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PHP vs. Python Which Language is Best For Web Development: In-Depth Guide

PHP vs. Python Which Language is Best For Web Development

Today’s industry is completely centered on interactive mobile applications and websites. Every third company has its own business website and mobile app. Thank you to the web and mobile app development companies that provide high-quality, helpful applications. When it comes to building mobile or web apps, backend development is crucial; it is the backbone or foundation of the planning process.

A working backend enables the development of interactive apps. Python and PHP have become extremely popular in backend development; both languages have long been a source of contention among the development community and companies.

These are the most popular programming languages, and practically every developer prefers them. This huge popularity might be attributed to the features, functions, and other characteristics they supplied in web development. The web development industry is crowded with many programming languages, but the rivalry between PHP and Python is always the topic of conversation.

Both languages have substantial market positions, histories, features, functions, and uses. This toughness generates a huge struggle over whether to use Python or PHP for web development.

So, this essay compares and contrasts these two great programming languages, as well as their features, benefits, and drawbacks. We wrote this guide to help you better understand these languages and make informed selections for your upcoming web development project.

PHP Vs Python For Web Development

Before we get into the specifics, let’s take a brief look at PHP and Python.


PHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, is among the earliest programming languages, having been discovered in 1994. This language is commonly used to create interactive web pages all around the world. PHP is utilized by 79.2% of all websites having a recognized server-side programming language, according to market surveys. As a result, PHP is used in some capacity by nearly 8 out of every 10 websites you visit on the Internet.

This server-side language has sophisticated tools and C-like syntax for creating dynamic web pages; it is completely free. It is one of the main languages, beloved and accepted by a significant number of software developers and communities worldwide. Because this language is always growing, most current websites are still operational.


Python is a high-level, object-oriented programming language suited for mobile and web app development. This language was created in 1989, but it gained popularity in 2000 with the introduction of Python version 2.0. Software engineers frequently use it as a support language to construct, control, manage, test, and in other ways.

Furthermore, Python 2.0’s Unicode capability makes this language popular in the web development business. As a result, it is a popular programming language among both novice and professional developers. You can also hire python developers in India who are well known to deliver top-notch web development solutions.

Python has grown in popularity, and many successful software companies now use it as their backend programming language. Instagram, Spotify, Netflix, Uber, Dropbox, Pinterest, Google, Reddit, and others are some of the greatest instances of Python-powered websites.

PHP Vs Python: Which one is better?

We compared PHP vs Python on several aspects to help understand which one is superior. So, let’s talk about it-

#1 Performance:

Python was formerly thought to be the fastest software program, but PHP version 7 has entirely changed the picture. PHP is now three times quicker than Python and other languages. With PHP, developers can now process large amounts of data rapidly and efficiently. PHP’s performance over Python is eventually enhanced by its speed and scalability. PHP triumphs in this case.

#2 Library Support:

Python outperforms PHP in terms of library support, as it includes a large number of libraries. Many companies are making investments in machine learning web apps these days, and Python has a wide choice of machine learning libraries such as Tensor Flow, Scikit, Learn, and others. In comparison to Python, PHP lacks library support.

Python is thus the preferable choice for developers and companies looking to create ML-powered web apps.

#3 Community Support:

Whenever it comes to support from the community, both languages are nearly equal. PHP has large community support since it is one of the most widely used and oldest server-side languages. PHP powers 80% of websites, demonstrating the magnitude of the PHP community.

Python, on the other hand, is similar to PHP; this language rose to prominence when Google began employing it in applications such as YouTube. Following that, several other internet behemoths, like Instagram and Uber, adopted this language for their backend.

#4 Complexity:

Both languages are object-oriented and work with many operating systems. However, Python outperforms PHP in terms of usability. PHP has a strict syntax, which makes it complicated and difficult to grasp. Previous PHP versions were rather difficult.

Python, on the other hand, has high readability, making it exceptionally simple to understand. Python code can be quickly viewed and interpreted, which aids in the debugging process.

#5 Documentation:

PHP has a comprehensive documentation site that allows developers to provide comments on the documentation pages. The documentation is created in simple language that both new and experienced developers may comprehend. And the extra notions elevate these publications by expanding on the themes in a distinct conversational tone. However, these comments may sometimes be disadvantageous since, on documentation pages, you can readily see previous comments on top, which might confuse any developer.

Python, on the other hand, has no such concerns because it does not allow comments. Python texts are less conversational, which might make them harder to read and understand at times. PHP outperforms Python in this category because developers can readily grasp its documentation.

#6 Debugging:

Python and PHP tie in debugging, since both Python’s PDB (Python Debugger) and PHP’s XDebug include sophisticated debugging capabilities such as stacks, breakpoints, path mapping, and so on. The only difference between these debuggers is how they are set up. You don’t need to do anything in Python; simply press the “debug” button to test the Python code.

You may simply undertake further PHP setup work if necessary. So there are no clear winners in terms of debugging because both feature robust and good debuggers that maintain your program secure and running smoothly.

#7 Syntax:

Syntax-error-free programming is usually a vital feature that developers evaluate when choosing a language, and Python shines here. This happens because Python makes it easy for developers to code without worrying about constraints that cause the code to fail during the build. Furthermore, Python has a good readability score, which aids developers in the debugging process.

PHP, on the other hand, has a difficult syntax that imposes specific constraints when coding. As a result, developers prefer Python for easy syntax programming.

#8 Rendering:

PHP benefits from extensive community support and simple documentation when rendering. This server-side language uses a conclusive rendering method that outperforms Python. Python, on the other hand, has difficulty with the rendering process since it is not as plain and easy as PHP; hence, PHP is an excellent choice for rendering.

PHP Vs Python: Features

Let’s now compare the features of Python with PHP:

Features of PHP:


Features of Python:


Wrapping Up!

In the end, the type of project you’re working on and the qualities you want to emphasize will determine the language you choose. Though Python obviously prevails in this comparison, the choice of programming language for your web development will ultimately rely on the needs of your project. For a very long time, PHP has been in use.

But Python and its new technical assistance have arrived. One needs to answer queries such as, “What are the requirements for your project?” What is your objective or target?

In order to respond to that query. Because PHP is designed for web development, it may be preferred, but Python isn’t so difficult that you should avoid it.

It may also be necessary to assess their abilities and how quickly the team can transition to the selected programming language. In conclusion, Python and PHP are nearly comparable in terms of learning difficulties, so focus on what you want to build and work on. Also, you can hire developers from India for your web development projects.

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