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How To Find The Best Pest Control Services In Noida?

Pest Control Services

Pest Control Services

I will edify you with 8 tried and tested hacks to get rid of household pests naturally. Human beings are the most kind-hearted and munificent creatures in the entire animal kingdom. We do not mind housing other animals in our abode unless and until they do not annoy us to an extreme level. Here, I am talking about the pests. We all feel okay sharing our dwelling with a few superficial pests but we don’t realise how soon they multiply in thousands and create havoc making our lives miserable.

The easiest solution to eradicate pests from our household is to call a pest control service near your location. The pest control service providers use harsh chemicals in form of pellets, insecticide and pesticide sprays, and fumes. Many of us are sensitive to fumes and sprays. Moreover, many of us have toddlers and pets in our houses. We cannot risk their safety at any cost. Therefore, we should switch to natural homemade remedies to sweep the pests out of our domestic premises.

Here are 8 tried and tested hacks straight from our kitchen counters that are readily available and efficient in getting rid of household pests:

1. Salt:

This particular ingredient is found in every single kitchen and is very helpful in keeping fleas and ants at bay. Sprinkle salt at all openings of your house like the doors and windows to stop the ants and fleas to enter your house. Scatter salt on the carpets and rugs to dispel the pests hiding deep inside them.

2. Lemon Juice:

This is another common ingredient in our household. Spraying lemon juice all over your house will keep the spiders, snails, and ants away. Spiders and other members of the group arachnid cannot stand the citrus fragrances and they leave your premises if you spray it everywhere at home.

3. Essential Oils:

Who doesn’t love to pour essential oils into a diffuser at home? Essential oils instantly uplift mood, relieve you from stress, and help you to get uninterrupted sleep at night. But that’s not all; it helps you to get rid of a wide variety of household pests. Citronella is used widely to steer clear of mosquitoes and houseflies. Eucalyptus, lavender, spearmint, ylang-ylang, and peppermint essential oils are useful in treating bedbugs and dust mites.

4. Vinegar:

Most of our kitchens have this ingredient. It has a strong smell and it is one of the best natural cleansers. Spraying vinegar in the kitchen can steer clear of the ants at a go. The strong scent of vinegar prevents them from forming navigation trails and they cannot track other scents. Vinegar can be used as bait to attract fruit flies and entrap them.

5. Baking Soda:

Baking soda is a full-proof hack to sweep out the nasty cockroaches from your domestic territory. It is even more potent when combined with powdered sugar. Mix the two powders and scatter them wherever the cockroaches have established their kingdom and see the magic! They will run for their lives and never come back to your house. If you find a cockroach, later on, be sure that this one is not from the previous lot! To be precise, this mixture of baking soda and powdered sugar is the best weapon to kill cockroaches without using any insecticides.

6. Mint Leaves:

Mint leaves help in keeping several species of pests away from your house’s periphery. Ants, mosquitoes, flies, wasps, locusts, etc. feel irritated as soon as they come near mint leaves. So, why not shoo away the winged pests in the easiest way possible? Just bring some mint leaves and keep them near the doors, windows, balconies, etc. which are the probable entry points of the pests. Since mint is a shrub, you can plant mint shrubs and keep them near the doors, balcony, or rooftop. They will keep the pests away and render fresh scents inside your house.

7. Cucumber peels:

Ever thought that this particular ingredient could be this useful that you have been discarding all these years? I am talking about the peels of the cucumber, especially the bitter cucumbers. These peels are highly effective in chasing away the ants through a 100% herbal manner. Leave the bitter cucumber peels near the windows and doors and the kitchen shelves and watch the colonies of ants disappear in minutes.

8. Detergent:

This is not exactly a chemical-free ingredient and neither is a kitchen ingredient. But this is a guaranteed weapon to kill the fruit flies from your house. Add some wine, vinegar, or apple cider vinegar to an open container with a lid to use as bait to attract the fruit flies. Within minutes, they will swarm up and fill the container. Immediately, add a heaped tablespoon of detergent into the container and close the lid. Watch the fruit flies die in no time.

Summing Up

There are unending numbers of species that add up to the category of household pests. Some are wrigglers, some are crawlers, some are winged, and some are eight-legged. Insects, arachnids, birds, mammals, and every other category in the animal kingdom contribute to the household pest category. The aforementioned home remedies are very useful in keeping your house pest-free.

There are some other ingredients from your kitchen that may help in scaring away the pests from your territory. Cinnamon, cloves, cayenne powder, and garlic are useful in driving away winged insects and bugs. Spraying a mixture of blended garlic and water is a highly effective insect repellent. Other non-edible but chemical-free pesticides are charcoal powder, talcum powder, chalk, and petroleum jelly. They help in steering out the crawlies and wrigglers.

Pests invade our household and breed endless numbers of offspring without our knowledge. Moreover, they also destroy our belongings and property and spread diseases. They act as carriers of deadly bacteria like salmonella, E. coli, Vibrio cholera, Shigella, etc. We humans can continue to be benevolent and kind toward the other animals by feeding the strays and taking care of them. We should not feel guilty about eradicating and killing the pests in our house. Our ultimate motto is to keep our family and pets protected so it is necessary to slay these miscreants.

I am sure my 9 tried and tested hacks will prove successful in getting rid of household pests naturally. I wish you a joyous and pest-free living!

Hire Pest Infestation Services

Hiring pest infestation services to come and spray pesticides once in a while will be the appropriate thing to do. Call professional pest control services in Delhi NCR to help in maintaining a cockroach-free zone in the house.

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