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Know the Secret to Dress Up In Winter Yet Looking Slim

During winter, we have to wear so many warm and fluffy clothing to protect ourselves that we look like teddy bear often. The layer after layers of woolens sometimes just ruins the look for a perfect date night. When you will wear a perfect evening gown, you just don’t want to wear a bulky sweater with it.

On the other hand, the chilly wind can make you sick anytime if you don’t take proper protection.

If you want to look slim and perfect even in the winter wear, then you must know how to pick the right accessories for winter. There are some secrets that not many people know and we will reveal them here for you.

The process starts with the shopping stage. You need some exclusive things thermal underwear, woolen stockings, Cashmere Shawls, and a few others.

Check out our guides that will help you to look in shape in the chilly evening.

• The best way to look slim in winter is to avoid the upper layers of sweater and overcoat as much as possible. This apparel can kill the whole look. The best idea is to insulate your body from inside with thin layers of warm underwear. Make sure, those are well fitted.

Another benefit of thermal underwear is that it will hide the fats and bulges. If you are not comfortable with it, then you can try the shapewear. It will smooth your stomach and keep you warm from inside.

• The thinnest and warmest material is Cashmere and you have to invest in it. This is not at all bulky. If you have Cashmere Shawls closet, then it is the right time to use it. This luxurious woolen can be wrapped around in different styles that will help you to look differently.

Moreover, you can keep in your handbag and use it whenever you want to. The best time to buy Cashmere Shawls is the summer when the price of the product goes down.

• In winter a baggy pant or an oversized coat may not be a good idea as it will make you bigger than reality. If you want to buy a coat, and then make sure it is a wall fitted.

Remember that you are going to wear a coat over a sweater. So that it should boot be too tight that will be uncomfortable and create bulges. Your look with the coat should not be heavier.

• If you are wearing any short dress or skirt, you can use dark woolen stocking that will give a slimmer look. Elevate your look with high heel shoes or boot. Don’t use an ankle strap as it will make them look thicker. Lined trousers are the best professional look in winter but slim boot cut jeans are the best for a casual outfit.

• No matter the weather, the dark color clothes are a blessing for those who want to look slim. You don’t need to wear black always but try out different colors like deep plum, charcoal grey, dark cranberries, and navy blues. To add some zing in the look, you can have a bright color Pashmina Scarf or hat to complement the appearance.

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