to make the necessary adjustments.

Customer rewards 

Let us conclude now!

The Opencart Discount extension is a great way to promote your brand or store to potential customers. Further, when loyal customers spread the word, more users will convert to your store. Do you want to offer the functionality of the Opencart Loyalty Points System extension? You can simply do that by reaching out to us at Moreover, you can even head to the Knowband store for more information. For instance, you can go through the User Manual that has all the necessary steps. In addition, the Admin Demo and Front Demo can give you a first-hand experience of the module’s working.

If you’re thinking about your budget, you should worry. Knowband is offering the Opencart Loyalty Points & Discount extension at an exciting discount. You can buy the plugin at a discount of 20%. Isn’t that amazing? Well, that’s not it. You can even use the coupon code HNY22 to get an additional discount of 22%. However, you got to hurry up because the code is valid till the 31st of January 2022.

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