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Is Gardening Good For Health And Some Best Plants To Grow


Gardening is super easy, you can grow many different types of plants in your garden. With so many options, it can be hard to decide which plants are best for your garden and provide the most benefit to you and your family. Growncares is a best place to know about plant care. Here are a few plants that can add beauty and practicality to your garden.

Why Gardening?

Gardening is a rewarding hobby, especially when you see your hard work pay off by enjoying fresh produce right outside your kitchen door. Whether you have a large yard or live in an apartment, there’s no limit to what you can grow—just be sure that if you live where it snows (or even just gets cold and frosty), it’s worth your while growing plants that don’t need it. Some plants can handle freezing temperatures while others will die; many perennial plants are even deciduous and lose their leaves at winter’s approach (though some of them will come back from their roots as soon as spring arrives). Most vegetables should also be grown from seeds. If you want to start with seedlings, check out your local nursery for a good selection. You might even find someone who sells starts at farmers markets or other community events. If you do buy seedlings, keep in mind that they may not be true-to-type—that is, they may not grow into plants that look like what they’re supposed to look like. That said, most vegetable varieties can tolerate variation quite well, so don’t worry too much about getting something different than what you were expecting; just enjoy whatever comes up!

Is gardening good for health?

Gardening is good for health! It helps you relax and clear your mind. If your job or other daily stress make it hard for you to relax, or if you suffer from chronic illnesses, gardening may be just what you need. You will appreciate how much better you feel after spending a day surrounded by nature; not only that, but studies have shown that gardeners are happier people, tend to get sick less often and live longer than non-gardeners. So don’t worry about spending some time outside – take care of your garden and let it take care of you too! Organic Gardening is better and you can stay healthy plus growing vegetables organically which make you healthy and all the products will be chemical free.

Gardening Can Make You Happy

Although there are many types of gardening and some may require more work than others, any type of gardening can be rewarding if you decide on a garden that is best suited for your needs. For example, if you have children that love being outside then a vegetable garden would be perfect. Vegetable gardens take little time and effort on your part; all you need to do is ensure they get enough water and watch them grow. Another option would be growing flowers in pots. Pots make it easy to move flowers around your yard so you don’t have to commit yourself completely to one area like with a vegetable garden. If any jobs become too much work, simply re-pot your plant or plant them somewhere else where they can get more sun or less shade.


This family of plants includes dozens of varieties that work well together. Mints have delicate, lemony-smelling foliage and come in an array of colors, making them a great addition to any garden. Growing mint can also be as simple or complicated as you like; if you don’t want your mint spreading everywhere, just plant it in a container and place that container on its own individual mound (you may need several). There are also dozens of varieties within certain kinds of mint; different kinds have different levels of sweetness and fragrance. To maximize aroma and flavor, harvest regularly by cutting off branches just above a set number of leaves.


Also known as the king of herbs, basil is a member of one of most popular cooking herb families. This little plant offers a vast number of health benefits and tastes great too! It also has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for everything from headaches to insect bites and even heartburn. Basil is probably best known as an essential ingredient in pesto sauce. While you can use it fresh, growing your own basil will save you time, money and stress if you have local pest issues. Besides being flavorful, it’s also beautiful to look at when planted with tomato plants or flowers. Just be sure not to over water or fertilize or else your basil may get powdery mildew. Fertilize only once during summer months.

Amydrium Medium

Amydrium Medium is also known as petunia and pansy, and is a beautiful addition to any garden. It grows easily, looks great and comes in a wide variety of colors. An added bonus is that it can thrive almost anywhere from cool soil temperatures to areas with hot sunlight. There are many different varieties available including single or double blooms in purple, white or lavender with orange centers. Geraniums are easy to grow and will thrive almost anywhere, making them a good choice for less experienced gardeners who might be unfamiliar with some of the more exotic plants available today. It’s important that you don’t let your geranium dry out completely once planted because they do not handle drought well at all.


Most people use parsley as a garnish, but did you know that it is also rich in antioxidants? Parsley grows like a weed and will be one of your biggest allies when you’re gardening. You can chop up parsley and use it as a salad additive or you can mix it with lemon juice for an all-natural mouthwash. A common herb found at most grocery stores, parsley will last for weeks when kept alive! Other uses include toothpaste, wrinkle creams, disinfectants, wound treatment and much more. Parsley is definitely an herb worth growing in your garden.


Did you know that thyme actually comes from a broad-leafed flowering plant rather than being a type of mint? There are many different kinds of thyme, but common varieties include lemon balm, silver leaved or Greek, which you can use for culinary purposes and/or herbal remedies. Thyme is also helpful as an insect repellent and attracts bees; it’s perfect for adding flavor to baked goods. It grows well in drought conditions and hot temperatures and has a pleasantly pungent aroma.

Onion and Garlic

onions and garlic are two of your best friends when it comes to a healthy garden. A member of allium family, onions can serve as insect repellant and protect against certain pests. Garlic is known for being one of most powerful herbal antiseptics around. So what do these plant’s secret powers come from? Allicin! You may have heard of its potential health benefits, such as helping maintain a healthy heart by lowering cholesterol levels, protecting against cancer-causing agents like nitrates and preventing blood clots that can result in heart attacks or strokes. In other words, it’s no wonder that there is more than one billion pounds of garlic produced per year worldwide! As for how much to plant?

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