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How to Develop Leadership Skills? 


Leadership is a quality that should be present in every individual. However, if you miss out on those skills, enroll in the best leadership program. To know more, read this blog post.   

To put it simply, leadership is the quality of being able to lead or guide a team. But this unidimensional statement is not enough to encompass all the nuances attached to the term. People often attribute experience or seniority to being a marker for creating a great leader. Yet, this is barely the truth. Also, it should be kept in mind that leaders are rarely born with exceptional skills. One often has to polish a rough diamond to create a top-notch leader. 

What makes a good leader?  

According to Kevin Kruse, CEO of LEADx and author of Great Leaders Have No Rules, “Leadership is a process of social influence that maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal.” 

But what makes a good leader? Tycoons in the business world have their thoughts on it, but here are a few recurring outliers. 

  1. Knowing your priority: Leaders must be team players, for the strength of a leader is drawn from the strength of his subordinates. A competent leader must know the priority task for the team and plan accordingly. They are focused on the task, not the noise.  
  1. Being innovative: For the new-age companies, being innovative is the number one way to stay relevant. Leaders must acknowledge the constant flux in the market and be on the lookout to try novel ideas to solve a task. 
  1. Being humane: A great leader always has the collective good in their mind. Companies that support their employees tend to appreciate the workforce better. Leaders are the company’s representatives, and their civility and authenticity bring the best out of their workers. Learn More: Leadership Development Strategy 

Ways to Hone Leadership Skills 

When worked on, a leader should have attributes that make him or her stand out. This is a rigorous task, and people are often incompetent to execute it. Here we talk about ways to cut the chase and get the best ways to craft a better leader: 

  1. Never stop learning! The best way to excel at something is to learn from the pioneers. Thus, it is always essential to be engaged to learn from the industry’s top leaders. Reading, listening, and being in contact with competent leaders will lead to significant improvements. 
  1. Discipline is your asset: Implementing discipline and habits in your personal life will improve your professional life. Meeting deadlines, juggling multiple projects, etc., requires extreme patience, which is also a side product of discipline. 
  1. Gather experience: The adage “practice makes perfect” is ideal for this situation. Not just reading or learning will be enough if one wants to be an exceptional leader; one also has to gather hands-on experience. The easiest way to do this is by working more. Taking on diverse projects and challenges will be the most potent weapon in the arsenal.  
  1. Goal setting: Set goals both for yourself and your team. The team must know their responsibilities and deadlines as a group and as individuals. Setting a goal for yourself will help you stay motivated and you will emerge as a mentor for the rest of the team.  
  1. Accept feedback: One of a leader’s worst follies is to believe that they are always right 100 percent of the time. But in reality, team projects are always a two-way affair. The leader must criticize and provide feedback but at the same time must be open to the same from the other end. Employees appreciate a boss who listens! 
  1. Confidence is key: Any top position requires a certain charisma. In the same way, in a leadership capacity, confidence is necessary because it aids in making difficult decisions. Overall, a team is always more relaxed when they see their leader being assertive. Read More: Leadership Development  

A strong leader can make or break an organization. Leaders all around the world are thus always looking to improve and brush up their “leadership” skills. Now, there are manifold ways to go about it, but one favorite way seems to be joining mentorship or leadership programs. 

What are leadership programs? 

Leadership training programs are essential, although not wholly mandatory; such programs can work as extra knowledge with your hands-on job training.  

What do you learn?  

From confidence to taking risks to being critical, all are covered in a standard leadership program. Further, often trainees get the scope of getting an acquaintance of a mentor to guide them via leadership team development services.  

What’s currently lacking? 

Despite all the big talk, current leadership programs fall short in multiple areas. Companies are often not critical enough of these “leadership development programs.” 

  1. Lack of honest criticism: Often, these programs are based on a single shortcoming instead of looking to better their expertise as a whole. Training to overcome such minute obstacles may be a plus point, but they don’t do much long-term advancement. 
  1. Not implementing technology: Businesses are finding their most significant growth in the technical side of things. We’ve seen tremendous changes in technology in recent years, yet hardly any of those are used in these programs. 

What needs to change? 

Radicalization of the leadership development model is needed to close this chasm. In creating an all-encompassing leadership program, one can follow the given pointers. 

  1. Don’t teach! With the rise of classroom programs such as MBA, leadership building has almost become another subject to be taught. But in reality, it should not be so that rather than teaching, one must focus on developing their innate skills. Planning on giving them hands-on education, including actual projects to work on, would be better for the training than potentially teaching them. This method also helps them later in actual job roles when they face difficulties alone.  
  1. Judicious picking: Indeed, great leaders are not born, but often we may see innate leadership traits Among the people taking such courses. But it is necessary to differentiate between potential leaders and those who aren’t material. Leaders with an authentic and innovative flair are the talk of the town, and companies are hiring such individuals, not a person who is unwilling to take risks. 
  1. Be more niche-focused: Leadership development programs should be more niche-focused. This means that different companies and different corporations require different types of leaders. So not every student deserves to be clumped into the same development program. This is one of the most significant drawbacks currently and must be modified. 
  1. Hands-on mentorship: Bringing in the industry’s top leaders to interact with the trainees is another intelligent way to hone the leaders of tomorrow. Trainees get the much-needed real-life tips and tricks from the top dogs of the industries, and this is also crucial to boosting their motivation and, thus, their performance. 

It is often seen that the company’s needs are not met by the leadership programs endorsed by them. Often, leaders later complain how such programs have barely given them the reality contact needed to succeed in such a role. As can be observed, immediate change is essential, and this change can begin with the implementation of some of the above-mentioned pointers for better leaders to develop better firms for the future 


Much like a good worker, a good leader can also add a ton of value to the company name. When a strong, capable person leads the team, time gets saved, goals get accomplished, and critical decisions are taken, setting the company a cut above all others. 

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