Digital Marketing

How to Create the Perfect Instagram Profile


The bio is the figurehead of your brand on Instagram. In this article, we’ll show you How to Create the Perfect Instagram Profile. 

Instagram is best known as a photo platform. With aesthetically appealing and meaningful content, companies and private individuals express what they stand for. But not only the visual content but also the words in the Instagram bio are of the highest relevance. Above the content of every profile is the bio as a figurehead of the profile. For the first impression, it is therefore essential to use your own bio as effectively as possible. Especially in the profile description and in the specification of an external link there is great potential to direct more traffic to your own site, which is often not optimally used.

The Rules Of The Game For Link In Bio

The first thing to do is take a look at how each Instagram profile is structured. The different elements each have their own rules and should be used optimally.

Username: The profile is registered with the username. This must be unique and must not contain any spaces or special characters other than periods and (under) lines. It is at the top of the profile and is the @ handle with which the profile can be linked.

Profile picture: As a profile picture, it makes sense to set the logo or your own photo. It should definitely be characteristic of your profile or brand.

Profile name: In contrast to the user name, the profile name does not have to be unique and can contain special characters. With 30 characters, the profile owner has the chance to introduce themselves. Since the user and profile name are the only parts of the profile that are taken into account in the search, careful consideration should be given to the terms Instagram users could use to search for the profile. These can then be taken up in the name.

Category: With business profiles, it is possible to assign the profile to a category via Facebook. This appears under the profile name and shows visitors to the profile at a glance what the profile is about. This saves characters in the profile description. However, the category is only shown in the mobile view.

Profile description: The account operator has 150 characters available in the profile description to describe what the profile is about as expressively as possible. Tips for a perfect profile description can be found below.

Link In Bio: Instagram only allows one external link in the bio. Accordingly, it should be carefully considered which linking pays off the most. LinkSocio is the perfect option that gives you everything in one link.

LinkSocio: It is a Link in bio tool that allows brands, businesses, influencers, content creators, or even personal accounts to add a unique branded link in their bio. With LinkSocio, you can create a landing page with multiple links for your content, social profiles, videos, emails, signups, socials, blogs, websites, and much more. 

The tool gives you the option to create a unique link and create a landing page with your links in it. Now add this one LinkSocio link in bio to attract traffic, engagement, conversions, awareness, and boost growth. 

Location: Your own address can be specified in the location settings. This does not depend on the number of characters in the description.

Contact details:  E-mail and telephone numbers should be provided to make it easier for users to contact.

Special attention should be paid to the profile description and the external link. Below we’ve listed tips for both of you to get the most out of your Instagram profile.

Read more:- What Are the Best Ways to Get More Likes on Your Instagram Ads | Likes Geek

The Perfect Profile Description:

There are several possibilities of what can be taken up in the profile description in order to make optimal use of the 150 characters available.

  1. Describe content:

If the company is already known, an exact description is usually not necessary. Instead, content should be described. In the case of a well-known camera brand, for example, reference could be made to the fact that the profile is about good photography and not about the cameras themselves.

  1. Description of the company:

Small, still less well-known companies, on the other hand, should use the space to present what they do and what they stand for as well as possible. It is usually advisable to remain sober and objective. This is the only way to get the relevant information to the user.

  1. Branded hashtag

Some profiles have launched their own hashtag or are trying to make it known. If so, it should definitely be placed in the bio. Hashtags that are in a prominent position are also ideal for hashtag campaigns and to collect user-generated content.

  1. Concrete offer

Last but not least, the bio can be used to refer to a current offer, such as a workshop, online course or competition. For this, however, actions are more suitable that are valid for a longer period, as the description must always be updated manually.

Formatting Tips

Anyone who wanted to create the description on the mobile device will have noticed that line breaks do not work. To get the desired formatting, a PC must be used. A second option is to format the description, including breaks, in a note app and then insert it on Instagram.

Stay true to your company

In principle, care should be taken to stay true to the company’s tone of voice in the bio too. Emojis or other special characters loosen up the text and can help to draw attention to the right places. But neither with the colourful pictures nor with links or hashtags should you overdo it in your profile description. Too many emojis quickly appear dubious and hashtags and links tend to lead visitors away from the profile instead of keeping them on the page. Usually, it makes sense to end the bio with a call-to-action or a reference to the external link.

Not quite part of the bio, but not to be despised for the overall picture of the profile are the storable stories. These so-called highlights can be found under the bio and above the posts and represent a valuable opportunity to make important content clearly visible for users.

The way to more traffic: Your link in bio

Since Instagram does not allow external links in posts, the one link in the bio that Instagram allows is all the more important. 

Especially when the goal is to drive more traffic to your own site, the link can provide valuable input. Especially because every user knows where to find the “Link in Bio”, it is a valuable aid that should definitely be used.

It is of course possible to simply publish the link to your own page or to your own online shop, but in some cases, there are smarter options.

First, the link should invite you to click. A link that is too long and does not make it clear where it leads does not entice you to click. The link should arouse a desire in the user that leads as many visitors as possible to your own page. To make the link appealing, it can be correctly titled directly in the link target in WordPress. is also ideal for this purpose.

But where should the link that you set lead now?

  1. Define business goals

First of all, you should define what your goal is. Do you want to generate more traffic on your site? Win more newsletter subscribers? Or make more people aware of your event? The type of your link should depend on this.

  1. Optimize the link

While Instagram only allows one external link, there are several ways you can trick this policy. With linktree or it is possible to use the generated landing page refers to multiple pages without ever having to change the link. linktree is particularly suitable for profiles that often refer to their external link under their post, but which changes more frequently. One week it was a link to an article, the current one to a competition. If followers look at old posts and want to get to the page, the link is gone. linktree creates a list of all links so that users can quickly find the right one., on the other hand, copies the Instagram feed of a profile and leaves a link behind each photo. For example, BuzzFeed tasty can link to all of your recipes on your website.

  1. Be sure to check

In any case, after setting the link, it should be checked again whether it really leads to the page on which the visitors should land. Nothing frustrates an interested user more than a broken link or one that doesn’t lead where it should be.

Legal: The imprint

From a legal point of view, however, there is still one problem for which there does not seem to be a correct solution: There is also an imprint obligation on social profiles. At least if it is a commercial site. Normally the full legal notice has to be given here, but where? Instagram does not currently offer enough space, which is why most people make do with the link in bio. This can be used to refer to the imprint. In a correct representation, this would also be clearly marked, for example, by clearly showing in the link that it leads to the imprint, or by placing “imprint:” in front of the link.

The recommendation of our legal expert is to include a full legal notice on social if possible. Otherwise, in any case, insert a link and be aware that this is not the one hundred per cent legally compliant way. In the opinion of the courts, the portal operator should be asked to enable a legally compliant presentation. If they refuse, you would have to forego your own presence on the platform.

The basis on the way to greater reach

When it comes to getting more followers and more reach, a well-maintained Instagram profile is essential and that includes not only well-thought-out posts but also the perfect Instagram bio as a figurehead for your brand. Whether you’re just starting out with Instagram and want to have a handsome profile right from the start, or you’ve had an active profile for a long time: our tips have hopefully given you some suggestions and motivated you to bring your bio into shape.


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