
Tables And Workstations Are The Best Choice For Your Cleanrooms And Labs

Tables and Workstations

When it comes to a variety of processes and businesses today, eliminating contamination is a big consideration. Whether it be environmental contamination, micro-contamination, or airborne, both safety regulations and legislation, as well as general prudence, mandates that these contaminants are eliminated and the surroundings are made clean and contaminant free. This is even more important in certain industries such as the cosmetics industry, pharma industry, medicine, automotive, aeronautical industry, as well as the food industry (including processing, meat packing, etc).

What Are The Main Factors To Be Considered While Setting Up A Cleanroom Or A Lab? 

  • Quick ability to construct: A modular cleanroom or a lab must be easily installable, and have sturdy and well-fixed components. They should also be easy to dismantle and transport, especially if they have to be set up off-site.
  • Low Cost: Often, aspects such as humidity control and temperature control can be extremely expensive and hard to establish in traditional set-ups. However, with modular cleanrooms and labs, the efficient design and implements placed in them not only make them cost-effective when it comes to set up but also for running them.
  • Must be easy to maintain: For many industries and sectors, ease of operation is a big factor of consideration – in this regard, modular cleanrooms have an edge; they are much easier to maintain compared to traditional cleanroom structures. However, with the right type of furniture and implements, even a traditional cleanroom can be made equally effective to maintain and operate.

Why do I need specific lab/cleanroom furniture? Can I not use ordinary tables for the purpose?

Anyone working in any industry that operates a lab or a cleanroom will be aware of the various reasons as to why specific cleanroom Tables and Workstations are required, and why normal furniture will not make the mark. Some of the main reasons are enumerated below.

  1. A requirement of zero contamination: as discussed earlier, when it comes to manufacturing or the medical sector, or many other types of industries, even a single contaminant can wreak havoc. Cleanroom Tables and workstations for labs are designed in a manner to ensure maximum possible cleanliness and least contamination.
  2. Meet manufacturing standards: various health and safety requirements, whether regulatory or legislative mandate a certain type of equipment and standard of furniture/implements to be utilized. Therefore, tables and workstations whether for cleanrooms or labs are the ideal solutions as they meet the requisite guidelines.
  3. Better look and image: not only are they easy to use and promote cleanliness, but they are also sophisticated both in terms of appearance as well as usage. This ensures that processes are made easier and the best and most modern implements are used.

Materials used in the manufacturing of Tables and workstations 

The most common and preferred material that is used in the manufacture of tables and workstations is stainless steel. Plastic, melamine, chrome are also available, and depending on what purpose they are to be used for, the industry in question, and what items the table is likely to come in contact with, a choice can be made between these various substances.

Considerations Before Choosing A Table Or A Workstation

  • Ideally, the table should be hygienic, non-porous, non-reactive as well as easy to clean. Furthermore, if the table is for a cleanroom, it must match the ISO classification requirements of your cleanroom.
  • It must be robust and sturdy. You neither want your table or workstation to break and nor would you like to keep replacing it again and again. Therefore, the equipment you invest in must be robust and sturdy and must provide an ideal return on your investment.
  • The material of the table or workstation you choose for your lab or cleanroom must also consider the materials that the table or workstation is likely to come in contact with. If there is likely to be a presence of hazardous chemicals or reactive components, the material should be chosen with due regard placed upon this factor.
  • Another aspect to consider is how much you are likely to move around your table or workstation, and depending on this, a more flexible or a more stationary option might be selected to suit your needs.

Various Types Of Tables And Workstations To Choose From

The following are the best and most ideal tables and workstations that one can purchase.

  1. Stainless steel, solid top
  2. Stainless steel, perforated top
  3. Cleanroom workbenches
  4. Laboratory workbenches
  5. Enclosed Stainless steel worktables with a flat top
  6. Industrial and lab stainless steel worktables

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