

John Szepietowski

John Szepietowski said the international courts are developing for pacific settlement of the international disputes by using international law.  If we follow the origin, it is tracked by classical times. In the United Nations Charter, article 33 suggests a list of some methods to settle down the dispute peacefully among states. These methods are mediation, arbitration, negotiation, judicial settlement, and inquiry, etc. These methods sometimes involve third parties, such as in mediation. The third party intervenes between the dispute of two parties to resolve that dispute, while in arbitration, the argument is submit to the impartial third party, so a fair settlement is down.


A conference name Hague Peace was held in 1899, on the invitation of Russia. The main objective of this conference is peace and disarmament. In this conference, some Asian states, Mexico, and the small states of Europe participate. It is suggested, Convention is organised on the settle down the international disputes peacefully in which other methods are also discussed, such as mediation and arbitration John Szepietowski said.


Charter of Leagues Nation, article 14 makes the league council responsible for determining and creating the plans to find a court named Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ). This court can resolve the disputes related to an international character by hearing and wording justice-based decisions. It also saves its advisory opinion on any issue or disagreement and the question raised by the Council. In 1920 second session the Committee of Jurists was assign. The Council has to submit a report on the development of PCIJ.


A war in 1939 raises serious concerns about the functioning of PCIJ. So its working declared as defaulted, and no further processing takes place after that. The court again meets in Geneva in 1940 to discuss the foundation of new international political order. After many meetings and conferences, the 1945 International Court of Justice found by the United Nations Charter and starts its work in 1946.

COURT MEMBERS                                                                        

It consists of 15 judges elected for the term based on nine years .With the assurance of General Assembly and the Security Council of United Nations. These bodies used to vote at the same time but separately. Candidates need an absolute majority from both bodies to being elect.  The court process needs to continue so that after every three years, the third court is elect. Judges have the power to fight elections again. A special election is held if a judge is dying or resigns to choose the new judge for completing the tenure, elections held in New York.


This court usually works on two types of cases, such as legal disputes among states and asking for advisory opinions on legal disputes referred by the United Nations. John Szepietowski said there are some cases called contentious cases. In this type of case, the only state becomes the third party. These are usually the members of the United Nations and also from other states.

The court can only deal with the case when the States concerned authorities accepted its jurisdiction value. It may be consider by signing a particular contract to file the dispute in court. Its the nature of the jurisdictional clause that states that parties have a provision in conflict so one of them can file the case in the court. If the declaration’s effect is reciprocal, which is assign under Statute, each member has to accept the court’s decision the same as the other state. These declarations have reservations submitted in the Secretary cameral of the United Nations.

Advisory proceedings are also taking place in the court, and for these purposes, only five bodies of the United Nations and some 16 agencies that are specialise in their fields connect with the United Nations family or recognise institutes are open. General Assembly and Security Council of United Nations are the only bodies who request advisory opinions on any legal question.

At the same time, other specialised agencies in their fields and having authorities to take advisory opinions can only use their rights if the legal question comes under their scope of activities. When the court receives any request to advise a statement. The court must collect all the facts and assemble them to become more accessible. Endorse the written words along with oral proceedings. It is the same as in contentious cases.


#John #Szepietowski said secretary General’s trust can fund the states that used to settle down their disputes from the international court of justices. As to encourage the states to resolve their conflicts with the help of international courts, United Nations set up a conviction under the supervision of the Secretary-General in 1989, which financially helps the states under specific conditions. Now, this fund is open for all forms so that they resolve their disputes from international courts.


Currently, this chamber is consisting of members who work on the summary procedures. There is a president name is Joan E. Donoghue, while the vice president is Kirill Georgian. It also includes judges, namely Ronny Abraham, Antônio Augusto, and Julia Sequined.

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