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How Stationery Branding Can Benefit Your Business?


Where to further develop the marketing of the company if you already have a corporate website, pages in social networks, advertising is set up and even have promotional materials? When leaflets, brochures and flyers, badges and business cards are printed, what to do next? Keep reminding yourself. The main thing is to always be in sight. One of the best ways to do this is with branded stationery.

After all, when your client uses the pen on which your logo is applied, he involuntarily thinks about your brand and advertises it to others. It seems like a trifle, but if you look more broadly … What if there are many such items: three-five-eight-sixteen? They will constantly be in front of people’s eyes, will constantly remind them of you, increase recognition and loyalty, which will ultimately simplify sales and improve customer relationships.

What are the benefits of branded products for business and why bother with them at all
At first glance, it may seem that stationery is a relic of the past, something that has come down to us from the time of the dinosaurs. But the reality is that even in our digital age, they still play a significant role in the daily life of every person in particular and the activities of business in general. Below are just a few reasons why you should consider adding a name and logo to your corporate letterhead.

High Visibility
Custom office supplies such as envelopes and Post-It can be seen by dozens of people before being thrown away. Think of the last piece of the letter you received – there is a 99% chance of saying that the logo of the sending company was on the front and / or center of the envelope.

Stationery Affordability
Unlike promotional products such as sunglasses or large format banner ads, office supplies are much more affordable because of the materials they are made from and the resources / energy required to produce those materials. They are inexpensive, and everyone uses them.

Large selection
There are really many. Pens, notepads, envelopes, letterheads, flyers, folders, calendars, bags, scotch tape – you can list for a long time, but the bottom line is that there are so many things that people use every day, and these things can promote your brand all the time. And most importantly, it does not matter what material this or that stationery is made of, modern technologies allow it to be branded quickly and inexpensively.

The most common methods for branding products
There are always several options for applying your corporate identity to any surface. Modern technologies allow you to apply any symbols and patterns on a huge number of materials: plastic, metal, wood, leather, synthetic materials, fabric, ceramics, etc.

The most common application methods are:

laser engraving of a metal surface,
pad printing,
silkscreen printing,
offset printing,
Almost every company that deals with prints on objects or the production of branded banners has equipment to work with all the materials in demand. The main thing here is that your corporate identity is flexible enough, and your logo looks equally good and noticeable on a stapler, pencil and shop sign. How to prepare branded products for printing – read here .

Top 8 not-so-obvious but must-have stationery for branding
Many people stop at the fact that they print a corporate letterhead with a black and white company logo in the corner on an old inkjet printer and believe that they have completely closed the question of branding. Far from it. Consider the eight most popular and effective products.
Branded envelope stationery
Send documents to customers and partners not only on letterhead, but also in a branded envelope. Thus, you will not only speed up the process of initializing letters, but also immediately help the recipient to distinguish your letter from dozens of identical white envelopes.

The envelope format can be different – there are many standards for different paper sizes. The most common are C4, C5, C6 / C5 and C6. You can find them in any printing house.

Do you often ship goods in cardboard boxes? Use branded tape to wrap them. This is not only a good way to prevent unauthorized opening of the parcel, but also an excellent identification mark. Here, just like with the envelope, it becomes immediately clear who sent this box and what may be in it.

The calendar
A convenient and useful accessory. It doesn’t matter what kind of calendar it is – desktop horizontal or vertical wall; made of ordinary cardboard or glossy paper. He is always in sight, he will be used. Even though everyone has a calendar in their smartphone or laptop, it’s always easier to look to the right of the monitor to check the days of the week than to open the app.

This is a good solution as a gift printing – it will not be thrown away like a postcard or a flyer, but will be used all year round. And do not forget that a beautiful and unobtrusive application of the company logo will make the calendar another advertising platform for your brand.

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