
Seven Reasons Dental Veneers Is Suitable For Smile Restoration

Seven Reasons Dental Veneers Is Suitable For Smile Restoration - Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic

The potential of having a beautiful smile is in a series of cosmetic treatments, one of which is the porcelain veneers. A lot of persons may not believe the efficacy of these thin shells made from porcelain, which is why we are here to make you understand what this treatment can do. These materials are excellent at removing discolouration in teeth, correcting diastema (gappy teeth), filling chips, and straightening crooked teeth. Do you know that smiles have been transformed and self-confidence restored, thanks to dental veneers? This cosmetic treatment has become popular in recent times, and more people opt for porcelain veneers London.

While some persons who do not have good teeth genetics, go for dental veneers to make up for what they don’t have, others may have beautiful teeth in their young age, and as they grow old, wear and tear sets in, and that radiant facial glow disappears into thin air.

Adults and children of both sexes can get porcelain veneers as part of their options for treatment. What about the age factor? Both old and young people can treat their teeth with this cosmetic option.

Porcelain veneers can fix a wide range of issues, including stained teeth and broken or chipped teeth.

Maybe you’ve been hearing about porcelain veneers and have had friends who have received this treatment, and you are not sure if it will work for you. These seven reasons below will explain what you need to know.

Why give porcelain veneers a try?

  1. They are stain-resistant 

    The drinks and meals you consume every day contain colours, oil, and other substances that can stain the teeth. Amid different types of veneers, porcelain veneers stand out because they are not easily stained. Designed with a smooth surface that is not porous, dental veneers don’t allow stains to get to them. During the laboratory manufacture of porcelain veneers, these appliances are subjected to highly advanced processes that make them tough to stain. Ever wondered why dental veneers remain whiter for a very long time? It is the lab work that makes it so. However, to encourage this outstanding feature of the shells, and as part of caring for your veneers, you should do well not to eat foods or take drinks that can stain your teeth.Drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, and others contain substances that can mess up the colour of your teeth over time. Should you be using porcelain veneers, it is advised that you reduce or if possible, stop the intake of coloured beverages. Remember the reason for opting for veneers was to give your teeth a shine and allure that can boost your smile and confidence. Would you want to sacrifice that over some cups of coffee? It’s not worth it.You can learn to take other drinks that won’t waste the money and time you put into having those beautiful natural-looking artificial teeth. Be smart about it.

  2. They are long-lastingNobody will go into a dentist’s office for a dental procedure and after spending money and time, come out with temporary results. That’s not the expectation of cosmetic dental patients. The case holds very accurately for veneers. People want their porcelain shells to glow and remain bright for all the years they can imagine.In comparison to other types of veneers, fortunately, porcelain veneers possess a longer lifespan, and that’s a great feature. Composite veneers have a shelf life of between 5 to 7 years, while porcelain veneers can stay up to about 15 years. Isn’t that lovely?

    Dental veneers offer beauty and longevity all in one shell! Should you be interested in veneers, and you need a long-term solution, porcelain veneers are up for grabs. Replacing porcelain veneers may be quite expensive, yet the fact that you won’t be visiting your dentist often, and it will last for a long time makes it a good investment. Is it not better to spend the money and get quality treatment without hassles than going for something that will cost less yet repairs would increase the cost later on? Think again.

  1. Good for masquerading discoloured teethIt is comforting to know that your porcelain veneers cannot get stained quickly, but what if you have natural teeth whose colour has faded as a result of discolouration?Don’t be surprised that tooth discolouration can be so bad that expert whitening treatment may not be able to redeem them anymore. It can be that serious. What could cause teeth discolouration? Genetics, the kind of medications you have been taking over the years, the meals and drinks — substances that have a high potential of causing stains. One or all of these may contribute to stained teeth, not responding to dental whitening at all.

    All hope is not lost. Porcelain veneers can help discoloured teeth regardless of the reason for the colouration. To whiten your teeth instantly, the dentist can cover stained teeth with veneers to upgrade the colour and give you a brighter smile.

  1. It’s a good alternative for adult bracesAside from giving you a brighter smile, porcelain veneers can correct diastema (gaps between teeth). Although, this all depends mostly on your dentist’s recommendation.Veneers may not be effective in treating bite problems like overbite, and a severely crooked teeth, however a complete set of dental veneers can represent an ugly smile with one that patients love and are proud to display. Do you also know that unlike adult braces which require so much time, porcelain veneers are faster and not so painful?

