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How to Monitor the Development of Instagram Followers Over Time


Monitoring the development of Instagram followers is important for you. You can simply do that by checking the insights of your Instagram profile. Insights have many options that tell you how your profile has been doing.

Instagram followers are important. They are social approval of your credibility and viability. A visitor who visits your profile for the first time and has no idea what kind of services you provide or to what extent you have ensured quality in your products will have one thing to judge you; your followers.

The number of followers matters for various reasons besides getting social approval. They provide your account more engagement and give more audiences and customers to your business. Hence, they play a vital role in establishing your business on Instagram. 

Instagram is one of the best social media platforms with amazing features and enlightening filters. It has so many options that are enough to get you more followers.

Today, businesses are very mindful about their Instagram profiles and how their businesses are reflected there. Therefore, they leave no stone unturned to optimize their profile with many followers. They use growth services or buy social followers to have more followers on their accounts. 

What are Instagram Followers?

What do you think of Instagram followers? Who are they? 

They are not random people who happened to follow you accidentally and do not care about whatever you post. They are mindful and educated adults who have a purpose in following you.

Find That Purpose:

You must be able to find that purpose. Determine and evaluate why they are following you. If you have understood the purpose, now is the time to fulfill their expectation. 

Never neglect what your followers want from you. Your business should always be consumer-oriented, and the product should be user-friendly. If you fail to provide quality in these two perspectives, you are on the verge of collapsing your business profile. 

Just think, what will you do with no followers? Followers are an asset to a business on an Instagram profile. Therefore, never underestimate its value and always try to keep up with their expectations. 

Role of Instagram Followers:

Your Instagram followers play a great role in establishing a business profile. Your profile matters to derive customers out of your followers. It also matters to get real and organic reach for your account. 

Your followers are responsible for all your profile’s reactive and consumer activity. They are in total capacity to get you a brand identity. They can like, comment, or share your content. 

Your account gets a wide reach and audience through likes, comments, and shares. When your content is shared, it gets on to more and more people. Thus it has the capacity to bring more followers.

Your followers also play the role of potential customers. If you are running a business and using Instagram to showcase your services, you can turn your Instagram followers into customers. They can turn into loyal customers who will add more value to your business by giving positive feedback. 

Why You Need to Monitor Instagram Follower’s Growth on Your Profile:

Your Instagram followers do not remain the same throughout. The decline or rise with time. Their decline or rising depends on the effective use of Instagram.

Your organic followers on Instagram can generate leads or conversions. Therefore, keeping track of their number going up or down is important. 

It will help you evaluate your own performance. It is a sort of self-reflecting feedback. You can evaluate the quality of your content and consistency by tracking the number of followers. 

Tracking the followers’ growth will tell you a lot about your profile. You do not need to go here and there to ask for feedback. It is one of the biggest pieces of feedback you can get. 

You can track your performance, presence, and consistency. You can self-evaluate if you are going in the right direction or if your content plan is effective and working for your business. 

If not, you need to revisit your strategy. 

Difference between Organic and Inorganic Followers:

You must know the difference between organic and inorganic followers. Organic followers are the ones who follow you because they find an interest in your profile. They are real followers and can potentially add value to your business. 

Inorganic followers are those followers who cannot add any value to your profile. They never engage with your content or have no interest in whatever you have to sell or provide. 

Fake followers that are mostly spam or bots also come under the category of inorganic followers. Instagram blocks them after realizing their robotic or no activity. They do not add any value to your profile, even if they are not blocked. 

How to Monitor Instagram Followers’ Growth:

Now, if you have a good follower base, how can you track if they are increasing or decreasing with time. 

Instagram has an outstanding feature, i.e., tracking your profile activities statistically. It is an amazing feature that allows you to track each activity and your followers’ feedback. 

You must have your account switched to business/professional to access the’ insights’ button. This feature is not available on personal accounts. 

To switch your account from personal to professional, follow the following steps. 

  1. Go to your profile on Instagram
  2. Go to settings by tapping on three bars in the top right corner
  3. Tap ‘account’
  4. Now, the second last option is ‘switch to professional.’
  5. Tap on this, and your account will be switched to a professional one

Now, how you can track your Instagram followers’ growth by using Insights:

Step One:

Open your Instagram professional account.

Step Two:

Go to your profile by pressing your profile picture at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Step Three:

You can see the ‘Insights’ button in the middle of the tools bar. Tap it.

Step Four:

It will open a page on which you can see an overview of all the insights. 

Insights show three types of demographics for your account. 

  1. Content
  2. Activity

iii. Audience

Number three tells you about your follower’s growth. It tells you how many followers have increased or decreased in the previous seven days. You can customize the duration by tapping on the left top bar. It has all the options in which you want to track the growth. 

If you want to check the previous month’s growth, you can tap on the option. Thus, the Instagram insights option is one of the best ways to track your followers’ growth. 

It provides other information too. It tells numbers and percentages of how many accounts you reached or engaged. 

You should keep monitoring insights to know where your profile is standing. If your number of followers is rising with your content post numbers, you are on the right track. But if it is declining or rising very slowly, you need to make a few amendments to your profile and content. 

You can do the following things if you are unable to raise your number of followers:

  1. Optimize your profile
  2. Use Story Highlights effectively
  3. Write a clear and catchy bio
  4. Use relevant hashtags
  5. Post quality content
  6. Post content regularly
  7. Engage with your followers
  8. Share UGC
  9. Use CTAs
  1. Use effective captions
  2. Cross-promotion your profile


Monitoring your Instagram followers is immensely important. Tracking your performance and evaluating your activities can bring insights into what you need to do. 

If your insights are all in plus and your followers’ growth is positive, there is nothing to worry about. But if they decline, use tricks and methods to bring more followers and audience to your profile. 


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