
How to Properly Maintain Your Car Tyres?

How to Properly Maintain Your car Tyres?

Hiking in a forest, a weekend getaway, a road trip, or a day on the beach. Any place you wish to go can be possible if you have the right set of tyres in your car. However, it is not enough to have the best tyres on the market; it is also necessary to maintain them properly to last longer.

A quality set of tyres not only improves your driving experience but also saves you upfront repair costs. If you an adequate set of seasonal and terrain tyre’s, you can easily drive on wet, icy, and uneven terrains. Thus, you get optimum support for all kinds of road trips and excursions.

Here we will talk about some essential maintenance tips for your Car Tyres Online which will help you save some money and time along the way.

Make your road trip unforgettable with the following seven tips:

Check your Tyre’s air pressure frequently

According to some studies, only fifteen per cent of motorists understand how to check their tyre pressure correctly. But why is inflation so important? Poorly inflated tyres cause people to waste about one million gallons of gas annually. Under and over-inflated tyres will lower your fuel mileage by two per cent.

On the other hand, correctly inflated tyres will improve your fuel efficiency by three per cent. They are safer and will last longer, eventually helping you save money.

We recommend checking your tyre pressure once a month or before long trips. You must also only check your tyres when they are cold, which means they have not been used for more than two hours. You can find the right air pressure for your tyres in your vehicle handbook, on the driver’s door edge, on any door posts or on the fuel tank lid.

Keep in mind that the air pressure must be identical on all your tyres, except for the rear and front axle. Remember to firmly close the caps to protect them from dirt and dust and avoid leaking.

Do not forget your spare tyre

It is essential always to carry a spare tyre. Experts suggest taking a moment before any road trip or at the start of every month, to examine your spare tyre for proper air pressure or any visible damage. Remember, your tyres will age, so if you have been carrying the same spare tyre for a long time, it might need to be replaced soon and be happy in your life.

Tread depth

Appropriate tread depth in your tyres is vital to prevent skidding and hydroplaning. Luckily, you do not need to drive to your local garage every time you need to check your tread depth. You can do it yourself only by placing a penny into the tread groove. When you start noticing Lincoln’s head, it means it is time to get new tyres.

Unusual and advanced wear will lessen your tyre’s capability to handle and grip the surface, mainly in adverse conditions properly. You can also visually check your tyres for irregular wear, searching for low and high areas as well as abnormally smooth areas. You can also check the sidewall for cuts, bulges, gouges, or other anomalies.

Do not forget to align your tyres

After hitting a curb or a pothole, your tyres will get misaligned and damaged. Misalignment can cause rapid and uneven tread wear and must be corrected immediately. If you do not correct them then you will pay more like your will lose your life.

Rotate your tyres

When looking for tyres fitted near me, make sure they can also rotate your tyres. The standard for rotation is roughly every eight thousand miles. If you regularly rotate your tyres, you will prolong your tyres’ life expectancy and achieve even wear.

If you have questions, you can visit your nearest garage and ask to have your vehicle serviced. In the United Kingdom, there are a lot of service centre near your location when you search in your mobile.

Tyre’s age

After closely examining all the crucial aspects, you should never forget about the age of your car tyres. In case, your car tyres are older than 5-6 years, you should replace them, even if they draw excellent performance.

Driving on old car tyres invite severe problems like loss of balance, slipping, prone to hydroplaning, etc.


Being a motorist, it should be your priority to examine car tyres before driving and at frequent intervals. You can either utilise a pressure gauge or simple tests to examine your car tyres online or visit a trusted garage to get the services.

If your tyres have gone beyond their lifespan, you should replace them with immediate effect. Any garage professional would be happy to assist you with your tyre purchase journey. All expert know how tyre’s are important for your vehicles because tyre’s resist all load.

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