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Latest Email Marketing Trends To Look For in 2020

Email Marketing Trends

Email Marketing is not dead as it is still making money moves. It is advancing, adapting, and adjusting with the rapid shifting of the technology landscape. The significance of email marketing in the modern marketing stack remains as widespread as ever. Checking emails is the major activity on the internet, with 95% online users getting online for this sole reason. The power of email marketing is deep-rooted into its ability to break the generation, cultural and class barriers.

Email Marketing efficiently allows your brand to connect with your target audiences and turn your subscribers into prospects and customers. Over 93% of the B2B marketers today make use of email to distribute content. Since Email Marketing is so powerful and important for digital marketing, you must stay updated on the latest Email Marketing trends. Use the services of best SEO companies in India to implement these trends and delight the subscribers while getting the best results out of your Email Marketing strategy.

Interactive Emails

The year 2020 brings lots of changes in Email Marketing trends, and consumers are now looking forward to receiving more interactive emails. Interactive emails comprise of elements that the subscribers click on or interact with it someway. Interactive emails are an effective method to delight and surprise the readers, and it makes the emails highlighted in their crowded inbox. Ensure to include the following to make your email interactive.

User-Generated Content

Another Email Marketing trend that is creating a buzz on social media is the user-generated content. User-generated content is an effective form of social proof. When your target audiences see the content like videos, images, and reviews generated by happy and real customers of businesses, they are encouraged to become your new prospects or consumers.

Besides sharing user-generated content in Email Marketing messages, you must also use Email Marketing to gather user-generated content. In your email body, you can integrate interactive content elements like thumbs-up or thumbs-down buttons, polls, and more to collect user-generated content from the email subscriber’s list.

Artificial Intelligence

With the integration of Artificial Intelligence, Email Marketing is likely to become smarter and advance in 2020. With the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence, you can deliver more customize and personalized emails to the subscribers. It is the technology that lets users choose best copies and subject lines for emails, select best send times, and pile up the relevant content for every email list segmentation, based on their earlier activity and demographics.

Subscriber Control

Email users are getting smarter, and they now want to control the frequency to receive branded emails. So, in 2020, Email Marketers must focus on offering their subscribers what they need. Whenever the new user subscribes to your email list, you must send them a welcome email mentioning the option to choose the types of emails they want to get and the frequency of emails they would prefer.

Remember, the subscribers that are completely satisfied with the frequency of your business emails and content they are receiving via emails are the ones who will stick longer with you and your business.

Animations, GIFs, and Videos

The email inbox of users is often loaded with hundreds of marketing emails daily. As a result, the inbox gets jam-packed. So, to avoid this, marketers are now using animations, GIFs, and videos to highlight their emails on the crowded inboxes of the subscribers and easily grab the users’ attention as it is delivered to their inbox. It helps the marketers to add some movement in their emails, and this truly stimulates the receivers.

You need to know that email platforms and services like Outlook and Gmail are not technically advanced, so the videos can’t be played inside the emails. So, marketers must focus on using the videos in emails by including a static image with a play button. Recipients will click on the image, and they will be redirected to the video, which is hosted on video playing platforms like YouTube.

Predicting the future is impossible, but the future of Email Marketing is surely strong as it is evolving rapidly with the changes in the tech landscape. Seek the help of top SEO agency in Gurgaon today to implement these latest Email Marketing trends in your existing marketing strategy.

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