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How should upholstery be cleaned for optimal results and health benefits?

Upholstery cleaning

Upholstery cleaning

If you’ve ever plumped up a couch cushion or vacuumed your carpet, you will have seen tiny particles of dust in the air. These eventually have to settle somewhere, and when they do, they land on your furniture and carpet. 

House dust occurs for a number of reasons, not least the fact that every single member of the household walks around all day, every day, kicking up dirt as they go. Look at your shoes, and you’ll often see that they’ve been caked in mud or, even worse. Believe it or not, if you get down on your hands and knees and look closely enough, you can actually see this dust collecting in the crevices of your carpet.

Housework seems to be a never-ending chore. Even if you clean up every day, it doesn’t take long for the dust to return and taint everything in its path. If you only do a fairly good job at cleaning, the situation can even seem worse than before. This is because dust tends to get trapped in certain areas, especially those that are rarely touched. The unwashed couch cushions under your coffee table and the top of your steam radiators are just two examples of wasting away in silent protest.

You often hear that it saves you money in the long run when you look after your upholstery. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen for everyone, and at a certain point, most people will just get new furniture instead. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and here are the top reasons why professional upholstery cleaning will save you money.

Benefits of upholstery cleaning

The kind of furniture you have in your home is also a factor. If you have hardwood floors, carpets, or rugs, you can bet that regular cleaning won’t be enough to get rid of dust and dirt.

The kind of furniture you have in your home is also a factor. If you have hardwood floors, carpets, or rugs, you can bet that regular cleaning won’t be enough to get rid of dust and dirt. So regular cleaning enhances the air quality within your home.

Sofas have the uncanny ability to attract unpleasant odours. This can be anything from the natural smell of stale food lingering on your sofa to a wet dog eating your seat cushion. If you’ve ever had a couch that’s starting to smell, then you know exactly how challenging it can be to remove the grimy smell.

Your furniture is important, and you want to take care of it. In order to take proper care of your furniture, you need to do two things. First, you have to dust it on a regular basis. Second, you need to use Professional Upholstery Cleaning once every year or two, depending on how often you use your furniture.

The longer you put off cleaning your furniture, the larger the task looms over you until it’s finally so bad that you can’t ignore it anymore. This can lead to some pretty big problems if you don’t take care of the odours on your furniture as soon as they start becoming noticeable. You may know that some smells are caused by spills, but you might be surprised at some of the other ways in which odours can come about in your furniture.

How should upholstery be cleaned for optimal results and health benefits?

Even if you do not usually use a professional upholstery cleaner, you should nevertheless regularly clean upholstered furniture. Dusting should be done daily or every other day if you have the time. This helps keep the upholstery’s collection of dust and filth to a minimum. The upholstered furniture needs to be vacuumed at least twice per week. You can vacuum it once a week if you have no children or pets and are extremely busy. Do not, however, go beyond that. Instead of waiting until a stain hardens and becomes challenging to remove using standard upholstery cleaning techniques, it should be treated right away.

The skilled professionals from the business providing expert upholstery cleaning services typically do deep cleaning. For the greatest outcomes, cleaning in this situation should be done once or twice every two years. Deep cleaning should only be attempted on your own at home if you are dealing with odours, difficult stains, or other pollutants. Make sure you have the knowledge and resources needed to thoroughly clean the upholstered furniture.

To eliminate surface dust mites, use a handheld garment steamer or quick bursts from your steam iron. Just the steam should touch and permeate the cloth as you go over the entire sofa. If you don’t have a steamer or iron, move on to vacuuming instead.

To ensure that it’s safe for the fabric and won’t result in water stains or colour loss, test any upholstery cleaner or cleaning device you decide on in a hidden location first.

Simple steps include spraying the cloth with the cleaner and water mixture, agitating it with the brush nozzle, and vacuuming the debris into the tank. Calling a professional is best for the safe and effective cleaning of materials that can only be cleaned with solvents.

When your sofa is clean and dry, use a fabric sanitising spray. Antibacterial Fabric Spray, to eradicate any remaining bacteria and odours from water-safe furniture.

Gently dust upholstered furniture

Even when dealing with difficult, deeply embedded stains, avoid scrubbing upholstered furniture. Scrubbing could harm the fabric or work the stain further into the fibres. It is preferable to first allow the stain remover to sit and sink in, then gently wipe it away. Instead of using a rough cloth or a bristles brush for blotting, use a soft microfiber cloth. After cleaning and drying, if the fibres are still stiff, use a soft brush to break them up.

Looking to clean upholstery can be a daunting task, but with these useful tips, you’ll have the process down in no time. You may even enjoy the quirkiness of each approach and the way it works for you, but hopefully, you’ll find a few methods that work for you. There is no one correct way to do it. It’s all about what works best for you and your schedule.

Care requirements for various upholstery textiles vary. You may achieve perfect results while cleaning your furniture by understanding how to handle the specific kind to prevent shrinkage or colour leakage.


Always remember to clean upholstered furniture with Upholstery Cleaner, and never use anything that’s not specially formulated for this chore. Never soak a piece of upholstered furniture in water or use a Steam Cleaner on it. Water could cause leather or wood to warp, ruin the fabric, or cause it to fade. Steam can damage the stuffing inside the piece and make it lumpy and misshapen, so always treat stains promptly as they happen along before they set.

Now you can clean upholstered furniture without fear of ruining it, and you can do it in your own home. We know that it can be frustrating when stains happen unexpectedly, but that’s why we’re here to help. At least now you have the knowledge and means to clean up your once-soiled piece of furniture with ease.

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