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Here are 15 ways to optimize your applicant tracking system


deIt is the goal of every employer to maximize the performance of their applicant tracking system (ATS), regardless of whether they use HR or recruiting tools. In recent years, ATSs have played a key role in saving costs and effort while streamlining the hiring process. Continue reading to learn more.

When you maximize the performance of your ATS, you get the following benefits

The purpose of this article is to show how ATS can help you increase your online visibility to passive candidates and increase response rates. You will also learn how recruiters are more productive when requisition loads are high. In addition to increasing traffic to your website, you will also be able to add unique applicants to your applicant tracking system every month. 

You can achieve desired results by taking advantage of the assets of your applicant tracking system (ATS). Investors now show a great deal of interest in ATS by investing quite heavily in it, according to a recent stat. In addition, the platform itself can be very costly in addition to the costs associated with its support team.

the applicant tracking systems can easily maximize ROI (return on investment) if companies use them in the same way as their CRM tool. It would be better for them to develop effective marketing strategies for the candidates that they already have rather than trying to recruit from external networks.


Find out how your ATS works, as well as the types of data that can be downloaded from it

Included are first and last names, location, email addresses, phone numbers, job applications, and job status. A previous applicant’s status is crucial here because it identifies the outcome of their application. Furthermore, it indicates whether or not they are currently employed.


It is important to know what you will do with the data you have downloaded in advance. Here are some questions to ask yourself when downloading data.

  • Would you like to target new hires or internal employees for a campaign?
  • What are the best places to advertise jobs locally or geographically?
  • Would you like to target more than one job?
  • your interest in supporting a networking event or a job fair?
  • your interest in supporting a presentation or campus hiring event?


Decide how you will contact each candidate

You can reach your prospects through telephone calls, emails, texts, and social media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. An array of tools are available to assist you in accelerating, measuring, and managing your strategies. When planning your strategy, don’t forget to consider the worst-case scenario and the best-case scenario in advance. What will happen if the volume exceeds your expectations, such as who will follow up with the call to action activity.


Connect with your candidates by planning your calls and messages

You must clearly describe your end goals in your messaging in order to achieve your end goals. You may want to display an application process, explain how to contact a recruiter, explain how to schedule interviews, or collect interest in attending a career-related event. Use a different approach for every kind of messaging, instead of the same one. You may want to consider having the message come from the recruiter instead of the hiring manager. This is helpful when there is an increased demand for the target population.


Utilize images and pictures

Visual strategy is heavily reliant on images. You need to choose which images should associate with which campaigns. While it is important to project consistency with your overall employment brand, there is also room to convey the special messages that you are seeking in order to communicate with your audience.


Take a moment to listen

An example of a voice strategy is a campaign that includes video or pre-recorded calls. A voice strategy can either be a male or female tone. Your tone should also pace appropriately. These are all factors that can make a difference.


Analyze your customer group and subject matter experts

It is common for people to overlook this step, which should never overlook. Candidates contact the business team directly in many cases. When a candidate sidesteps your intended process, make sure to check with your team.


Make sure the business team can report on and measure the progress of the project

Numbers and statistics are powerful tools for evaluating ATS’ performance. They can use to assess several factors. These may include tracking how many hires were made, how many interviews were conducted, how many candidates were screened, how many applicants applied, etc. Make sure your marketing efforts are compared to a baseline.


Trends can help you optimize the performance of your ATS

Over the next four to five months, it is necessary to monitor recent trends like opt-out rates, social referrals and hires per recruiter over time. We can use it to determine whether or not the proposed outcome actually occurred.


You should perform tests to refine your strategy afterward.

You can refine your strategy and maximize your ATS’ performance by listening to candidate feedback, monitoring trends, and using your metrics. The recruiter and hiring manager could, for example, send candidates similar video emails. A video message has a greater impact on the quality of the applicant.

Final Thoughts

Every year, organizations around the world spend a lot of money on building applicant traffic. On the other hand, candidates also dedicate time and effort to your open positions. The recruiter is responsible for maximizing this investment in demo ats and increasing productivity. By following the steps above, you will have a better chance of optimizing the performance of your applicant tracking system.

Sending an email

Your staffing solution platform includes email integration so you can scan and organize email messages from within the system. Clients and applicants can then communicate via email from within the system. Many of the staffing agency solutions come with advanced functions such as bulk and mass email, but there are a few that don’t.


You can keep track of your scheduled events at any time using staffing software that integrates calendars. Furthermore, appointments can schedule using the software. You will be able to provide a link to your calendar so that candidates can schedule an interview in your open slots with a staffing agency solution with calendar integration.

Media on social networks

Searches for potential candidates are conducted on LinkedIn and other social media platforms by HR professionals and recruiters. In their case, social media integration into staffing agency management software is the answer. You can search through social media platforms for passive candidates when using some of the staffing solutions.

Managed Vendor Services (VMS)

Vendor management systems (VMS) are special features not found in all staffing software. If you intend to use a VMS along with your staffing agency software, the best option would be to find a provider that integrates both systems.


Recruiters and HR professionals can use integrations to adapt staffing agency software to other third-party applications and software during the hiring process. The synchronization enables the users to have all the data in one place while increasing visibility, saving time, and ensuring that all processes are centralized. These are a few of the most important integrations that every staffing software must have:


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