
How to Prepare Logical Reasoning for MAH MBA CET 2021 Exam?

How to Prepare Logical Reasoning for MAH MBA CET 2021 Exam

MAH MBA CET is conducted for admission in Maharashtra’s top management colleges, including SIMSREE, JBIMS, KJ Somaiya, NL Dalmia, etc. Each year, there are over 50000 students that appear for this exam. Therefore, a well-executed and well-planned preparation is needed for this examination.

Before preparing for the MAH CET 2021 exam, you must focus on the selection cut-off. The Logical Reasoning part depends on practices as there are different kinds of puzzles and sets. You must solve sample papers, revise the concepts, and make notes to prepare well for the examination. Let us look at some tips and tricks that will help you to prepare for your upcoming MAH CET 2021 logical reasoning examination properly.

MAH CET 2021 Preparation Plan

To prepare for the MAH CET 2021 exam, you need to first make a proper preparation strategy:

  • Go through the syllabus and the pattern of the previous year’s questions paper.
  • Get hold of the books and study materials for the MAH CET.
  • Divide your time accordingly and prepare yourself with mock rests and revision.
  • Critically analyze your mock test scores to evaluate your improvement and how well you are prepared for your upcoming examination.

Understand the examination pattern of MAH CET 2021

MAH CET examination pattern is almost like the entrance exams of MBA. It is conducted via online mode, and the total number of questions is 200 based on multiple-choice based. The students will be given a total of 150 minutes to complete their answers. There will be no separate time given to the students for each section. One mark will be given for each of the right answers, and for every wrong answer, no marks will be deducted. The logical reasoning part will include a total of 75 questions.

Know the Syllabus for Logical Reasoning for your MAH MBA CET Examination 2021

The logical reasoning section consists of a maximum weightage of 75 marks. The topics from which the questions come generally are input and output, series, circular and linear arrangements, symbol-based series on completion, Venn diagrams, coding and decoding, directions, conditional coding, deductions, and selection criteria.

Additional advice 

To prepare for your exam, follow the MAH MBA CET 2021 preparation strategy.

  • The most effective way to practice for the logical reasoning section is to practice daily. Try to solve 15 to 20 questions regularly each day to improve your problem solving that will help you for your exam.
  • Follow the best-recommended books meant for logical reasoning.

MAH CET Previous Years Question Paper and Mock Tests

Your preparation for MAH CET MBA is incomplete if you do not give mock tests. For example, if you are still in doubt about whether you are prepared well or not, you can solve or practice previous year’s question papers that will help you to brush up on your skills. This will also make you identify your weaknesses, and then you can practice on those topics more. You can also get a grip by practicing more and more before the actual exam. Look at some of the MAH CET MBA 2021 preparation tips below:

  • Try to solve the mock test papers every day. This will help you keep the progression as you revise regularly. For example, if you practice every day, you will remember every topic and this will help you clear your logical reasoning concepts as you revise more.
  • After you complete the mock tests every day, try to evaluate your performance based on the scores you get from the mock tests. For example, if you get fewer marks on a particular test, you can give extra attention to the weaker areas, and if required, you can also modify your preparation plan accordingly for your MAH CET exam.
  • You must take the mock tests seriously and make it a habit. You need to divide your timing schedule for each of the sections. For example, if you need 50 minutes to solve each paper, you can reduce the time with more and more practice each day. This will help you to complete your paper in time on the day of your exam.
  • To improve your accuracy, you need to practice the sectional mock test meant for the MAH CET examination. As there is no sectional time for each section, you need to practice hard. For example, through continuous practice, you can manage your time on your own and develop your skill simultaneously.
  • In the last month of your MAT MBA CET examination preparation, make the most of your time practicing and revising your mock tests. For example, in the tests in which you have got lower marks, you can solve that problem again, which will help you solve more complex problems in your exam.

Additional Tips to check your preparation level:

Before some days of examination, you need to focus on how much you are prepared for your logical reasoning part. That is the time where you will revise the most relevant topics that frequently come in the exams. Try to make a list of those topics in which you think you may be weak. Start with those topics and revise one by one. Until you are finished with the toughest parts of the logical reasoning section, you can go for the less tough topics. Therefore, the final list for your preparation strategy is:

  • Start preparing with the toughest topics of the logical reasoning section.
  • Revise the most important topics, for example, the various theorems and concepts of logical reasoning every day.
  • Solve sample question papers and analyze your performance based on your test scores.
  • Focus on those topics that you are weak and need more time to prepare for it.
  • During your revision, try to jot down the most important points. For example, before the exam, you can just read those relevant points in a short time.

The MAH MBA CET examination needs proper execution and planning. Go through the best tips and tricks in this article and crack your examination in one go. You can also write for us education if you have education blog

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