    Even if you have a tooth that looks different in shape from the rest of the others, a porcelain veneer can come to the rescue. Your dentist will build a tooth that resembles the other well-shaped teeth and use it to cover the odd tooth. So, when you smile, all your teeth look the same and beautiful.

  1. More strength to chipped teethHaving a minor crack in your teeth can be disturbing. It could be caused by an accident, serious body contact, or a fall. From the discomfort, you feel when your teeth come together in a bite, to the risk that the crack might become more significant, this is not good for your dental health. What about a chip? This one causes some sensitivity when you chew, especially when its hard food. You won’t feel that firm grip a healthy tooth has on substances in the mouth. Wherever the case, this dental malfunction can become worse if left untreated for a very long time.Are you looking for a good option for a chipped or cracked tooth? Then it would be best if you turned towards porcelain veneers; they are a perfect anti-crack and -chip solution. With just a single porcelain veneer designed and fitted over the bad tooth, it will become more robust and steady. This added firmness will safeguard the tooth or teeth from any damage that may want to happen over time. In appearance, the veneer will immediately alter the look of the cracked teeth to blend with the other teeth. It is another good reason you should consider porcelain veneers.
  2. Porcelain veneers are designed like the original teethWhen it comes to appearance and strength. One of the key things people look out for in cosmetic dentistry is a tooth that can match their existing teeth. It is essential because you may not feel comfortable to open your mouth and what people see is a combination of different tooth colours. The ability to make dental veneers look like natural teeth is the happiness of patients and the dentist. So, you can get natural-looking teeth with the same shade, colour, and shape that fits.People who put on porcelain veneers don’t always feel disturbed that others will get to notice the appliance they have in their mouth. This choice of cosmetic dental work brings peace of mind and satisfaction because your smile can be adjusted in all areas to give a more natural outcome. If what you are looking for is a natural-centred treatment and realignment, go for porcelain veneers. Nothing is as beautiful as having artificial teeth that appear like the original teeth — It saves the stress of feeling self-conscious. Besides, isn’t that what cosmetic work seeks to address?
  3. Porcelain veneers provide an all-round radiant smileA smile tells people how you feel and what you look like. Several things can be done to change your smile speedily and efficiently. One of these is the use of porcelain veneers.

The flexibility that comes with the application of dental veneers is sweet.  While you may choose to get that odd-looking tooth or teeth covered up such that it resembles your original teeth, you may also choose to completely replace all the teeth with a new set of porcelain veneers. Plus, your new teeth can be made to look brighter than the former and make your smile breathtaking.

Choosing porcelain veneers for this transformation gives you the perk of having it done as quickly as possible. In most cases, patients can get their dental veneers in a maximum of few dental appointments. What’s more? You pay for your veneers; you get a great smile that can be customized to suit your needs, and it can last for a long time.

Key Takeaways

Are you thinking veneers and considering long-term? Porcelain veneers are the way to go. Would you like a flexible treatment that matches your lifestyle and preferences? Then there is a solution to that: porcelain veneers.

Need a smile that looks natural? Dental veneers are crafted to fit your original teeth and smile.

Teeth problems that are severe like cases of overbite can be effectively handled by porcelain veneers; giving you a smile that brings confidence.

Dental veneers may be expensive, but the money is worth the treatment in terms of efficacy and durability.

Do You Still Want To Know More?

You can contact us today, and we’ll gladly arrange for a meeting between you and any of our expert dentist should you like to learn more about porcelain veneers. It includes any questions that might be bothering you which needs answers.

From our years of experience in fitting porcelain veneers, your questions will be addressed appropriately. There is only a thin line between choice, and effective treatment and that is the right information. Don’t rely on myths and hear-says. Visit us today and get a more precise explanation of all that concerns dental veneers. You will be glad you did.

Like A Consultation?

You can book a consultation anytime with us at our clinic. We will help you decide if porcelain veneers are suitable for you by scrutinizing your concerns and considering the kind of results you will expect. As experts in the field, we do understand that not all cases may require the same kind of cosmetic treatment. Should you be qualified for porcelain veneers, we would give you all the necessary support and guide you may need. Always bear in mind that you are not alone, and many people have had their dental problems fixed with this method. At the same time, some are still making plans to get treated.

Should you visit us for your composite veneers London, we have modern cosmetic technology to handle your case. Even if you require other treatment options that are not porcelain veneers related, our experts can treat you effectively and accordingly. Our dental treatments are strategic and well planned to give the best results to patients, both new and existing.

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