
The 10 Second Text That Will Make Him Smile For Hours

The 10 Second Text That Will Make Him Smile For Hours

It is important to convey your love very explicitly. The 10 Second Text That Will Make Him Smile For Hours will definitely make him realize how much you really love him. Sending an exciting text to your guy is one of the best means of conveying your feelings to him over as it also helps to let him know how happy you are in him. Here are some tips that you can use to send an amazing text to make a guy smile. A purity test attempts to gauge how “pure” you are within some realm of experience by having you answer a list of questions regarding which acts, etc

To start off reading a ten second text that will make him smile, try to say the first few words of the message and see how he responds to them. You may be amazed at what he says and his facial expression as well as his tone of voice will all tell you a lot about what he thinks about you.

There is no doubt that the guy you are trying to attract is going to be a little cautious at first but once he realizes that you are just trying to make him happy then things will probably progress much better for you both. To start off reading a ten second text that will make him smile, try using the C word which means come. You know that the male species are known for being attracted to women who bring joy into their lives so by using the word come you are actually telling him that you are in fact bringing joy into his life. There is no doubt that he will be very impressed by that and this will surely make him smile in no time.

Your first sentence must always be “I Love You”.

This can be the first statement that you want to say to your beloved. However, if you want to give your guy a surprise you can say it with eyes filled with tears or even with a smile on your face. The secret here is that your dearest and darling are sure to appreciate it when she sees that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to call her and send her a text message. The 10 seconds that this takes makes your guy realize how much he means to you.


you should tell him that he makes you feel special. This is the third thing that you need to do to make him feel special. The good news is that most guys take time to realize that they do indeed make you feel special and this is very attractive to women. So don’t be stingy and tell him to tell you how he makes you feel special every time you get a message from him.


the next thing that you should do is to send him long text messages on a regular basis. There is no doubt about it. Long text messages make men feel like they are being loved and cared for and this is very attractive to women. So if you really want your loved one to feel special, then don’t be afraid to send him long texts. You will definitely find that your relationship with him becomes very romantic and if you have not noticed it already then you will after receiving his reply.


you should also send him a good morning message every morning and this is probably one of the most important messages that you have to send to him because this is the first message that he receives each day when you talk to him on the phone. This is also the first message that he reads every day and this tells him how well you care for him. Your love for each other cannot be explained in words and cannot be expressed in simple sayings. Good morning messages can only be expressed if you express them with your body language and your facial expression as well.


when it comes to the 10-second text messages for your husband to make him smile, you should not send him any messages that have any obscene content in them. You should not also send him any text messages that are too sexually suggestive in them. This may turn him off and might even disgust him. It would be better if you do not write any suggestive or adult text messages in your relationship with your husband.


when it comes to the good morning text messages for your husband, make sure that you will keep your feelings and your thoughts to yourself. Your husband will appreciate it more if you will show your feelings of love and affection in your texts. Your husband will get a lot of encouragement from you in case he is a bit confused with what is going on in your marriage.


when you write the good morning message for your husband, you should try your best to make your words as sincere as possible. It would be better if you will write down all your thoughts about something before you send it to your husband. In this way, it will be easier for you to make your words more sincere than before. This will make your husband to feel good every time he reads your message.

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